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故宫外围筒子河布满垃圾 管理方吁游客手下留情--亲稳舆论引导监测室
The Forbidden City periphery TongZiHe memory have a lot of rubbish,More for tourists in Hanoi, food packaging, etc.
yesterday,TongZiHe related, officials said,Clean winter ice is not convenient to staff,Ice will melt after ship salvage garbage, etc.At the same time,Punches management calls for tourists,To protect the city the center of the river.
紫禁城外的垃圾河 The Forbidden City garbage river
TongZiHe is Forbidden City moat,Around the Forbidden City,large,Has been popular with visitors.Some netizens recently reflected there is lots of garbage in the river,Is one of the discarded food packaging waste.
Yesterday afternoon,Light snow flied in the sky,Visitors around the Forbidden City is also a lot less.The reporter sees,TongZiHe pavement with the Forbidden City has a lot of trash can,But for the bucket garbage is not much.
Bobbin Hanoi is another story,Walk along the river,Almost everywhere to food packaging waste.Especially with the working people's cultural palace adjacent river.Here near DongHuaMen street,The vast majority of all the visitors to enter the Forbidden City/Palace of/Ancestral temple, etc..A river of ice,bottles/Instant noodles barrels/cans/All kinds of plastic bags,Has been frozen in ice,Most of them at the corn cob,Almost are all along the river.
The river side of the road there are several vendors selling boiled corn,A tourist is finished with corn cob is thrown into the river,The trash can in front of three or four meters.
管理方将清理垃圾 Management will clean up the trash
We have learned,TongZiHe river by the three parties responsible for clean up garbage,Southeast corner of the Forbidden City and the labor people's cultural palace adjacent river,Shall be the responsibility of the palace of cleaning;Southwest corner in zhongshan park adjacent river,Shall be the responsibility of the zhongshan park;And the east/River north of xihua gate axis,Is the Palace Museum is responsible for the clean river.
yesterday,Reporters call the three management,Zhongshan park and labor, people's cultural palace said,On the river park staff have regular cleaning rubbish,Due to the cold river to freeze,And the ice is thin,Staff to clear on ice,Possible risk of off the ice.After day warm the ice melting,There will be staff travel to salvage garbage.While the Palace Museum gave no reply.
According to management,Hanoi garbage mainly is discarded in the flurry of uncivilized visitors,Equipped with touch advised visitors not to throw rubbish in the river,"Still have not conscious visitors".Punches management calls for tourists,To protect the city the center of the river.
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筒子河全长3.5千米,水面宽52米,深4.1米,以神武门、午门为南北轴线,东、西华门为东西轴线。据北京市环保局2012年12月公布的重点湖泊水质状况显示,筒子河水质类别为Ⅲ类,此类别水质主要适用于集中式生活饮用水地表水源地二级保护区、渔业水域及游泳区。 (记者范春旭)
TongZiHe total length of 3.5 km,The surface of 52 m wide,4.1 meters deep,In order to creature door/Meridian gate for the north-south axis,The east/The axis of the xihua gate for things.According to Beijing municipal environmental protection bureau announced in December 2012, the focus of the lake water quality status display,TongZiHe Ⅲ for water quality categories,This category of water quality is mainly suitable for centralized surface water level protection zones for domestic and drinking water/Fishing areas and swimming. (The reporter Fan Chunxu)
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