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1. For you,,Valentine's day is important?

  • 很重要
  • Very important
  • 一般
  • general
  • 不重要
  • Not important


2. Valentine's day mean to you?

  • 表白的机会
  • Profession opportunity
  • 增进感情的催化剂
  • Improve the feelings of the catalyst
  • 表示“鸭梨”大,每年都发愁
  • said"pears"big,Each year, worry
  • 普通的一天
  • Ordinary day


3. Do you think valentine's day had the zha?

  • 和TA出去旅行
  • And TA trip
  • 吃吃喝喝搓一顿
  • Eat the food and drink drink to rub a meal
  • 看电影、话剧等文艺演出
  • See a movie/Drama and theatrical performances
  • 宅在家腻着
  • Curtilage home of the
  • 怎么过无所谓,开心就好
  • How doesn't matter,Happy good


4. Lovers or couples a trip,General who decided where to go?

  • he
  • she
  • 各种形式的“抓阄”
  • Various forms of"lot"
  • 听听长辈、朋友或孩子的建议
  • Listen to elder/Friends or children's advice


5. Valentine's day trip,How much can you accept?

  • 花多少无所谓
  • Doesn't matter how much
  • 1-2万元
  • 1-20000 yuan
  • 1万元以下
  • 10000 yuan of the following
  • 3000-5000元
  • 3000-5000 yuan
  • 1000-3000元
  • 1000-3000 yuan
  • 500-1000元
  • 500-1000 yuan
  • 100元以下
  • 100 yuan of the following


6. You are what kind of tourism consumption crowd?

  • 老板
  • The boss
  • 上班族
  • Office worker
  • 学生
  • students
  • SOHO一族
  • SOHO gens
  • 家庭主妇
  • housewife
  • 家庭煮夫
  • Family cooking husband


7. Do you think valentine's day is to give who prepare?

  • 热恋中的情侣
  • Lovestruck couple
  • 结婚后需要找回昔日激情的夫妻
  • After marriage need to find the former husband and wife of passion
  • “小三”呗
  • "Small three"bai
  • 大学中有闲谈情说爱的学生
  • University students' leisure love


8. Valentine's day if you want to travel where to play?

  • 情人节如果旅行最想去哪里玩?
  • Valentine's day if travel want to go where play?
  • 很想和TA去海边
  • Really want to go to the beach and TA
  • 小情小调的古镇、古村落
  • Little affection in town/Ancient village
  • 热门自驾游胜地
  • Popular leading resort
  • 名胜古迹,感受人文风俗
  • Scenic spots and historical sites,Feel humanities customs


9. In order to catch up with the person I love,You will take out with TA to which place?

  • 郊区
  • suburbs
  • 北京
  • Beijing
  • 厦门
  • xiamen
  • 三亚
  • sanya
  • 香港
  • Hong Kong
  • 台湾
  • Taiwan
  • 云贵
  • yunnan-guizhou
  • 川藏
  • sichuan-tibet
  • 桂林
  • guilin
  • 泰国与东南亚
  • Thailand and southeast Asia
  • 日韩
  • Japan and South Korea
  • 美国等美洲国家
  • The United States and other American countries
  • 欧洲
  • The European
  • 中亚
  • Central Asia
  • 非洲
  • Africa


Valentine's day night you will brush night?

  • 当然会!疯玩,不醉不归
  • Of course will!Crazy playing,Not drunk not to
  • 不会,伤身体的事绝对不做
  • Won't,Body injury absolutely don't do
  • 看情况,随TA而定
  • It depends,Along with the TA and decide


11. The following want to experience on valentine's day?

  • 喝醉,向TA吐苦水
  • drunk,To TA beefing
  • 俩人玩真心话大拷问
  • Two people play mind big torture
  • 找个酒店和TA“夜销”
  • To find a hotel and TA"Night pin"
  • 裸奔,趁年轻疯一回
  • streaking,Young crazy time
  • 找刺激,带TA吃顿霸王餐
  • Seek to stimulate,With TA eat the meal
  • 看准时机,求婚!
  • Certain time,proposal!


12. Valentine's day with who want to have?

  • 当然是另一半的TA
  • Of course is the other half TA
  • 还用问,那种意义上的“情人”呗
  • Still use to ask,That kind of sense of"lover"bai
  • 还用问,那种意义上的“情人”呗
  • Still use to ask,That kind of sense of"lover"bai


13. A one night stand experience?

  • have
  • 没有
  • no
  • 神!赐予我一回吧!
  • god!Give me once!
  • 有心没胆啊!
  • Cored cowardly ah!


14. Which of the following can accept relationship?

  • 异性恋
  • heterosexual
  • 同性恋
  • gay
  • 双性恋
  • bisexual
  • 姐弟恋
  • Elder sister and younger brother love
  • 老少恋
  • , old and young love
  • 异国恋
  • Exotic love
  • 办公室恋情
  • Office romances
  • 对爱这回事无感
  • To love it non-inductive
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