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本报2月16日讯(记者 唐善理 通讯员 袁忠民 唐勇华)春节期间,广西贺州自驾游一行30多人,来到永州零陵600年古村落周家大院,大家对周家大院宏大的建筑规模、完美的结构布局、精湛的雕绘技艺赞不绝口。据零陵区旅游部门介绍,零陵区各旅行社接到春节古城游订单3.6万人次,比上年同期增长50%以上,零陵古城游进入“黄金期”。
The February 16,)(Reporter TangShanLi correspondent YuanZhongMin TangYongHua)During the Spring Festival,Guangxi HeZhou leading a line of more than 30 people,Come to YongZhou zero ling 600 ancient village weeks home courtyard,You for weeks home grand courtyard building scale/Perfect structure layout/Exquisite carving drawing skill full of praise.According to the zero coring tourism department is introduced,Zero coring travel agencies to the Spring Festival city tour order 36000 people,Increase by more than 50% over the same period of last year,Zero ling city swim into"Golden period".
Zero ling qin dynasty built county,More than 2000 years of history,Hunan province is one of the four major historical and cultural city.Within the jurisdiction of the ancient village GuJie more,Cultural relics more,With the/province/The municipal key cultural relics protection units in more than sixty,Cultural landscape is very rich.Dongshan scenic spot in the method China temple/The Confucius temple/Guanque tower to see,Here for sightseeing tour of the passenger in an endless stream.From Shanghai fudan university in the department of history professor zhou said:"In a small dongshan scenic spot,Gathering place of cultural relics,rare;The Confucius temple/Guanque tower with the mountain,This is the only in the country.When the huai su/Liu zongyuan and had a friend here will juyou's/Intone a,Is is to let people look up to."
Zero coring tourism bureau emitting European study said,In recent years,Zero coring based on rich historical and cultural resources,To strive for the national historical and cultural city as an opportunity,Focus on the development of city tourism.According to the"The government leading/Multiple input/Market operation"model,Multi-channel financing,Key start and construction by liu zongyuan culture tourist area/The huai su ShuYi culture tourist area/Cavity island ecological group/Weeks home courtyard/Xiaoxiang town and a number of major city tour project,LiuZi temple to/The Confucius temple/Guanque tower/Ancient city wall/Day filial piety pavilion/ZhangJun former residence of Chen and YongZhou eight scene/"YongZhou eight remember"The site recovery/Protective repair.Attracted more and more tourists,Zero ling city parade feeling increasingly bullish.Last year,Zero ling city tour reception 2.6 million tourists,Tourism income is 1.3 billion yuan RMB,Respectively 32% and 32.3% increase from the previous year.
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