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5驴友青龙峡迷路 吞雪解饥渴--亲稳网络舆情监控室
新京报讯 (记者刘洋 通讯员李健)昨天6时,经过怀柔警方、民间救援组织的9个小时搜救,在青龙峡附近野山中迷路的5名驴友获救脱险。
The Beijing news - (Reporters were reporter li)6 yesterday,After huairou police/Folk rescue organizations nine hours search and rescue,The black dragon canyon in near got lost in the wild five LvYou rescued escape.
In LvYou food water run out
LvYou ms. Chen tells,January 17,,She and six LvYou came to huairou area,The black dragon canyon in shimen mountain into the direction through the mountains,Start looking for ice organ.But in the middle,She with another one of your companions to advance down from the mountain,The other five LvYou is always in the mountains continue to play.And 6 PM,,She suddenly received five LvYou's distress call,Say five LvYou in got lost in the mountains,food/Drinking water and battery has run out.Due to the mobile phone is no electricity,5 LvYou use this last conversation,Hope she hurriedly alarm/For police to help.
Huairou public security sub-bureau political section director high than autumn is introduced,Received after the alarm,He and other 12 police hurried to the black dragon canyon reckoned to drive,And rushed to the scene of the wizard/HaoTian and other civil aid organizations,At 7 PM in the day,Began to search into.
"Because can not contact the men,We can only along the direction of the into their spread carpet search.At that time,The mountains night temperatures reached ten below zero degrees Celsius."With ZhangFang county north station is introduced,Add a few days ago it over the snow,Make the rugged/Forbidding mountain road also knot a layer of ice,Search work very difficult."A lot of police in the mountain fell back,Search progress is very slow".
The trapped person 11 hours down the mountain
It is understood,As rescuers were difficult to carry out the rescue,Trapped in the LvYou five,A physical good man down from the mountain.The man said,He was alone trying to down the mountain,Because of his one of your companions to hurt his head,Are in urgent need of drugs.
In under the guidance of the man,Rescue workers quickly determine the direction of the rescue.then,Rescue workers to rapidly promote the mountain.
Yesterday at about 4 in the morning,Rescue workers finally in the mountain of a broken house,Found waiting for rescue personnel trapped.
The rescue of the police is introduced,Trapped personnel for a long time of hunger and thirst,Have begun to eat the mountain snow.
Rescue workers immediately will bring food distribution to 5 trapped LvYou.The injured LvYou injury is not serious,After simple treatment,In the manual for the supplement,This LvYou said can independent down the mountain.
6 yesterday,The lost five LvYou saved down the mountain,Rescue work is all over.
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