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寒假自助游 如何选择正牌可靠的青年旅舍--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  寒假又是学生出游的高峰时间。面对各家旅行社推出的让人眼花缭乱的线路推荐和报价单,你有没有想过,也许另外一种旅行方式会更加适合作为学生的我们,那就是自助游。如果你是生在南方的同学,那么最好去北方感受一下真正的大雪纷飞,像哈尔滨、乌鲁木齐都是不错的选择。如果是北方的同学,不妨借着这个短暂的假期“逃”到南方的海岛上好好享受几天温暖。或者在云南过几天神仙般的生活,那里迥异多彩的民族风情一定会让你的旅行充满趣味。 寒假又是学生出游的高峰时间.In the face of each travel agency launched a dazzling line offers and quotations,Have you ever wondered,Maybe another way to travel will be more suitable for as a student of we,That is self-help.If you are born in the south of the students,It's best to go north to feel the real heavy snow,Like Harbin/Urumqi is right choice.If it is the north of the students,Might as well by the short holiday"fled"To the south of the island enjoy warm days.Or a few days in yunnan fairy of life,There different colorful ethnic customs will make your trip is full of fun.


由于学生的旅行预算有限,In the accommodation choice more recommend all international youth hostel or short rent(Is the family hotel).This hotel cost-effective,Generally divided into more room(3 to 6 people)And the general standard rooms to wait for a few kinds,Separate men and women,In addition to standard rooms the other room charge according to the bed,The price is in commonly 30 ~ 70 yuan/day,Each floor there is a public toilet/Bathroom and sitting room,And self-service laundry and self-service kitchen.If the budget is enough,Also can choose a few quick chain hotel.But in contrast,Youth hostel atmosphere obviously more suitable for young people,The boss usually placed in the store travel map for everybody study/Modify stroke,from世界各地的驴友还可以在一起分享旅途in的奇闻异事,Exchange experience,这种在旅途in与大家短暂相识却又好像亲如一家的feel,一定会成为你整个旅行in最难忘的一部分.


预订青年旅舍最好通过国际青年旅舍的官网,在这里你可以查到国际青年旅舍联盟in所有经过审核的旅舍名单和these旅舍的网站/address/Contact telephone of information.If it is in other web site search reservation,May find some figure for youth hostel,But in fact did not join also without audit hotel.Of course,these"In disguise"Shop also may not always be the clip joint,There are some condition is quite good,但你可能就会因此and错过很多在"Sterling-something just"Just a youth hostel,Fusion all over the world cultural atmosphere and we help each other/Common growth experience.


当你选好in意的旅舍,Don't forget to book before the net website inquires of the reputation and evaluation.The best online store view scene graph,In case the shop after the environment/Conditions are not satisfied with,For the whole trip with regret.If everything is satisfactory,Then according to the web site to provide telephone contact, the boss.The main problem need to consult:If there is a room,The prices,Can you provide a 24 hour hot water,Can pick up,Whether the WIFI, etc.Usually reserve a room or bed need to surrender part of the deposit,This is normal phenomenon,The amount for your first order general book full rate and order the rest 10% of the room.


还需提醒的是,Please try to start in a week before booking youth hostel,In order to avoid the destination around with full room,The homeless.


我有3个女生朋友,Early January to Beijing self-help travel,It is about years ago Beijing hotel room should not be too nervous,No advance booking,Wait until their plane landed at 2 a.m. many in the capital airport,Use their phones to access the Internet check found surrounding youth hostel and hotel chains all booked up,Only a small hotel near display have any vacancies.Helpless under,They had to contact with the small hotel,When the boss told they have a double room,Can 3 people into a crowded living,The price is 200 yuan,and且可以开车到机场来接她们.At least three people feel closer and car shuttle,Live a night words should not have what problem.But they sit on the car,Found that the hotel is far away from the airport,Position quite remote,After the hotel boss 45-day said double room can't three people live,In addition add money to add a bed to just go,and且之前承诺的接送服务也改成了只接不送.The hotel conditions than online pictures sent a lot,The room without Windows,and且门锁十分简陋.Three people so regret,But also have to accept the conditions and money to stay,But about safety,Three people are not a good sleep,可以说是在担惊受怕in度过了一晚.So the next day at dawn to"Escape from"The hotel.


其实,If they can make a reservation in advance at room,Such a thing should be completely avoided.and且在出行前的一两天,Suggest you again to reserve hotel confirm whether have your reservation record,In order to avoid to shop before find themselves without reservation or appear set by the room was malicious cancellation.


交通: traffic:


比起飞机相对昂贵的票价,The train seems to be more suitable for those of us do not have a regular income students gens.If it is to travel with my friends,He is recommended by train,In the appreciation of the beautiful scenery along the way at the same time,Chit chat together,Snacks to share the happy time will never let you feel the long journey,If luck,Make a few like-minded new friends,It is extra harvest.But in view of during the festival a train ticket ticket is hard to find the situation,If it can't buy tickets,Can buy the same bus distance away from your destination is close to a station ticket,Get on and then find the conductor ticket,Can also reach the destination smoothly.


规划行程: Planning stroke:


出行之前,We can in the tourism website reference other LvYou sharing strategy,从in挑出自己最感兴趣的景点,Then refer to the map,The attractions of the marked position,Design a avoid run YuanWangLu tour route,Some attractions tickets can through the online order or group purchase,Advance reservation sometimes can not only enjoy preferential,Also save in the front of the time in line to buy tickets.There are scenic spots have VIP,Ticket prices lower than adult fare.At the same time,Love food you can also advance the Internet to find these attractions surrounding you recommend the most/Public praise the best restaurant,After all美食也是旅行in十分重要的一部分.


行李准备: Baggage ready to:

  出发前,先检查一下这些东西是否在你的背包里:洗漱用品和衣服自不必说,除此之外,一定不要忘记你的身份证、学生证 、银行卡和足够的现金(很多地方不能刷卡),带好所有电器的充电器,还有手表、折叠伞、常用药品、针线包、别针、小刀、小手电等,住青年旅舍需要自带拖鞋和毛巾。另外,最好在出行前把重要证件复印一份带上,再扫描一份发到自己的邮箱,这样如果证件丢失,会省去很多不必要的麻烦。如果你是一个特别容易丢三落四的同学,在收拾好所有行李之后,可以在随身携带的本子上把你每一个包中所带的物品列一个清单,之后每换一住处,离开前按照清单把行李清点一遍,最为稳妥。 (来源:中国青年报)

出发前,To check whether these things in your backpack:The things that wash gargle and clothes need not say oneself,In addition,Don't forget your id card/Student id /Bank card and enough cash(Many places no credit CARDS),Bring all the electric charger,And watch/Folding umbrella/Commonly used drugs/Sewing kit/pin/knife/Small electric, etc,Live youth hostel need bring slippers and a towel.In addition,The best the trip before the important documents with a copy,To scan a to its own mailbox,So if the documents lost,Will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.If you are a special easy forgetful classmates,In the packed after all the luggage,可以在随身携带的本子上把你每一个包in所带的物品列一个清单,After each change a place,According to the list before you leave the baggage count again,Most safe. (source:in国青年报)
