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  「富国高银雪地马球世界杯赛2013」(雪地马球世界杯)于2013年2月3日,在天津环亚国际马球会圆满闭幕。本次赛事作为规模最大及极高级别的国际马球赛事之一,继2012年成功在天津环亚国际马球会成功举办后,今年再一次强势回归,成为全亚洲第二届雪地马球世界杯赛。本次赛事主办单位为中国马术协会和国际马球联合会 (FIP) ,并由天津市体育局、香港马球运动及推广协会、天津马球运动协会承办。各个单位全力支持及参与,共襄盛举。

"Rich high silver snow polo World Cup 2013"(Snow polo World Cup)On February 3, 2013,In tianjin huanya international polo will has come to an end.This event as the largest and most advanced other international polo matches in the world,After 2012 years of success in tianjin huanya international polo will succeed after held,Once again this year back stronger,All of Asia as the second snow polo World Cup.The event organizer for Chinese equestrian association and the international federation of polo (FIP) ,And the tianjin sports bureau/Hong Kong polo sports and promotion association/Tianjin polo sports association undertakes.Each unit to support and participation,Join us.


The snow polo World Cup top team gathered 12 countries and regions to participate in the team JingYingDui horse,Each level are 14 to 16 level,9 team is from the world polo national top ten,Strength special,Daniele arrigoni launched a the polo event.This 12 a polo countries JingYingDui were from known as polo holy land of Argentina/Has more than one hundred years history of Australia polo/And Brazil/Canada/Chile/England/France/The rich high silver snow polo World Cup champion Hong Kong, China/India/New Zealand,South Africa and the United States.After yesterday the splendid intense semi-final,Hong Kong beat England,Argentina team defeated the South African.Team China won Hong Kong and Argentina today a wonderful title race,Hong Kong China took thecrown again,Become champions.


The first game for England and play for the third,Both teams are from a long polo history of nation,To meet the snow started intense for the game.Get used to the cold winter climate England with the determination to win and from tropical climate final contest.Even if has missed trophy,The location of the third will still let them and their supporters have the power to celebrate.And the South African also not resigned to playing second fiddle,Every play always go all out and full of admirable sports competitive spirit,But they could not control the situation in game success.

  比赛一开始南非队就被迫处于防御状态,情势颇为不利。英格兰不断步步进攻对方球门让南非队陷入被动,并在第一小节比赛中失去了两次罚球得分的机会,却让英格兰队的种子选手James Harper反转利用罚球机会直角进球拿下2分。第二小节比赛情况并未好转,除了南非队队员Tom De Bruin奋力防守可圈可点之外,英格兰队的配合越发天衣无缝,在不断给Harper提供进球机会之后,他们又再次打进两球。就在英格兰队享受胜利在望的喜悦之时,第三小节比赛却提醒了英格兰队不可掉以轻心。南非队的De Bruin仿佛马背上的骑士,漂亮的几个带球将先前的失分扳回3分,给了南非队支持者们希望。但南非队支持者们的希望却在最后一节破灭,英格兰队球员Oliver Hipwood和George Meyrick又各进一球,比赛以6:3结束,英格兰队获得季军。

At the beginning of the game was forced to play on the defensive,Situation is bad.England step constantly attack the other goal for the South African into passive,And in the first section of the game lost two free throws opportunities to score,But let England seeds James Harper inversion using penalty rectangular goals scored two points.The second section of the game did not improve,In addition to the South African team Tom De Bruin outside to defense moments,England with the more perfect,Continuously to provide chances to score after Harper,They again scored two goals.In England to enjoy the joy of victory in sight of,The third section game was a reminder of the England team cannot treat STH lightly.Play as De Bruin on horseback knight,Several beautiful the previous points will be pulled three points,To the South African supporters hope.But the South African supporters hope is in the final quarter burst,England player Oliver Hipwood and George Meyrick and each into a ball,In the end game ",England won third place.


The title race today by the Chinese Hong Kong and Argentina's great.Before the start of the two countries solemn national anthem like the fierce battle hymn,Is very excited.Hong Kong China holding to win the confidence of the people,But the game still remain serious attitude and sports competitive spirit.Argentina may still be a session of the shadow of the contest,But the spirit of sports participation is also let them ready for.

