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重庆陈抟故里菜花节3月开幕 可乘热气球赏花--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网重庆2月25日电 (刘相琳)阳春三月,重庆潼南30万亩油菜花零星初放。潼南县委书记辛国荣25日透露,在3月1日开幕的第六届重庆·潼南陈抟故里菜花节上,直径达236米的中国最大植物太极图“菜花太极图”、春耕播种图、古纺麻线图等展示农耕文化和太极文化的植物图届时将与游客见面。

Beijing, chongqing, feb 25 (Reuters) (LiuXiangLin)In march,Chongqing model.flood-control of scattered placed at the beginning of 300000 mu of rape.Model.flood-control of county XinGuoRong said on the 25th,On March 1, the opening of the sixth, chongqing model.flood-control of Chen tuan, hometown of cauliflower section,Present, China's largest plants of 236 meters in diameter"Cauliflower taiji diagram"/Spring sowing figure/Ancient spinning "figure display, such as plant farming culture and the culture of taiji figure will then meet with visitors.


"The western green vegetables"Model.flood-control county in 850000 mu planting vegetables,Including rape planting area of more than 30, ten thousand acres,Cauliflower core scenic spot to plant 30000 mu,Is famous for an outing in spring flowers tourist resort.


"When golden cauliflower every 3 month,Model.flood-control hold cauliflower section."XinGuoRong told reporters,This year model.flood-control of cauliflower section mainly cauliflower scenic area is located in the hometown of Taoism of the bodhi old zu Chen tuan - model.flood-control of county town of recess part,To highlight the hometown of Chen tuan Taoism culture,Local specialized and the recess part built a statue of Chen tuan statue is 36.9 meters tall,And planted 236 meters in diameter, China's largest cauliflower taiji diagram.


According to XinGuoRong,The cauliflower section will pay more attention to highlight the section of culture,Scenic area layout has many places of spring sowing/Children's cattle figure/The ancient spinning "figure/Taiji tuishou figure/Son offer birthday felicitations figure such as farming culture/Tai chi cultural patterns and the scarecrow,While cauliflower section will also be held during the daoist branch activities,Provide mascot for visitors,Let the visitors enjoy cauliflower beauty from Taoism cultural knowledge at the same time.


XinGuoRong said,In order to let visitors enjoy full ten thousand mu of rape beauty,This scenic spot to watch flowers also launched a hot air balloon,Visitors can pick up balloon flying over the flowers,Have a bird's eye view of ten thousand mu of cauliflower,Cooperate with land to watch/Attractions of water cycling and Chen tuan shan river speed skating,Provide water for tourists/lu/Empty all-round way of ornamental flowers.


It is understood,Since the first cauliflower section held,Five years from home and abroad more than 20 countries/Regions and provinces and cities more than 4 million visitors to model.flood-control of cauliflower,The county has implemented comprehensive tourism income of more than 1.2 billion yuan.Model.flood-control of cauliflower section has become an important regional tourism brand,Hailed as"China is the most beautiful flowers"/"Chongqing is the most beautiful in the spring".

重庆陈抟故里菜花节3月开幕 可乘热气球赏花

重庆陈抟故里菜花节3月开幕 可乘热气球赏花


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