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租车市场火爆 本地人租车自驾游比例增至50%--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  本报讯 (记者潘慕英)距离春节还有将近三周时间,在今年春节期间全国收费公路免收小型客车通行费的影响下,佛山租车市场已经进入“火爆”期。昨日,记者走访了禅城内的汽车租赁市场发现,今年租车订单比去年同期增长近三成,有租车行仅在一个星期内就租罄店内50辆汽车。其中月租价格在3500元至7000元之间的经济车型最受欢迎,目前“一车难求”。而与往年以外地人租车回家过年不同,今年本地人租车去周边地区自驾游也占了一半左右。

Report from our correspondent (Reporter PanMuYing)The Spring Festival and distance nearly three weeks,In this year during the Spring Festival the toll road from mini-bus under the influence of toll,Foshan car rental market has entered into"hot"period.yesterday,The reporter interviewed zen city car rental market found,This year's car rental order than last year the corresponding period grows nearly thirty percent,A car rental line only within a week Qing rent the fifty car.The monthly rent price 3500 yuan to 7000 yuan between economic models of the most popular,At present"It is difficult to find a car".And with the previous years with foreigner rental home New Year is different,This year local car rental to surrounding areas also accounted for about half the navigator.


经济车型最受欢迎 The most popular economic models


Yesterday afternoon,Reporter in chancheng district Fen jiangnan road a car when do consulting,Group was told that in almost all the vehicle has been rented Qing,Only the last car.According to the group chief introduction,From the 15th of this month began to accept the Spring Festival car rental order,Until yesterday,Just six days store fifty more car almost all rent out,Only last a car.


then,The reporter interviewed JiHua five road and multiplying road, the number of family car rental line found,Several car rental car do the Spring Festival"hot",Now want to rent the economy model vehicle has been more difficult.According to JiHua five road a car rental done chief introduction,From this month began arriving to car rental order,This year's order than last year the corresponding period grows thirty percent the left and right sides.He thinks,The toll road from mini-bus tolls news"stimulus"A lot of people went to the Spring Festival to prepare to go home rental."In previous years are to a week or so before the Spring Festival,But this year all order ahead of time."He also told reporters,Due to the hot car before the Spring Festival,At present foshan car rental market than usual charge your 5% to 10%."At present rent 3500 yuan to 7000 yuan between economical vehicles have basic rent Qing,Only a few more high models."


本地人租车自驾游占50% Local leading car rental accounted for 50%


In foshan usual car rental market,Car rental with different people and migrant workers in foshan business small boss give priority to.According to the car line is introduced,In this year's car rental in the crowd,Foshan native and foreign migrant workers each accounted for 50%.He analysis,Because is very popular in recent years leading,And this year's toll highway toll free mini-bus,Attracted many local car rental,The proportion of even as much as half.

  租车虽方便,但租车行相关负责人提醒,租车时“首先必须到持有营业执照和汽车租赁经营许可证的企业租车,千万不可选择私人车辆或黑车,并且应签订相关合同。”其次,应检查车辆的新旧程度,性能是否良好,是否存在质量问题、 安全隐患,备胎、随车工具等齐全有效。另外,最好选择新车。

Car rental is convenient,But the relevant person in charge of car rental do remind,rent"Must first to hold business license and car rental business license of enterprise car rental,Never choose private vehicles or black car,And should sign the related contract."secondly,Should check the vehicle's condition,Performance is good,Whether there are quality problem/ Safe hidden trouble,Spare tire/Lorry-mounted tools of complete and valid.In addition,Had better choose a new car.
