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ALPINE PRO 阿尔派妮2013秋冬产品订货会举行--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  1月21-23日,ALPINE PRO(阿尔派妮)品牌主张发布会暨2013秋冬产品订货会在北京捷克大使馆举行。ALPINE PRO 2013秋冬新品系列秉承“时尚家庭户外”理念,扩展亲子和情侣产品系列,更适合全家一起户外时穿着。新品最大亮点:2013年冲锋衣采用Nanomax面料,防水透气功能更强,防水40000mm,透气80000mg/㎡/24hr,RET≤1.5。软壳产品系列除了满足高防水防风透气的需求,穿着柔软舒适,里衬加棉更保暖,还满足一家人出行时亲子装或情侣装的需求,提供男款、女款和儿童产品系列。滑雪服继续扩展情侣款和亲子款产品,填充物使用Primaloft和Thermo-cool,保暖的同时也最大程度地减轻衣服重量。

January 21-23,,ALPINE PRO(AErPa ni)Brand manifesto conference and 2013 qiu dong product order in Beijing held by the embassy of the Czech republic.ALPINE PRO 2013 qiu dong new product series adhering to the"Fashion family outdoor"concept,Extended parent-child and sweethearts series products,More suitable for family outdoor together when wearing.New largest window:In 2013 the Nanomax charge clothing fabrics,Waterproof breathable function more strong,Waterproof 40000 mm,Breathable 80000 mg / ㎡ / 24 hr,RET acuities were 1.5.Soft shell products in addition to meet the needs of high waterproof wind ventilation,Wearing soft and comfortable,In line with cotton more warm,Still meet the family when travel parent-child outfit or sweethearts outfit needs,Male money to provide/Female money and children's products.Ski suit continue to expand couple) and parent-child product,Packing use Primaloft and Thermo - cool,Warm also maximum reduce weight clothes.

  活动现场,ALPINE PRO中国总经理Tomas阐述了品牌主张和发展理念。

The activity at the site,ALPINE PRO China Tomas general manager on the brand position and development concept.

  ALPINE PRO(阿尔派妮),源自布拉格,时尚家庭户外运动品牌先锋。90年代初,大学时代的Hrbek开始用画笔设计滑雪服,并请工厂加工制作,同学们非常喜欢这位业余服装设计师的作品,纷纷下订单。自此,Hrbek和自己最要好的同学Fedos开始构思,为更多热爱户外运动的家庭提供功能性、时尚、新潮的户外装备。

ALPINE PRO(AErPa ni),From Prague,Fashion family outdoor sports brand pioneer.In the early 90 s,University of times Hrbek began to use the brush design ski suit,And please factory processing production,The students like the spare clothing designer's work,In order.Since then,Hrbek and their best students Fedos began to design,For more love outdoor sports family provide functional/fashion/Trendy of outdoor equipment.

  1996年,ALPINE PRO成立,产品线涵盖户外服装、滑雪服、鞋、背包、配件等,并配备丰富的成人款和儿童款,为全家出行提供整套装备。发展至今,ALPINE PRO在欧洲28个国家成功开设品牌专营店300多家,并成为捷克和斯洛伐克奥林匹克国家队的官方赞助商。截至2012年底,ALPINE PRO在中国的终端销售达400家,2013年继续拓展销售渠道。

In 1996,,ALPINE PRO established,Product line covers outdoor clothing/Ski suit/shoes/backpack/accessories,And equipped with rich in adults and children),Travel for the family to provide a complete set of equipment.Development so far,ALPINE PRO in Europe and countries set up successful brand boutique: more than 300 home,The Czech republic and Slovakia and become an official sponsor of the Olympic team.By the end of 2012,ALPINE PRO in China's terminal sales amounted to 400,2013 continue to expand the sales channels.

  发布会现场,来自捷克的户外爱好者和大家分享他们与家人一起户外的经历和心得,家庭户外在欧洲已经成为大众的生活方式,让孩子从小接触、了解自然,同时也在轻松的氛围中增进家人之间的感情。 ALPINE PRO致力于推动家人一起户外,“行愈远,心愈近”,享受轻松、舒适户外生活的同时,增进家人之间的亲情。

conference,From the Czech republic of outdoor enthusiasts and share them together with family outdoor experience and experience,Family outdoor in Europe has become a popular way of life,Let the child contact/To understand the natural,At the same time also in relaxed atmosphere improve the affection between the family. ALPINE PRO devotes itself to promoting outdoor, along with the family,"Do far more,Heart near the",Enjoy easy/Comfortable outdoor life at the same time,Improve the affection between family members.

  而家庭户外在中国刚刚兴起,全家一起户外对于孩子的人格塑造具有正面意义,驴友“火烧”和大家分享她和家人的户外生活方式。ALPINE PRO希望在中国成为家庭户外文化的倡导者,让更多的家庭将户外运动作为生活的一部分,体验全家一起户外时的乐趣,生活更加温馨、幸福、健康。

And family outdoor in China just rise,The family together for children outdoor personality mold has a positive meaning,LvYou"fire"And share her family's outdoor lifestyle.ALPINE PRO hope in China to become the family outdoor culture advocates,Let more families will be outdoor sports as a part of life,Experience with family outside of fun,Life more warm/happiness/health.

