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坚强回家路 小伙3天骑行400公里--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  春节回家过年,有人搭飞机,有人赶火车,在江苏工作的芜湖小伙刘晖选择骑自行车回家。 2月5日上午他从江苏苏州出发,历时3天,完成了400公里的返乡旅程。

The Spring Festival to return home for the New Year,Some fly,Someone catch the train,In jiangsu work LiuHui choose wuhu boy riding a bike to go home. On the morning of February 5 him from jiangsu suzhou start,Lasted three days,Completed the 400 kilometers of the journey home.


首次骑单车400公里 The first biking 400 kilometers

  26岁的小刘在江苏一家外贸公司做销售员,“过了年我就27岁了,好像从没做过一件刻骨铭心的事”。所以今年,小刘决定骑自行车回家过年。此前他并没有长距离骑单车的经验,甚至连一辆自行车都没有。近日他从朋友那花几百元买了辆入门级山地车,在苏州市区试骑了一段距离,便背上行囊。记者从小刘的微博上看到,从苏州市出发,途经无锡市、常州市、溧水县、当涂县、芜湖市,最后到达无为县,全程400多公里。 3天时间,经历雨雪天气、陡峭山路,行程可谓艰辛。

26 years old in jiangsu xiao liu a foreign trade company do salesman,"Over the years, I have 27 years old,Like never done a deep and eternal things".So this year,Xiao liu decided to ride a bike to return home for the New Year.Had he not long biking experience,Even a bicycle are not.Recently he from friends that spend hundreds of yuan to buy a entry level mountain bike,In suzhou city try riding a certain distance,Bags and back.Reporters from xiao liu micro blog to see,Starting from suzhou,Via wuxi/changzhou/LiShuiXian/DangTuXian/wuhu,We finally reached WuWeiXian,The more than 400 kilometers. Three days,Through the rain and snow/Steep paths,Stroke is hard.


偶遇大雨全身被淋透 Run up against the heavy rain the whole body was drenching


"Or lack of experience,Set off even a spare tire didn't prepare,See all the way and are scary.One thousand flat tire,Plan the whole becames moot".The ensuing status let LiuHui unprepared,From suzhou to wuxi,Suddenly under the light rain,He is on the side of the road to buy a disposable raincoat,But fundamental stop rain.


"Have a ride with me friends,We probably ride a 10 km,The weather was too bad,He was not carrying it stopped the bus go".Xiao liu persist,Riding in the rain for two hours,That night in the hotel to find,coat/underwear,Backpack change of clothes are all wet.The only fortunately,His didn't catch a cold.


好心大爷“拉”他一把 Kind big ye"pull"He is a


On February 6, at,Step to DangTu to wuhu a distance.The next day that it's going to snow,Xiao liu decided on overnight."If 7 snow,Road affirmation is more difficult to go.Night on the highway is too big,High beam by dazzling,It's too dangerous".

  除了艰辛,旅途中更多的是快乐和温暖。在常州遇到一段陡峭山路,小刘骑不动了,干脆找个农家茶馆坐下,望着遥远的炊烟发呆;7日上午,距离无为老家还剩40公里,他累得腿都抬不动了,遇到一位60多岁的清洁工大爷骑着电动车,主动对他说:“小伙子,你拉着我的电动车,我带你一程。 ”

In addition to hard,The journey is more of a warm and happy.In changzhou meet a steep mountain road,Xiao liu ride don't move,Just find a peasant teahouse to sit down,Looking at the distant smoke from kitchen chimneys stunned;7 morning,Distance without left their hometown forty kilometers,He was too tired to can't lift a leg,Meet a sixty cleaner big ye ride electric vehicles,Active said to him:"Young man,You took my electric vehicles,I brought you a ride. "

  这次特殊的春运经历,看到了未见过的景色,也感受到不同寻常的人情,小刘说,过完年体力如果还充沛,还想从芜湖再骑回苏州。(记者 韩畅)

The special travel experience,See not seen the scenery,Also feel the unusual and customs,Xiao liu said,Over the years if it's full of energy,Also want from wuhu to ride back to suzhou.(Reporter HanChang)

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