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With the arrival of February,The Hong Kong tourist have the Spring Festival golden week,Hotel demand.yesterday,Mango and release[The Spring Festival in 2013 Hong Kong hotel price index report](Hereinafter referred to as"The report"),The report shows that,The Spring Festival, valentine's day along the way,Hong Kong hotel reservation rate and 1 month rose 15% compared,Compared with the average daily rose 62%,Economy and samsung hotel up 1 times,Highest annual.In addition,During the Spring Festival on Hong Kong hotel prices"convex"Glyph parabolic trend,Suggest tourists travel peak.
香港新春节庆精彩揽客 Hong Kong New Year festival LanKe wonderful
It is reported,The Hong Kong in February,Except for the end of the year discount activity,Also can experience all traditional Chinese festivals,At the same time feel international fashion party style.For 14 days"Hong Kong New Year festival",From busy Spring Festival flower market/The festival parade/Bright fireworks display/Genuine wish festival,And Disney World/Ocean Park/Victoria harbour/Victoria peak, and other attractions unique Spring Festival theme activities,Plus the attention of the fifth western valentine's day,Attracts many tourists from the mainland to Hong Kong.
The report shows that,During the Spring Festival holiday spots around Hong Kong hotel reservation is very hot,Hotel suite is very tight.Disneyland/Ocean Park/Tsim Sha Tsui/Avenue of stars/central/Causeway bay/Victoria peak around the hotel reservation in the average rate of 95%/91%/88%/87%/86%/85%/82%(Figure 1 shows).the,Disneyland and Ocean Park surrounding hotel reservation the highest rate,In the peak date has a room is hard to find.
经济型和三星级酒店价格上涨1倍 Economy and three-star hotel prices 1 times
The influence of the Spring Festival is a much-needed boost,February Hong Kong hotel average price also rose.
The report shows that,During the Spring Festival,Hot spots such as Disney World/Ocean Park/Tsim Sha Tsui/Avenue of stars/central/Causeway bay/Victoria peak around the hotel is in the average price of 2900 yuan/2000 yuan/2000 yuan/1800 yuan/2100 yuan/1900 yuan/1800 yuan(Figure 1 shows).Economy hotel/Samsung hotel/Four-star hotel/The five-star hotel prices in turn for 1200 yuan/1500 yuan/2000 yuan/2400 yuan,Compared with normal were up 109%/98%/55%/41%,the,Economy hotel and samsung hotel most rise,Or up to 1 times(Figure 2 shows).
Prices how to save accommodation cost?The report shows that,During the Spring Festival on Hong Kong hotel prices"convex"Glyph parabolic trend,On February 11, - 14(The 12th to the fifth day)The highest price,On February 9,(New Year's eve)/On February 15,(Arrest the)And 16(The seventh lunar month)Hotel price moderate.Mango and Hong Kong and Macao tourists hotel expert advice to avoid the rush,Hong Kong travel peak,Save hotel accommodation expenses incurred.
Tips:Hong Kong New Year wish festival profile:
2月11-17日、23日 国际花车汇演 尖沙咀维多利亚港一带
Feb. 11-17,/23 international floats performance Tsim Sha Tsui Victoria harbour area
2月10-17日、23日 万家点灯贺添丁 大埔林村许愿广场十二生肖
February 10-17,/23 he beget son of light tai Po lam tsuen wishing square twelve Chinese zodiac
2月10 -23日 传统抛宝牒 大埔林村许愿广场许愿树
February 10-23 traditional cast treasure die tai Po lam tsuen wishing square wishing tree
2月16日 鬼马造型抛宝牒比赛 大埔林村许愿广场许愿树附近
On February 16 ghost horse modelling cast treasure die game tai Po lam tsuen wishing square near the wish tree
2月10-17日、23日 长者自耕天光墟 大埔林村许愿广场青年中心对面
February 10-17,/23 the elderly since tillage skylight market tai Po lam tsuen wishing square across the youth centre
2月10-17日、23日 祈福莲花灯 大埔林村许愿广场许愿灯池
February 10-17,/23 blessing lotus lamp tai Po lam tsuen wishing square wishing lamp pool
2月10-17日、23日 香港传统文化美食村 大埔林村许愿广场
February 10-17,/23 Hong Kong traditional culture MeiShiCun tai Po lam tsuen wishing square
2月10-17日、23日 许愿风车地标 大埔林村许愿广场天后庙对面附近
February 10-17,/23 tai Po lam tsuen wishing wishing windmill landmark square tin hau temple near the opposite
2月23日 群星许愿庆元宵 大埔林村许愿广场足球场
On February 23, the stars, make a vow in tai Po lam tsuen wishing square football
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