  ALPINE PRO 2013冲锋衣新品在面料方面进行革新,采用Nanomax面料,适用寒冷、高温、大风、灰尘、雨雪等恶劣天气。防水透气功能更强,防水40000mm,透气80000mg/㎡/24hr,RET≤1.5。Nanomax纳米多孔PTFE膜约0.03微米大、10-50微米厚,比常见微孔膜还要小,其抵抗静水压力的能力明显高于市场其它竞争对。纤维颗粒之间可透过96%湿气,具备完美的防护性、超高标准的耐用性、高抗油污性等特点。

ALPINE PRO 2013 charge new clothes in fabrics on innovation,The Nanomax fabrics,Apply cold/High temperature/the/dust/Rain weather.Waterproof breathable function more strong,Waterproof 40000 mm,Breathable 80000 mg / ㎡ / 24 hr,RET acuities were 1.5.Nanomax nano porous PTFE film about 0.03 microns big/10 - fifty microns thick,Than common microporous membrane smaller,The hydrostatic pressure resistance ability is obviously higher than that of the rest of the market to competition.Fiber between particles through 96% moisture,Have perfect protective/High standards of durability/High pollution characteristics.

  软壳产品系列满足高防水防风透气的需求,穿着柔软舒适,里衬加棉更保暖,重量更轻体积更小功能更好。为了一家人出行,ALPINE PRO提供男款、女款和儿童产品系列。采用YKK防水拉链,使得整件服装的防水功能更佳。复合面料结合Windbarrier薄膜,防水8000MM。采用DWR技术,防水效果更佳,超轻的毛绒底层更保暖,不会增加产品的重量。采用镭射热压技术,产品更加简洁高端,夹底的倒梯形结构为运动提供更多的方便。SSS收紧系统,拉链拉手、袖口魔术贴、暖手口袋等细节尽显设计师的细心周到。人体工学技术立体裁剪,更适合运动时穿着,在各种户外运动和天气中发挥卓越的功能。

Soft shell products to meet the needs of high waterproof wind ventilation,Wearing soft and comfortable,In line with cotton more warm,Weight lighter smaller function better.In order to family trip,ALPINE PRO provide male money/Female money and children's products.Use YKK waterproof zipper,The pieces of clothing waterproof function better.Composite fabrics with Windbarrier film,Waterproof 8000 mm.The DWR technology,Waterproof effect is much better,Super light pile bottom more warm,Does not increase the weight of the product.Using laser hot pressing technology,Our products more concise high-end,Clamp bottom DaoTiXing structure for sports to provide more convenient.SSS tightening system,Zipper puller/Cuff magic stick/Warm hand bag etc details all show stylist considerate.Ergonomic draping technology,More suitable for sports wear,In all kinds of outdoor sports and weather plays the function of excellence.


2013 ski suit enhance functional/Our products more fashion/Style more trendy/Continue to expand couple) and parent-child product.Packing use Primaloft and Thermo - cool,Ensure that the cold at the same time also to the greatest extent reduce weight clothes.The surface of the fabric have been DWR super anti splash water treatment,Maximum guarantee wind and waterproof function.


2013 shoes product has also carried on the innovation,Designer developing a unique sole,The fusion control technology,Asymmetric sole maximum guarantee in rough topography of the slippery wear-resisting function.EVA filler material in the sole and middle layer to reduce the impact of the motion.To strengthen the support of,Reduce foot fatigue and damage,Enhance heel in the movement process of stability,In the outdoor sports,For the protection of the feet to provide a comfortable!


 关于ALPINE PRO(阿尔派妮) About ALPINE PRO(AErPa ni)

  ALPINE PRO源自布拉格,时尚家庭户外运动品牌先锋。90年代初,大学时代的Hrbek开始用画笔设计滑雪服,并请工厂加工制作,同学们非常喜欢这位业余服装设计师的作品,纷纷下订单。尝到了甜头的Hrbek和自己最要好的同学Fedos开始构思,为更多热爱户外运动的家庭提供功能性、时尚、新潮的户外装备。

ALPINE PRO from Prague,Fashion family outdoor sports brand pioneer.In the early 90 s,University of times Hrbek began to use the brush design ski suit,And please factory processing production,The students like the spare clothing designer's work,In order.Taste the sweet taste of Hrbek and their best students Fedos began to design,For more love outdoor sports family provide functional/fashion/Trendy of outdoor equipment.

  1996年,ALPINE PRO成立,产品线涵盖户外服装、滑雪服、鞋、背包、配件等,并配备丰富的成人款式和孩童款式,为全家出行提供整套装备。

In 1996,,ALPINE PRO established,Product line covers outdoor clothing/Ski suit/shoes/backpack/accessories,And equipped with rich adult style and children style,Travel for the family to provide a complete set of equipment.


The young brand with has the trendy/creative/The daily dress sense of design style,More than a dozen patents technology development alone.has,Success in Europe and countries set up brand boutique: more than 300 home,The Czech republic and Slovakia and become an official sponsor of the Olympic team.

  ALPINE PRO相信,全家一起出行时“行愈远,心愈近(Near,Far,Together)”,ALPINE PRO希望成为家庭户外文化的倡导者,让更多的家庭将户外运动作为业余生活的一部分,拥有更加温馨幸福、亲密无间的亲情体验。

ALPINE PRO believe,When the whole family get together to travel"Do far more,Heart near the(near,Far,Together)",ALPINE PRO hopes to become a family outdoor culture advocates,Let more families will be outdoor sports as a part of life,Have more sweet happiness/Intimacy family love experience.
