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白云机场黄牛党加价卖已售罄机票 警察称没法管--亲稳网络舆情监控室


In the baiyun airport normal window can't buy the ticket,"HuangNiuDang"Can help you buy?Think back to the New Year's day from guangzhou, chongqing ms tang met such a strange things.Reporters found that further visit,"Scalping tickets"Mysterious source,Have been around for years.

  唐女士的离奇遭遇 Ms tang quirky encounter


Ms tang home in chongqing,In guangzhou for many years already have children.Since her husband to travel to chongqing,4 in the evening,Ms tang help in China southern airlines official website the booked a first class ticket,Spent nearly 3000 yuan.5 day morning,Ms tang considering haven't visit back,Temporary decided to bring her daughter,A family of three going to baiyun airport ticket.


"First went to China southern airlines ticket window,Staff told me,Tickets sold out".then,Ms tang and ChuanHang to the ticket window,The same was told not to buy tickets.Guided by the staff,Tang woman came to the waiting area,Going to chance it,To see if someone temporary cancellation.


"In the waiting area,A stranger is active on the come over,Asked my destination",then,He says"There are ways to get tickets"."ChuanHang has sold out 5, 10 in the morning at take-off ticket,He said could get,But to make 1000 yuan."The original price 1000 yuan of economy class ticket,A ticket tout nearly doubled the price.


Because PiaoFan price is too high,Ms tang didn't buy"Scalping tickets"."I and daughter is not to go to,But if someone really have something urgent,It was ripped off!"Ms tang memories,More sophisticated is,The ticket scalper during conversation,Wearing an airport work uniform beside ridicules,"Ticket scalper accounted for so many ticket,The but again don't sell,Deserved it!"She doubt way,Why only buy ticket will be ticket scalper corner,And the airport staff informed obviously,But why don't you stop?


 记者亲证票贩威力 Reporter close card PiaoFan power


Baiyun airport is really have"HuangNiuDang"popular?8 afternoon,Reporters came to the airport experience"HuangNiuDang"power.


About 2 PM,The reporter comes to baiyun airport on the hall E9 window,The window function display for"alternate"area,Have many people in the queue refund.Reporters asked whether hypocrisy forward for TuiPiaoChu,A waiting for you in the middle-aged women gather together immediately came to chat up.Reporters learned that to buy ticket to chongqing,She began to check mobile phone,"China southern airlines is the first of six o 'clock in the evening,I take you to Air China,Have more than 4 PM,Economy class and a position,Time just in time,Cost is slightly more expensive,1380 yuan of economy class,Want to collect 1800 yuan."Reporters will show tickets,She immediately took down reporter name and id card number,And phone booking.Just a few minutes,She has been taken for granted"done".


Reporters saw a shadow of suspicion,Cattle dealer to prove to provide their own ticket is credible,With reporters in the boarding pass,"Get the boarding pass not false,You can also check exchange,If false,Now you can send me to police station."


prattle,She told reporters,The plane with more sufficient sources of votes,So the ticket will cost only 400 yuan,Of which 200 yuan return"The boss";A few days ago sources of votes nervous,Price difference will be a few taller,A fly to chongqing ticket will charge you 1000 yuan."This period of time to fly to sanya/haikou/zhanjiang/zhangjiajie/Guilin ticket will be very expensive.Just sell a fly to sanya,The original price 920 yuan,I sell 2000 yuan."


The 30 points,The reporter comes to collect the tickets before the self-service machine query,On display,The reporter has purchased the flight number for CA9507/When that day and twenty points from guangzhou to chongqing's economy class ticket.At this time,Reporter has not been paid a penny.


警察表示没办法管 Police said can't tube


Reporters that no in self-service ticket machine obtain your boarding pass,Come to China international airlines service window.Heard that reporter is through the HuangNiuDang buy a ticket,The staff help reporters issued after boarding pass,Have direct will boarding pass tear."Don't buy a ticket to these people,Counter to buy it."He took a glance at ticket scalper,Reminded reporters.


Check-in director tear passes to reporters travel behavior and no effect,Ticket scalper call after communication,Reporters once again successfully in the window to the boarding pass.then,Reporter with all sorts of excuse to give up trading,Ticket scalper first request according to the par value of 10% pay cancellation fee,But for flight delays,Reporters not for this one"Scalping tickets"Any fee.


Reporter to the police station report the situation to them."I can send a police officer with you to understand the situation,But to be honest,They are not the zhichang purchase,But privately negotiated price after voluntary transactions,The public security we don't tube,Only information and then put out,Can't make any substantial blow."A police officer said:"Big deal we caught her,Punishment she stood for half an hour,Can give you not cooled down?"

  疑团 puzzles

  机票来自何方? Ticket where you are from,?


What these mysterious ticket out from where?In the MaoXing ticket scalper"Very complicated"For no excuse.At the press continuously under the bug,She says this is"Set ticket",said"Each plane has two seats are set ticket,For the airport internal personnel,Don't sell".


Reporters asked about the airlines ticket window of the staff,They said to HuangNiuDang don't know about."Now is the ticket system,How can have HuangNiuDang?"Reporters call China southern airlines staff zou lady when asked,She was so ask.


相关阅读: readings:机票也黄牛?机票加价背后的销售内幕 Ticket scalpers also?Ticket sales increase behind the insider

白云机场黄牛党加价卖已售罄机票 警察称没法管

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