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春节成为世界各国“黄金周” 中国游客获赞最豪爽--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Chinese New Year warm the world,Chinese tourists won over the world and respect.At the same time,A handful of Chinese tourists"Nouveau riche"Mentality and uncivilized manner also sparked heated debate
The Spring Festival around the world""Golden week"",Chinese tourists to become the world's largest outbound tourism source of power.Whether as an individual or a group,Chinese tourists behavior,It is very natural,Can understand completely.
In the Australian tourism industry tycoon Charles Woodward,Chinese tourists is Australia"The most generous customer".British media said only the Chinese can rescue the world economy,Even compared to Chinese tourists"The angel".Weak economic recovery in the world/The consumer market needs to be pulled,Chinese tourists go abroad is really honour.Add Chinese culture color/Chinese language customs service,Is enough to bring newly rich Chinese psychological satisfaction.
Tourism is a kind of economic behavior,Is also a kind of cultural behavior.In the process of the tour,Chinese visitors broaden horizons,Enhance understanding of the world.At the same time,The world is more real by Chinese tourists/More accurately grasp the Chinese.Close observation, especially in direct contact,Can help eliminate most unfamiliar cause misunderstanding,Form the three-dimensional full impression,Establish a natural and friendly relationship.
It should be said,Chinese tourists have excellent traditional Chinese civilization and open and peaceful spirit to all over the world,Giving the overall impression is good.The rule is simple,No nation in the world just because of money and respect us,Open the warm arms to us."The angel"The reputation of the should not only is the pronoun of economic power.but,There are individual Chinese tourists have inappropriate words and deeds.In recent years,Some Chinese tourists don't line up/Don't speak hygiene/Speaking loudly/Don't obey the traffic rules, etc caught the attention of foreign media.Thailand[National newspaper]Recent letters from readers reflecting,Some Chinese tourists behave contrary to Thai custom,Let a person feel a little tired.In fact,We noticed some problems.A photo of Chinese tourists abroad with litter attention,Tens of thousands of netizens in the comments for Chinese tourists civilization quality enhances unceasingly.
The above phenomenon some is natural extension of the uncivilized phenomenon in China,Some may also just go abroad Chinese tourists didn't mean to.Cultural exchange is often affected by some rules,Such as respect for each other customs and regulations.This requires not only a kind of consciousness,At the same time need to do some homework in advance/Fill in the necessary knowledge.Of course,,Also need to get a schedule of kindness reminder.
Every Chinese is the flow of the image carrier in China,Every Chinese is"The micro China"Part of the.The image of China in the eyes of the world is not as perfect as we expected,Listen to critical certainly less comfortable,But will help us enhance the introspection consciousness.From this perspective,The opinions of the interaction with the outside world is good,Will help us to achieve self-improvement.
Prepare gradually ended,Left thinking will continue.

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