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Hong Kong Disneyland to make money!Minimum of high-profile global Disney Hong Kong Disneyland,In opening more than 7 years finally turnaround.Disneyland has announced fiscal 2012 earnings,Total turnover amounted to hk $4.272 billion,Is opened in September 2005 to profit for the first time,Just a year ago,Paradise lost hk $237 million.
受益于新景点及内地客增加 Benefit from the new attractions and mainland tourists increased
In order to increase the visitors,The Hong Kong SAR government and the Walt Disney company in 2009 to reach an agreement,The expansion of the Hong Kong Disneyland,Add three big scenic spot."R Jones stronghold"and"Bear valley"In November 2011 and successively opened in July last year,Visitor Numbers have increased rapidly,But new topic area"Blurred manor"Completion is expected this year,Total area of the park will increase 23%,Believe that will lead to a new round of passenger flow growth.Think Jin Minhao, chief executive of the Hong Kong Disneyland,Ideal performance last year,Thanks to the new attractions.
Mainland tourists are"turnround"Credited with.Annual report,In fiscal year 2012,Hong Kong Disneyland visitors grew by 13%,6.73 million visitors,The mainland tourists as the main customers,The total number of 3 million visitors,Accounted for 45%,Hong Kong residents accounted for 33%,The remaining 22% for international tourists.
分配机制争议酿盈利难题 Allocation mechanism controversial making profit problem
At the beginning of the Hong Kong Disneyland opened,Estimated 5 to 15 years,10 million passengers each year,Opening of the second year can be balanced,Return on capital of 25%,But the actual situation than expected,Total number of visitors is only 3 years before 13.8 million,Several years of losses and.
Jin Minhao explain,The financial crisis and slowing the pace of the Hong Kong Disneyland profits. Bird flu.In addition,Area is too small and lack of mainland tourists attractions also hindered the development of Hong Kong Disneyland project.
but,The industry generally believe that,The unfair of innate interest allocation mechanism is the important cause of Disney's loss-making.Hong Kong by the Hong Kong SAR government and the United States Walt Disney company Disney joint construction and operation,The total construction cost of hk $14.1 billion,About 90% of the investment in the SAR government,But with only 57% of the equity,The Disney company owns a 43% stake.According to the contract provisions,The Hong Kong SAR government can only be divided into in the paradise ticket sales,Related product sales revenue and affiliated businesses all belong to the Disney company.
Because tickets income relative to total income is very low,Hong Kong Disney profit congenitally deficient.but,In three new park have been completed,Traffic increased significantly,Jin Minhao said,Believe that things will be better.
十个扩建方案图翻身,与上海不存在竞争 Figure turn over ten expansion plan,And there is no competition in Shanghai
At present,Hong Kong Disneyland is about 10 expansion project in hand,Is each feasible scheme,Temporarily no conclusion and investment amount.In addition,The SAR government as a paradise,Although in the case of profitable are supposed to be"A piece of",But for the sake of long-term development,The government has decided not to receive"The dividend",Leave the money to park in the future development,Deal with tourists' demand of paradise.
For Shanghai Disneyland in Hong Kong after the completion of the future challenges,Jin Minhao said,Shareholder confidence in the development of tourism in Hong Kong,Under construction in Disneyland Hong Kong Disney and Shanghai there is no competition,Hong Kong and Shanghai tourism based on different location will attract different tourists,China has a population of 1.3 billion,Is a large market,Enough to hold two Disneyland.and,Due to the development of theme park in Asia time is shorter,Believe that increased trade is beneficial to cultivate cultural theme park,Conducive to the development of the industry.

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