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[提要]: [abstract]:昨日,广州铁路公安局在接受媒体电话采访时证实,佛山因帮民工代订车票并收取手续费而被刑拘的夫妻已被取保候审。行为是否属"倒卖"存争议;广州铁路警方日前表示,考虑变更强制措施。[ yesterday,Guangzhou railway public security bureau to the media in the telephone interview confirmed,Foshan for help migrant workers train ticket and collection poundage and concentrated by XingJu couple has been a guarantor pending trial.Behavior whether belong to"stripping"controversial;Guangzhou railway police said,Consider change compulsory measures.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information

  新京报讯 昨日,广州铁路公安局在接受媒体电话采访时证实,佛山因帮民工代订火车票并收取手续费而被刑拘的夫妻已被取保候审。昨日中午,这对夫妻的姐姐也向记者证实了这一消息。

The Beijing news - yesterday,Guangzhou railway public security bureau to the media in the telephone interview confirmed,Foshan for help migrant workers train ticket and collection poundage and concentrated by XingJu couple has been a guarantor pending trial.At noon yesterday,The couple's sister to the reporter also confirmed the news.


According to media reports before,The couple,Husband ZhongQuan frame,25 years old;His wife lobular,23 years old.Two people are in criminal detention,New less than three months.According to ZhongQuan frame to the police replacement,Last November,In a web site to see a rail ticket information,Just think of using open shop convenience,On the Internet near for migrant workers order train ticket,Collect each 10 yuan fee.


January 10, in the afternoon at about 1,Railway policeman dealt with ZhongQuan frame shop,Seized 212 pieces of tickets,Par value 35402 yuan,At the same time also seized 213 tickets use id card,And spot will bell/Leaves caught two couples.


Husband and wife XingJu is controversial,Debate focus on this behavior is actually act as purchasing agency or the stripping,ZhouZe famous lawyer in Beijing to accept the new reporters said,"Ticket scalping sin"establishment,Is built on the basis of tickets can flow,Anyone can buy the tickets,And have the ownership of the train ticket,In the ticket tense situation,Infinite tariffs,Thus appear in ticket behavior,Destroy the market order."But after the real train ticket,The judicial interpretation on speculative reselling of tickets have no the applicable objects."


GuangTie a police official has a radio show in the said,In the new judicial interpretation issued before,According to the specific circumstances of the couple and their attitude,Consider change some compulsory measures.

  ■ 对话 S dialogue

  “我打了法律的‘擦边球’” "I hit the law‘Edge ball’"

  当事人认为自己法律知识欠缺,表示日后愿意免费给民工订票 The parties think they lack of legal knowledge,Said in the future would like to give free tickets for migrant workers


Last night at about 9,Due to several rounds of media interviews,Back to my sister's ZhongQuan frame dinner haven't finished eating.Although, hungry and tired,But he still accepted the Beijing news interview.


ZhongQuan frame and not for what had happened to her show anger,But think you are doing something"illegal".ZhongQuan frame told reporters his small"plan",Hope free tickets for rural migrant workers,Return society and care for his people.


 赚辛苦钱 Make hard money


The Beijing news:How did you first think of to booking the money?


ZhongQuan frame:At first I do clothing business,Business is always light,I surf the Internet to make money for the project,Inadvertently found to generation filling words fee,Train ticketing,Commission to make money,In November was hanging brand do generation train ticket business.


The Beijing news:How to decide the ten yuan fee?


ZhongQuan frame:At first I book a ticket is especially the 5 yuan.Thought is,Book a ticket booking point charge 5 yuan,I also accept 5 yuan,As much.I also heard of HuangNiuDang selling ticket will get caught,But I and booking check and accept the money,There can be no wrong.


But many people do not want to book the ticket is to run a trip to the railway station and ticket.So we will help you to collect the tickets booking point,Booking point will receive 5 yuan fee,This became ten yuan.


The Beijing news:Was there any aware that this behavior may be beyond the law?


ZhongQuan frame:Didn't think,Because the system after the ticket,I think I am accepted a service fee,Or hard fee,To gang booking,Not high stripping.Is really a hard earned money,Do you think,My wife and I busy for more than a month,Commission earned 3000 yuan,A man stands 1500 yuan.

  犯了错误 Made a mistake


The Beijing news:What time do you know booking it may bring you trouble?


