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盘点世界各地带薪休假制度 欧盟每年不少于四周--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  原标题:看世界各地带薪休假制度 每年带薪假期不少于四周 Original title:See all over the world paid vacation system paid vacation every year not less than all around


The general office of the state council recently issued by the national tourism leisure outline(2013-2020).Puts forward to 2020,The worker system of annual vacation with pay will be basic implemented.however,In some developed and emerging countries,Paid vacation is already accustomed to the reality of the people.


The European Union requires all members annual paid vacation not less than 4 weeks,Including full-time and the full-time staff.And the actual execution,Many countries paid vacation is more than 4 weeks.The eu also provides,All the people from the year when the work has should enjoy paid vacation,But must work with three months to be able to enjoy the holiday,And according to the proportion of time is calculated,That is the work three months can enjoy a week holiday,Work six months can enjoy two weeks' holiday,So on.


France is paid vacation"birthplace",As early as in 1936,The French government is clearly put forward all French people each year, should have the right to paid holidays.Now in France's paid vacation every year for five weeks,And they weekly working time also dropped to forty hours or less.Has been,The French your vacation as inviolable rights,And they never decline to strike enthusiasm ensures the implementation of this right.


Again to see another paid vacation pioneer Belgium,The Belgian paid holiday also appeared in 1936,Only ten days late than France.Belgium now in addition to four weeks paid vacation outside,There are ten a statutory holidays,Respectively is New Year's day/Easter/Labor day/Ascension day/Pentecost/The National Day/Mother ascension/Halloween/Anniversary of the first world war/Christmas.In accordance with the provisions of these holidays are only take the day,But the Belgian and French people have the habit of bridge,That is if a holiday on Tuesday or Thursday,The holidays and weekend the between Monday or Friday will also need not work,so,A years to catch up with several continuous take four days"Long weekend"Also not is what's new.


If the staff give up paid vacation can be compensated,But europeans to leave very value,They rarely for private or company reason to give up vacation,Always prepare for early holiday.Again with Belgium, for example,There perennial rainy,So the Belgian long for sun to the degree of crazy,A have a chance to run to southern Europe to enjoy the sunshine,Follow the sun than other things are important.


In Switzerland,According to the federal law,The Swiss have at least four weeks a year(Is twenty days)Paid vacation,Working time more than twenty years or over the age of fifty years old people can enjoy five weeks of paid vacation.


And around paid vacation can be several times in the rest,Normally, the company will suggest staff at least every time a rest for a week or two weeks,Do not recommend too scattered to leave.To do so on the one hand is to employees can get enough good rest,On the other hand also is to make sure that annual leave can be in the rest.If not in the use of all in holidays,Many institutions are allowed in the second year of the first two months or half years continue to leave.but,In Switzerland, if you don't leave no corresponding cash compensation.July and August is usually the Swiss vacation golden time,Some families with children can choose at this time to rest two to three weeks,Because the Swiss school summer vacation usually lasted for about three months,Parents just use this time with children leave.Another way is to put a vacation paid holidays and other day off"bypass",A long weekend or lengthen the Easter and Christmas holiday,This vacation is can be extended to four to seven day to differ,Is also a good choice.


Should say,Swiss paid vacation days and many European countries are short.Last year,The Swiss have a will existing at least four weeks holiday extended to at least six weeks of initiative to a national referendum,But two-thirds of the Swiss choice for the initiative to say "no",Because they think that extended holiday will improve labor cost,And to the whole economic threat.Maybe the Swiss hope is on holiday and work to find a balance point,And not just to enjoy leisure.


In Brazil,[Labor law]provisions,A worker who has worked for more than one year,Enjoy every year 30 days paid vacation.The thirty days vacation with your absence record and change,If an employee absence record less than five days,Then he will be able to enjoy the full 30 days paid vacation,and,If his absence days more than 33 days,Then he 30 days paid holiday goes deduction.At the same time,The staff under the condition of voluntary,The company also can double pay for staff holiday.but,Brazil[Labor law]Also provides,Each year the employee at least a third of the holiday for rest.And Brazil a mainstream media website survey will display,In the more than 300 respondents,75% of Brazilian workers say they enjoy every year to more than twenty days paid vacation.In addition to paid holidays,Brazil and 11 statutory holidays,Some states and cities will also set up by local holidays.that,Brazilian workers can enjoy every year at least 41 days holiday.


and,If the employee paid vacation system are not enforced,Government departments will be referred to the local wage standard penalty employers.In addition,Brazil also is equipped with the federal/State and city level 3 Labour court,Special handling labor dispute.And the court's ruling often to employees.so,Brazilian companies regardless of size,Often can't cut the legal staff welfare,If the Labour court,Not only employees in compensation,Will be severely punished,The boss and may even be sentenced.Brazil employees to their rights also attach great importance to,Brazil Labour court is usually present,Employees will often strike by rights,so,In Brazil,The fear of staff said.So this also remind want Brazilian market to foreign enterprises,Familiar with the labor environment is very important.

盘点世界各地带薪休假制度 欧盟每年不少于四周

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