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  3月7日-9日,非洲国际时装周(AFI)将携手梅塞德斯-奔驰,在位于约翰内斯堡纽敦文化区的玛丽•菲茨杰拉尔德广场(Mary Fitzgerald Square)主办约翰内斯堡奔驰时装周(Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Joburg),除此之外还有两个分会场,地点尚待确认。约翰内斯堡是全球市场进入非洲大陆的门户,其世界级非洲城市的地位将通过此次时装周得到进一步强化。

On March 7th - 9th,Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Will hand in hand to the Mercedes - Benz,In Johannesburg in newtown cultural district of Mary•Fitzpatrick Gerald square(Mary Fitzgerald Square)The mercedes-benz fashion week in Johannesburg(Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Joburg),There are two at the venue,Location is yet to be confirmed.Johannesburg is a global market to enter the portal of the African continent,Its world-class African cities position will be further strengthened through this fashion week.

  非洲国际时装周(AFI)吸引了约翰内斯堡诸多才华出众的设计师,希望能够在非洲将时装事业发扬光大。此次活动的设计师阵容强大,像David Tlale、Thula Sindi、Suzaan Heyns和Fabiani这样的著名设计师均将到场,反映了非洲国际时装周呈现最佳创新设计和促进商业成功的决心和承诺。

Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Many talented designer attracted Johannesburg,Hope to be able to in Africa will fashion career forward.The activity of great designers,As David Tlale/Thula Sindi/Suzaan Heyns and Fabiani such famous designers are all will to be present,Reflects the international fashion week to present the best Africa innovation design and promote the determination and commitment of business success.

  非洲国际时装周(AFI)非常高兴能够与约翰内斯堡携手合作,巩固其时尚之都的地位。约翰内斯堡市经济发展委员会的Ruby Mathang表示:“与非洲国际时装周(AFI)合作主办这些顶尖的时装活动,使得约翰内斯堡像柏林、纽约及伦敦一样,以时尚行业先驱的身份登上了国际舞台。卓越的时装设计展示将带来前所未有的机遇,并传达这样一个强有力的信息:约翰内斯堡非常开放,它热烈欢迎全球的时装设计企业,并为追求时尚的游客和消费者展现出极其独特的生活方式。”

Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Very happy to cooperate with the Johannesburg,Consolidate its fashion capital position.Johannesburg economic development council of Ruby Mathang said:"With Africa international fashion week(AFI)Cooperation to host these top fashion activities,Johannesburg as Berlin/New York and London,In the fashion industry pioneer status on the international stage.Excellent fashion design show will bring unprecedented opportunities,And convey a strong message:Johannesburg is very open,It extended a warm welcome to fashion design companies around the world,And for the pursuit of fashion of tourists and consumers show a very unique way of life."

  非洲国际时装周(AFI)将2013年的约翰内斯堡奔驰时装周(Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Joburg)安排在纽敦这个充满艺术、时尚与设计的现代激情之都举办,目的是支持该市满怀事业激情的年轻企业家。此次活动将有助于非洲国际时装周(AFI)通过AFI Fastrack TM和Next Generation等项目,与这些年轻有为的后起之秀进行交流。此外,在纽敦举办这项著名的活动,还将吸引大量的都市时尚族涌入该地区,从而提升这个地方的吸引力和商业发展潜力。

Africa's international fashion week(AFI)The 2013 Mercedes Benz fashion week in Johannesburg(Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Joburg)Arrange, this is full of art in New York city/Fashion and design of modern passion are held,Purpose is to support the city full of career passion of young entrepreneurs.This activity will help Africa international fashion week(AFI)Through AFI Fastrack TM and Next Generation, etc,Communicate with these promising young rising star.In addition,The famous activities in newtown,Will also attract a lot of urban fashion were pouring into the region,To improve the local attractions and commercial development potential.


In 2013,,Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Plans to develop the fashion industry,Promote economic growth in South Africa.In the process,Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Will work with gauteng, growth and development with the two development projects:

  AFI Fastrack™——非洲国际时装周(AFI)提供的全国毕业生时装平台,使崭露头角的年轻设计师有机会在时装周上通过研讨会、专题会和职业咨询等方式获得关注。

AFI Fastrack™African international fashion week(AFI)Provided by the national graduate fashion platform,Make the budding young designers have the opportunity to through seminars on fashion week/Workshops and career counseling and other way to get attention.

  AFI The Next Generation——该平台为AFI Fastrack™项目的毕业生提供了发展其时装业务的一系列机遇。

As The Next Generation - The platform as AFI Fastrack™Program graduates offers a range of opportunities for the development of the fashion business.

  非洲国际时装周(AFI)执行主席Precious Moloi-Motsepe博士表示:“经过市场调研和市场了解之后,我衷心地认为,非洲在奢侈品与时尚产品的生产与消费方面前景光明。作为非洲国际商务与交通枢纽,约翰内斯堡是实现这一光明前景的关键。约翰内斯堡是世界顶级时尚与购物目的地,也是重要的文化中心,这里的设计师如群星璀璨,在世界市场上扮演着日益重要的角色。”

Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Executive chairman of Precious Moloi - Dr Motsepe said:"After market research and market knowledge,I sincerely believe that,Africa in production and consumption of luxury goods and fashion products, a bright future.As Africa's international business and transportation hub,Johannesburg is the key to achieve a bright future.Johannesburg is the world's top fashion and shopping destination,Is also an important cultural center,The designers here such as star-studded,Plays an increasingly important role in the world market."


South Africa and the continent will be achieved remarkable progress in the international market;And all this will be started in 2013 mercedes-benz fashion week AFI Johannesburg and its subsequent development projects.


Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Is the fashion industry pioneer of the African continent,To explore and development in South Africa and Africa's best fashion design talent.To do this,Africa's international fashion week(AFI)Create a number of industry leading world-class platform(Includes Johannesburg/Mercedes-benz fashion week in Cape Town and Africa),To promote the industry development,For excellent designer provides a variety of support.
