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In recent days,The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],And to actively promote the use according to the reality.

  “一日游”以其经济实惠、方便快捷、灵活自由的特点,受到众多旅游者的青睐,逐渐发展成为散客旅游的主要方式。作为城市旅游,特别是大城市旅游的重要内容,国内旅游“一日游”市场需求巨大,且呈现出不断增长的态势,已引起旅游城市政府的高度重视,在加大力度治理整顿非法“一日游”的同时,不断完善相关服务体系,提升城市管理水平。经过多年的努力,全国各地“一日游”市场秩序已有所好转,但仍然存在较多问题。国家旅游局和国家工商总局出台《国内旅游“一日游”合同(示范文本)》,是切实维护旅游者合法权益的实质举措,也是实现政府“寓管理于服务”的有效方式。以合同约定的形式来规范交易行为,使得相关法律法规的要求更为具体明确,经营服务和监督管理可望更规范有力,同时,也能为旅游者的消费维权提供更好的条件。示范文本结合 “一日游”实际情况,针对旅游纠纷易发多发环节,根据有关法律法规,明确划分了合同双方责任。以维护旅游者利益为主线,以解决存在的主要问题为着力点,示范文本无论是形式还是内容都有不少创新和亮点。

"A day trip"On the basis of their economic benefits/Convenient and quick/Flexible features,Favored by many tourists,Development gradually become the main way of individual tourism.As a city tourism,Especially in big cities is an important content of tourism,Domestic tourism"A day trip"Huge market demand,And shows a tendency of growing,Has caused tourist city government attaches great importance to,Intensify efforts to clean up illegal"A day trip"At the same time,Perfecting the related service system,Enhance the level of urban management.After years of efforts,All over the country"A day trip"There has been a better market order,But there are still more problems.The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],Is essential to safeguard lawful rights and interests of tourists,Also realize the government"Management in service"An effective way to.In the form of the contract to regulate trade behavior,Make relevant laws and regulations require more specific clear,Management services and supervision and management will be more powerful,At the same time,Also provide better conditions for tourists' consumer rights protection.Demonstrative text in combination with "A day trip"The actual situation,For tourism disputes prone,In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations,Clear division of contract liability between the parties.In the interest of the tourists as the main line,In order to solve the main problems of focus,Demonstrative text both in form and content, there are many innovations and highlight.


亮点一 :取消购物、另行付费项目以及自由活动 One bright spot :Cancel the shopping/Shall be paid project and free activities

  低价招徕、行程中加点、强迫购物、收取回扣等是 “一日游”活动中存在的较为普遍且严重影响旅游者利益的问题。为有效维护旅游者的合法权益,针对上述突出问题,结合“一日游”时间短、行程安排紧凑的特点,《国内旅游“一日游”合同(示范文本)》没有关于自由活动的规定,也不允许旅行社安排另行付费项目或指定购物场所购物,如果景点本身含购物,旅行社需向旅游者明示。

At a low price to attract/Trip to add some/Forced shopping/Is the kickbacks, etc "A day trip"Activities that exist in the common and serious affect the interests of tourists.To effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of tourists,According to the above problems,In combination with"A day trip"Time is short/Scheduling the characteristics of the compact,[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]No provisions on free activities,They are not allowed to be project or the designated place shopping shopping,If the containing shopping attractions itself,Travel agents need to articulate to the tourists.


 亮点二 :遏制“黑社”、“黑导”及“黑车”、“黑驾” Highlight 2 :To curb"Black club"/"Black guide"and"Black car"/"The black car"


"Black club"/"Black car"/"Black guide"and"The black car"The violation behavior,Is seriously disrupt"A day trip"The market order,Infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of tourists.Consumer rights protection both for tourists/Or for the government administration, has caused great distress.According to the above problem,[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]Requires specific travel agency name and license number/The Courier name and the guide number/Transport vehicle license plate number/The name of the driver,And is used without a valid qualification in tourism vehicles/The driver and tour guide,Make the strict liability for breach of contract provisions.


亮点三: 不可抗力情形下不支持调整行程、变更合同 Window 3: The force majeure circumstances does not support adjust the schedule/Changes to the contract


"A day trip"Trip is relatively simple,Such as force majeure reason not attributable to either party,Easy to cause the contract purpose cannot be achieved.In order to avoid travel to adjust the itinerary/Change the form of a contract damage the legitimate rights and interests of tourists,[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)]This result in unable to perform or continue to perform the contract,Contract, both parties may terminate the contract,And based on principles of fair allocation corresponding fees.


亮点四: 形式内容简单实用 Point four: Form content is simple and practical


"A day trip"In the process of practice,Travel agents and travelers don't sign a contract phenomenon common occurance,Idle for a simple tourist activities to discuss the contract contents of complex is one of the factors.With the[Domestic tourism contract team(Demonstrative text)]Compared to the,[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract model(Demonstrative text)]No matter from the aspects of form or from the aspects of content, simplified,Basic information will be reflected in the form of a table,The rights and obligations with the responsibility to reflect,Simple and practical,Easily accepted by travel agents and travelers.