  赛场上双方队员都在全力以赴地拼抢,因为他们知道任何一个分神和错误都有可能让自己与冠军失之交臂。中国香港队在第一小节比赛中打进一球,这一球亦是整节比赛唯一的进球,但这并没有为己方树立任何优势。阿根廷队的Dario Musso不但具有高超的防守技术,其过人的反手控球技术和骑术同样让对手不敢小觑。Dario Musso在第二小节利用其所有的优势为阿根廷队打进两球,似乎让观众觉得阿根廷队很有希望摘冠。不过正如阿根廷队队长Santiago Gaztambide所强调的,“在雪地马球比赛中,你永远无法过早地预料比赛的结果,如果你认为自己将要赢了,也许结果会大相径庭。”

The field players are in full sail congested,Because they know any distraction and errors are likely to miss with the champions.Hong Kong of China in the first section to score a goal,The ball is also the whole quarter the only goal,But this is not for our set up any advantage.Argentina Dario Musso not only have great defense technology,The great backhand ball control and riding the same opponents can't underestimate.Dario Musso in the second section use all of its advantage to Argentina his two goals,Seems to let the audience think Argentina hkbu is hopeful.But as Argentina captain Santiago Gaztambide emphasized,"In snow polo game,You can never prematurely expect the result of the game,If you think you will win,Maybe the results will vary widely."

  中国香港队似乎证明了这一点,他们在第三小节比赛中明智地改变了战术,以长传球的进攻为主,而不是一味地防守。此战术立刻取得了效果,继Martin Inchauspe的两次进球之后,防守队员John Fisher也打进了此次比赛的第一个球。阿根廷队在最后一节比赛中已经进入苦战,虽然奋力追回两球,但中国香港队见缝插针打进第5球,并将这一优势一直保持到比赛结束。在赛后采访中被问及冠军秘诀及最让人铭记的精彩瞬间时,中国香港队的队员们显示出了作为一个王者运动中冠军球队应有的谦逊,球队经理人Dennis Loh总结说:“他们每天保证充足的睡眠,按时用午餐,面对此次比赛就像其他所有比赛一样一丝不苟。因为他们心无杂念,只是比赛时竭尽全力,结果他们就赢了。”

China's Hong Kong seems to prove it,In the third section game they wisely changed tactics,With the long ball attack is given priority to,Rather than blindly defense.The tactical immediately made effect,After Martin Inchauspe two after scoring,Defender John Fisher also scored the first goal of the game.Argentina in the last quarter has been into the struggle hard,Although the two goals to recover,But China's Hong Kong avail oneself of every opportunity scored 5 goals,And this advantage always keep to the end of the game.In his post-match interview asked champion secret and most let a person remember the wonderful moment,China's Hong Kong players showed as a kingdom of movement champions due humility,The team manager Dennis Loh concluded:"They make sure you get enough sleep,Lunch on time,In the face of the game just like all the other game meticulosity.Because their heart is no distracting thoughts,The game is the best,As a result, they will win."

  在「富国高银雪地马球世界杯赛2013」闭幕仪式上,国际马球联合会总裁查德•卡利先生分别为各个队伍颁发了奖牌,同时凯歌香槟(Veuve Clicquot)也为各队送了香槟酒。此次冠军奖杯则由高银集团主席潘苏通先生亲自颁发给冠军队—中国香港队。由英国知名银器制造大师Thomas Lyte铸造的奖杯似乎很重,潘先生将奖杯举起并隆重交给中国香港队,奖杯被两名球员再次高高举起,气氛达到高潮。五彩烟弹腾空而起,香槟四溢,「富国高银雪地马球世界杯赛2013」在天津环亚国际马球会圆满闭幕。

In the "rich high silver snow polo World Cup 2013" on the closing ceremony,International polo federation President Chad•Mr. Kari respectively for each team awarded MEDALS,At the same time song champagne(Veuve Clicquot)Also for teams to send the champagne.The trophy is made from high silver group chairman pan sutong by Mr Awarded to champion - Hong Kong China.By the British well-known silver manufacturing master Thomas Lyte casting trophy seems very heavy,Mr. Ban will lift the trophy and grand to Hong Kong China,The trophy is two players once again held high,Atmosphere reached its peak.Colorful smoke bomb soared into the sky,Champagne in,"Rich high silver snow polo World Cup 2013" in tianjin huanya international polo will has come to an end.
