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Recently Taiwan taitung a restaurant recovery ort supply to mainland tourists news is still in the continuous fermentation,And earlier kaohsiung a beef shop be exposed to the leftovers will sell to mainland tourists,Similar things continual appear,Makes the experts, scholars and practitioners have to pay attention to the quality problem of the tour to Taiwan.How to regulate to the table to swim,If you need the legislation safeguard order become the focus of people calling attention.More professionals think,To visit the island should swim to set a single day minimum consumption amount,To ensure the quality of tourism to Taiwan.In fact,On to the table swim out minimum standard that there has been,But the market have been broken,On the influence of the market price is the most essential,In the related condition to make such provisions,Will only excessive intervention to Taiwan tour market normal operation.
Since July 2008 mainland tourists to Taiwan since Taiwan tourism,The mainland residents to Taiwan tourism long-cherished wish can be realized,Used to see in the textbook alishan/Sun Moon Lake to visit, etc.The mainland residents to Taiwan travel broaden the channels of communication,Enhance the people on both sides of the mutual understanding,To strengthen the mutual feelings,Expanded the scale of the communication,The tourism has become an important part of the cross-straits relations.On 6 January 2013,Two sides across the Taiwan strait tourism exchange association figures showed,In 2012, the mainland residents to Taiwan tourism with a total staff of 1.9732 million people.The other relevant departments to statistics according to Taiwan,The mainland tourists to Taiwan Taiwan accounted for the proportion of the total number of inbound tourism has risen to about 36%,The market share of Japanese than second nearly 15% higher,In Taiwan's first big tourist market entry.
According to the TaiFang statistics,In the last four years the mainland tourists to Taiwan has reached 5 million people,To Taiwan to more than 230 billion new Taiwan dollars of the economic benefits,In the push for Taiwan's tourism and related industry development has played an important role.The rapid development of tourism in Taiwan,Hard to avoid can produce some quality problems,But if the quality problem to as single day consumption amount is too low/Low cost/Reception capacity is not enough,I'm afraid I can't hold.As long as it's not zero negative membership fee,The high cost of a high cost to play,Low cost have low cost of play,Now to the Taiwan team has been swimming is popular,And to the Taiwan tourism needs certain income threshold,So in price,To market to choose words,Not will appear as southeast Asia 999 yuan 5 days to swim this trip,The tourism and coordination agency will not allow to appear such circumstance.
In Taiwan to swim at the beginning of the opening,Guangdong appeared many travel agencies in Taiwan without authorization to swim out single day minimum consumption amount of practice,But because of monopoly have been stopped.It is for this kind of practice violates the rules of the market,Will be an emergency stop,If the institution or the industry association in addition to the threshold excessive intervention Taiwan tour market operation,The market economy is completely against the rules of the game.It is found that,In fact appear ort supply to mainland tourists event,Is not zero negative cost problem,Is not the problem of low mass,Like the earlier geohiong (kaohsiung) the beef noodles shop,Originally is a very famous features shops,Everyone is over to eat,Rather than travel arrangement in the past,The store the reason that has this problem,Because of its illegal business is caused,And not forced to cause.In the moral level,It is in violation of the enterprise of social morality,Lack of social responsibility,Ignoring visitors food safety,Should reflect on why it is more prosperous business visitors will appear such circumstance,Not to find problems on visitors,Wrong object.
Since the individual visit to Taiwan since opening up,Taiwan swim further opening,And free done quality is also continuously improve.Freedom ride effectively put an end to the so-called zero negative membership fee/Problems such as the zhichang purchase,Although Taiwan tourism reception a lot more pressure,But more tourists,Employment opportunity too much,Freedom ride tourists drive economic development effect also will be even more significant.Tourism development needs of the development of thought,Increasingly open market is unstoppable trend,And less interference/More self-discipline,The development of tourism market is a good direction.Believe that with free done further popularization,Taiwan tourism quality to catch more strictly,Similar problems could be found.But such a discovery is to tourism market purification a positive effect,Not found the problem does not mean there is no problem,Found a problem to solve to guard against,Is according to the rules of market development.
Tourism development needs of the development of thought,Increasingly open market is unstoppable trend,And less interference/More self-discipline,The development of tourism market is a good direction.
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