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During the Spring Festival the toll highway toll free mini-bus time is sure,Feb. 9 up to 15 days end.Said the ministry of communications,The ordinary highway to vehicle through the Toll Gate charge lane time shall prevail,Highway to the vehicle from the export charges lane time shall prevail,Free crossing not hairpin lift bar release.Spring Festival golden week,In recent years, always is a leading the people travel peak,But high speed holidays free policy on interest of leading LvYou is both joy and sorrow,Because of the strong desire to travel with or will appear high-speed congestion.For guangdong's leading lovers,Congestion and not only bitterness,The province north hot journey may also to face the ice and snow weather.so,We introduce some Spring Festival drive practical strategy,For people to do reference,To cope with the possible congestion/Such as the snow and ice roads.


A自驾前要做哪些准备? A drive to what should be done before the preparation?


During the Spring Festival to prepare to leading north guangdong province for tourists,To do homework very much.According to a drive like the old donkey said,During the Spring Festival north guangdong is snow,For no snow drive experience driver best don't drive,But if it is a drive to prepare.so,What preparation can't avoid it?


Senior breakdown service experts say,Drive to the north of the first preparation is to give the car before you start to do a full routine maintenance.Mainly includes the change"Three oil"(oil/Wave box oil/Direction machine power oil)/"such"(Oil every/Air every/Gasoline every)and"sanshui"(fangdongye/The rain wiper/Electromagnetic water).the,Three oil in the oil in the winter best with antifreeze,change"such"Can let the engine performance play better,"sanshui"The water tank with antifreeze liquid,The rain wiper also have antifreezing.secondly,Will check the tires,Tyre wear obvious will timely replacement,Because tire grain too shallow snow in winter the weather in difficult to catch,Yongfu road to the auto parts market to buy a chain in case all the more good for a while.In addition,Before departure must fill the tank.


And drive old LvYou is tell you,As a long-distance navigator,The car is necessary and supplies,To bring enough food and water,The best is the amount of more than three days,Because the highway toll free may cause the congestion,So do play"A protracted war"preparation.Long drive and easy to produce the feeling of fatigue,Ready to head waist apparatus and hold pillow can relieve the.In addition,Take a quilt or blanket,In the parking break used for heat preservation effect will be better.freezing,Cold medicine/Carsick medicine/Throat medicine,Even eye drops,Belong to smooth.


B自驾过程中如何应对 B drive process how to deal with


Highway free everyone believe that is a good thing,Leading to more pick up cheap feeling.But the premise is not appeared big traffic jam.because,2012 highway is one of National Day Mid-Autumn festival event list first toll free lead to the majority of the highway traffic jam.According to the report,Guangdong traffic department predicts,By the mini-bus toll free policy stimulus,Holidays will add a lot of leading vehicle travel,The Spring Festival in 2013 7 days holiday,The total amount of traffic is expected to more than 20 million vehicles,Last year increased by 79% than the Spring Festival.So this year Spring Festival navigator,The first is to avoid congestion travel peak.


Traffic people gave the advice is,Peak travel.Such as,Before long a day or two to the New Year's eve morning drive out of the city are the peak,Try to avoid is wonderful;But on February 15,,Namely annual people is the Spring Festival the last day of a vacation,After the peak passenger flow is undoubtedly,To avoid jam,Can avoid the collision.In addition,Different high-speed traffic also has a great deal of difference,Such as the beijing-zhuhai expressway/Guangshen highway/Guangfo highway and even not golden week may also congestion,Relative in recent years, the opening of the new high speed as clear even high speed/GuangHe and other high-speed traffic is less likely,So the drive line to choose good,Meet congestion best make a detour,In order to avoid stuck in traffic,dilemma.


Before you start filled a case of gasoline,It is difficult to meet the long journey,Some drivers will take gasoline in the car,Experienced breakdown service experts remind,Don't take gasoline in the car without permission,Because it is dangerous.He suggested that,Can see the station fill up,Don't wait oil alarm to action.If high speed traffic,The first high speed to a nearby gas station to go,Fill it up with oil to high speed.


The expert reminds,Before and after the Spring Festival is very easy to meet some extreme weather,Especially the rain and snow,So before you start and journey must pay attention to the weather forecast,Try to avoid the bad weather.In addition,Different regions,The weather characteristics are different,For example, in hunan should pay attention to fog,In jiangxi should pay attention to the snow and the frost.In these provinces had better avoid to drive better,Because night temperature low,Pavement frost.


Holiday travel peak,Highway traffic accidents are more likely to appear,If encountered,Need to calm down to.Small accident,Can side waiting for the traffic police processing,If it is big accident,Need to wait for at first the traffic police,Triangles in at least 200 meters away,To ensure that people have enough braking distance.A little to pay special attention to,Dealing with traffic accident,Don't stand between cars,Because it is very dangerous,In order to avoid secondary accident.


In addition,The weather is cold,Some people like to put the inside temperature adjustable high,Actually such long time instead of fatigue driving.LvYou suggests,In the open when coach put on more clothes,Heating temperature should be controlled within twenty degrees Celsius,Is suitable for.


If it is in free cake driver,A little can't ignore,Once in February 15, in 24,Vehicle CaiDian through the Toll Gate,Very easy to exceed the prescribed time,Even if more than a few seconds,In accordance with the relevant provisions to collect money,May, when necessary, under high speed in advance,Wait until after the time node on again.


C冰雪天如何应对 C ice and snow day how to deal with


In the Spring Festival drive journey,The most let usually don't have much snow day driving experience of guangdong driver headache,Is encountered the ice and snow weather.


Senior LvYou drive snow day driving experience is,Try not to night traffic,Driving on the way to the first and keep enough distance.secondly,Remember snow driving is the most important principle is slow,Slow speed,A touch on the brakes,Before turning certain reduction to 10 km/hour,Rely on inertia turn,When turning absolutely can't on the brakes,The feet should be placed on the throttle,But don't step on.Only when the grip is not enough,Then light step on the gas.again,If the snow lane not between change of snow,Don't change the line and overtake.If must be in line,Speed to reduce,Relying on the inertia in line,Control speed,On the brakes must be gentle,Try to DianCha.


In addition,Snow driving way some detail also cannot ignore.Before driving to check the tire pressure is enough,So as not to affect the tyre grip;Start the car in time,It is better to let the car in situ preheat a few minutes;Wiper blade will take inspection,The rain and snow the line of sight is not good,Wiper blade has a direct influence on the drive line of sight,If the result is bad will change in time;When the windscreen and fog,Should be open before/The windshield mist switch,Ensure good traffic line of sight,And eyes jump in and observe traffic;If go highway,Need to pay attention to beware of Bridges/Culvert and pavement in case not melt ice,Prone to slip;If the road with white snow,Because of the reflectivity big,Had better wear sunglasses to protect his eyes driving.And when parking,To avoid as far as possible in the snow on the ground parking,If you must with snow hill parking,To ensure that there is enough space to leave the parking Spaces,Because move parking become very difficult.


(Li stub)
