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京沪高铁客票收入超预期 多项成本未明--亲稳网络舆情监控室
China best benefit a high iron line - the beijing-shanghai high iron 2012 ticket income than expected,But when can draw with cost is not clear.
yesterday(and)day,Riches are quoted a close to the beijing-shanghai high iron co., LTD(Referred to as"Beijing-shanghai high iron")If people reported:"In 2012 the beijing-shanghai high iron co., LTD. Ticket income for 17.38 billion yuan,Does not contain advertising revenue peace station shops income."The report called for,The beijing-shanghai high iron division director zhao said,Income of 17.38 billion yuan also including across line income,At present has not yet been published express digital audit,The last number has not yet been determined,No hand in the board of directors.
In 2008, China international financial crisis after the outbreak of the railway investment increase,Among them, and with high iron is in the majority.In spite of the ministry of railways minister liu zhijun and case"7 · 23"The influence of dynamic car accident,High iron investment once cooling,But from 2012 railway infrastructure investment data to see,Increase the railway investment is still the country's policy direction.
After four times adjustment,In 2012, the railway construction investment plan from 406 billion yuan to 516 billion yuan additional,An increase of 110 billion yuan,The actual investment of 518.51 billion yuan,A 12.7% increase from the previous year.In 2013,,The ministry of railways fixed assets investment plan for 650 billion yuan,The basic construction investment of 520 billion yuan,More than 5200 km of new production.
Cicc in previous study, released the report says,Although 2013 investment plan infrastructure investment slightly lower than expected,But this relatively conservative planning mainly due to the change of government has not yet been completed and the problem of funds, etc.With the change of leadership finish,Will not rule out the possibility of increase investment plan.
With a view,High in iron transport capacity underutilization/Under the condition of still lose money,Lunar month of 30 days high iron more than ordinary railway building,Think it is more practical to increase freight/The actual capacity of passenger.
“多项成本未明” "A number of cost is unknown"
At the end of June 2012,The ministry of railways in the beijing-shanghai high iron opened in a week when announced,The yearly passenger transportation to 52.6 million people,But did not disclose the specific financial data.Any more money as a word of the personage inside course of study reports,At present the beijing-shanghai high iron income condition"Than expected",In the first year of opening,Income can cover operation and loan interest expense,Cash flow is positive.
The report called for,The beijing-shanghai high iron from 30 June 2011 to traffic,After half a year operation ticket income reached 7 billion yuan,And in July 2012 a month of income is 1.86 billion yuan,The first operation income when has more than ten billion yuan.
Beijing jiaotong university economic management academy professor ZhaoJian yesterday in an interview with reporters that morning,Ticket revenue Numbers and not much meaning,In addition,Send the number is not representative traffic density,The beijing-shanghai high in iron,50 million people of sending number of,In nanjing on/Get off to wuxi is also calculate 1 person,Traffic density refers to the average per kilometer send people,Only the traffic density can create income."The beijing-shanghai high iron flat cash flow,But far from recovery cost."ZhaoJian said.
ZhaoJian said,The government and the ministry of railways are expected level high iron more than ten years to recover the cost,"Very optimistic",But he thinks it's not possible.Riches are reported,Generally speaking,High iron line is the ideal state is:During the four years,The operation period of six years without pressure.In the third year in operation or the fourth year,The depreciation of fixed assets included in the balance is reached,67 years after operation can begin to repayment of capital.
this,ZhaoJian explanation for three reasons:a/For to railway,Depreciation is a piece of very high cost,But the present depreciation is mor internal cash flow,Is don't hand over to money,Count the depreciation should be losses.two/How much is the cost of other mor has not been announced.The third influence the beijing-shanghai high iron profit factor is entrusted operating charges.
According to the new wealth in September 2012 reports,At present domestic high iron operation mode is,Line project company will high iron line entrusted to the ministry of railways subordinate of railway operation,And to pay for railway administration by operating charges.The general line project company and railway administration is operating income into negotiations,Sign the contract by operation.
According to ZhaoJian introduced,At present the beijing-shanghai railway by three railway operation,But also"Don't know how cent"."Shanghai railway bureau in 2012 to over 130 losses,This may come from the beijing-shanghai high iron,Because it think the operating costs low."ZhaoJian said,"The railway station and the loss,The ministry of railways cash flow is still can,Don't know.There are many uncertain factors."
“运力仍未充分利用” "Capacity is still not make full use of"
ZhaoJian pointed out that,At present China's high iron problem is transport capacity can not make full use of.
Because of the relatively high ticket prices,High iron in braided in section is given priority to,Instead of 16 day organization.ZhaoJian calculate a bill:If you don't build high iron,And repair common rail,In the beijing-shanghai railway/rail/Shanghai-chengdu line on the channel,Article 2 the double line railway,1 the ordinary multiline a day to send 140 car,If two is 280 for the car,The forty for freight,The rest of 240 can be used for passenger transport.With a train shipped 1500 calculation,1 car eighteen day organization,One day a direction can send 360000 people,Travel to sell sro tickets,One direction can be shipped 720000 people,"This passage will not vote is hard to find!"ZhaoJian said.
"High iron is not:To beijing-shanghai railway as an example,Now there are 100 or so of the train,Many are eight day organization,Even if one day to send 100,The actual only to fifty,But the capacity is at least 160,Capacity not make full use of."ZhaoJian said.
Beijing jiaotong university transportation economic theory and policy institute vice director LiGongChang yesterday morning in an interview with reporters said,China will further increase the railway construction is an indisputable fact,He advocated to freight railway/Inter-city railway/Local railway is given priority to.
ZhaoJian think,The future will be more and more high iron construction,But he is not worried about security,But the growing burden of debt,"The problem is investment these assets will be able to create income."
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