ZhongQuan frame:1 October, the police to arrest me that day.Although they didn't say why arrest me,But I want to want to go to,Perhaps only generation train ticket it has a problem.


The Beijing news:Be XingJu after you were you thinking?


ZhongQuan frame:Very be afraid,If I found my two years of imprisonment,How can that do?Here the having a bad time.


The Beijing news:Feel wronged??You only make so little money,Could such a heavy sentence?


ZhongQuan frame:Don't wrong,Who call I made a mistake,I was punished is also should.I am regret,Regret was not learn legal knowledge,Their mistake all don't know.


The Beijing news:But many lawyers speak for you,After the system that train ticket,The judicial interpretation on speculative reselling of tickets is not used,Your behavior does not constitute a"stripping"Train ticket.


ZhongQuan frame:I now this behavior in the system after the ticket,Is a"Blank area",The former law tube not to.Of course I hope the court can give me sets,Or innocent.But I understand with their heart,Even by them,I also play the law"Edge ball",To do so is also shouldn't advocate.

  连累老婆 Compromised wife


The Beijing news:When informed can guarantor pending trial?


ZhongQuan frame:Yesterday evening,The police told me,Leadership research my situation,Agree to give me a guarantor pending trial.


The Beijing news:At that time the mood how to?


ZhongQuan frame:Very happy.Would also like to thank the police law enforcement humanization,Considering I just get married,Home economy bad,Let me go home New Year's day.


The Beijing news:I didn't know I would come out so quickly?


ZhongQuan frame:yes,Just came in,They told me to go back home estimate the New Year.My heart is very sad.Is not only a sad,Also special sorry,Feel sorry wife.She is a woman,Trust me is only and I got married,Who knows to three months of her trouble.In the house of detention and tears.


The Beijing news:So what do you plan to do in the future,Should not"again"!?


ZhongQuan frame:(smile)Won't.but,I really want to,In the future I can free tickets for migrant workers.


The Beijing news:why?


ZhongQuan frame:Do you think,Online ticket was window than two days in advance,These migrant workers are mostly forty or fifty years old,Won't surf the Internet,Very hard also can't buy tickets.They find me when booking,Will complain,No network when the ticket,In the window a queue for hours to often can get tickets,But now almost can't buy tickets,Not to mention sit ticket.I had, of course, is to make your own money,But I hope I can continue to help them.

  ■ 相关新闻 S related news

  黔来京打工者 代购票被拘 Qian migrant tickets generation facilities


until"Foshan small husband and wife booking"Events are each media reports,Liao yuan has found,What had happened to her and the couple is very similar.43, liao yuan there is guizhou wanshan district people,To Beijing has lasted for five years,In the northern six ring run a sale/Assembly maintenance computer stores.


According to liao yuan is about,In 2011,There have been more than villagers to its help,Hope manifold can help to buy train tickets.Tickets after the completion of,Villagers have to he expressed his gratitude,Also some people gave him a few yuan to pay the remuneration,It makes liao yuan have the germination"Act as purchasing agency tickets"idea.


The end of October 2011,Liao yuan have in their stores stick out with"Act as purchasing agency tickets"brochures,And mark commission for eight yuan,Since then his successful help about one hundred people in order to train ticket.


In January 2012, 4 days late,With many papers in the window of the Beijing west railway station take votes,Liao yuan have found six gathered around a plain-clothes police,Said he suspected of speculative reselling of tickets,And will he take away.


According to liao yuan have a show[Criminal judgment]display,Prosecution authority says,From the defendant liao yuan have QiHuo bags to the northwest of the city of mianyang/Beijing to qiqihar and so on each place ticket and zhang,Par value of RMB 7757 yuan.


Prosecution organ charges,The defendant liao yuan in its internal,Each ticket to charge $8 to 12 yuan means in the ticket,Benefit from.Court according to law liao yuan have committed SINS in the ticket,Sentenced to criminal detention six months,Shall also be fined eight thousand yuan.


In July 2012,Liao yuan have expiry of criminal detention,Have been released.He is still in the northern six ring business shop,At the same time also for what had happened to her appeal.

  本组稿件/新京报记者 孔璞 朱柳笛

The manuscript/Beijing news reporter KongPu ZhuLiuDi




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