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鸿鹄逸游2014顶级环游世界80天出炉 售价118万--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
2月27日,携程旗下顶级旅游品牌“鸿鹄逸游”在上海举行发布会,推出2014年顶级环游世界80天,售价118万,创造国内旅游产品最高售价纪录。此行程全国仅限10席,3月18日12:00正式售卖,抢购热线400 690 9811。这是继2010年以来携程集团第四次推出环游世界行程,此前两次由携程旅游业务部操作,在取得巨大的市场成功后,携程于2012年3月创立顶级旅游品牌鸿鹄逸游,全面运作环游世界系列产品及其他常规高端旅游产品。
On February 27,,Ctrip's top tourist brand"A large swan swim escape"Held a conference in Shanghai,Launched in 2014 the top 80 days to travel around the world,At 1.18 million,To create domestic tourism products to the highest price on record.This trip only 10 seats across the country,On 18 March 12:00 a formal sale,Snap up hotline at 400 690 9811.This is the fourth time the ctrip group since 2010 to launch a trip round the world trip,After twice by ctrip travel department operation,After the huge market success,Ctrip founded in March 2012, brand of top class tourism a large swan swim,Fully operational routine travel around the world series products and other high-end tourism products.
2013 top 80 days to travel around the world at 1.01 million,Once launched sparked an uproar,And 2014 travel itinerary number remains the same,Prices rose another 170000,A large swan swim from CEO to swim gold award is explained:"In 2014 on the basis of the original schedule again,The Caribbean cruise to Mexico and Central America have been added to Havana, Cuba,These are mainland guests rarely travel to destination,Can experience the more unique local conditions and customs.And because the price of part of scarce resources increases every year,Although 1.18 million prices rose but still value."
据了解,2014版环球游与2013版相比,增加了加勒比海2012年下水的最新最好的MSC邮轮之旅和中美洲墨西哥古巴哈瓦那的行程。客人将搭乘MSC邮轮Yacht Club游艇俱乐部贵宾套房游览加勒比海经典航线:美国迈阿密、牙买加、开曼群岛、墨西哥、巴哈马等。值得一提的是,该游艇俱乐部贵宾套房享受MSC邮轮旗舰船独有的豪华“船中船”概念,如邮轮内的专属游艇俱乐部,各种私密独享设施和VIP特权,客人可以在豪华大型邮轮上同样得到小型游艇的奢华享受。同时客人将造访古巴哈瓦那格瓦拉革命广场等地,体验中美洲最具异国风情的浪漫怀旧之地。
We have learned,2014 edition of the global travel compared with the 2013 version,Increase the Caribbean in 2012 launched the latest and greatest of MSC cruise and Havana, Cuba central Mexico trip.Guests will use MSC cruise which Club Yacht Club suites classic routes around the Caribbean:The United States in Miami/Jamaica/The cayman islands/Mexico/The Bahamas, etc..It is worth mentioning,The yacht club suites enjoy unique luxury MSC cruises flag ships"The Chinese ship"The concept,Such as exclusive yacht club in the cruise,Various private exclusive and VIP privileges,Guests can also on large luxury cruises and small yachts, luxury enjoyment.At the same time, guests will visit to Havana, Cuba che revolution square, etc,Experience the central place of the most exotic and romantic nostalgia.
在增加上述中美洲段行程的同时取消了巴拉圭、英国、摩洛哥、葡萄牙、意大利、梵蒂冈、印度等目的地,以保证行程以悠闲舒适的节奏进行。而2013版行程中的绝大部分景点行程则得以继续保留,如南北极、复活节岛、纳斯卡线、马丘比丘、巴西嘉年华、艾尔斯岩等30多个绝世景点,这些伟大的世界物质或文化遗产深深地震撼了历次环球游客人,留下了终生难忘的记忆。同时高端环游的标准也没变,全程国际航段搭乘公务舱,入住全球地标性顶级酒店,如迪拜帆船饭店、阿布扎比酋长皇宫饭店、巴黎、布拉格、悉尼、墨西哥、迈阿密、开罗、安曼四季酒店、马德里威斯汀皇宫饭店、复活节岛Hotel La Posada de Mike Rapu、死海Kempinski Hotel Ishtar、芬兰北极光玻璃屋Kakslauttanen Glass Igloo等,享受最具特色的米其林或同等级别餐食,如迪拜帆船饭店海底餐厅晚宴、巴黎米其林三星主厨晚宴、北欧芬兰料理、澳大利亚天籁烛光晚宴、悉尼三顶厨师帽法式晚宴等,保证了80天行程一致的奢华感受。
An increase in the central American journey also canceled to Paraguay/The UK/Morocco/Portugal/Italy/The Vatican/Destinations such as India,To ensure that the itinerary to leisurely and comfortable pace.While the 2013 version of the schedule of most of the scenic spot journey to be able to keep,Such as north and south poles/Easter island/The nazca lines/Machu picchu/The carnival in Brazil/Ayers Rock and so on more than 30 beautiful scenic spots,These great world material or cultural heritage deeply shocked the people all around the world tourists,Left unforgettable memories.At the same time, the standard of high-end travel around,The entire international segment take business class,Top global landmark hotel,Such as dubai sailing hotel/ABU dhabi's emirates palace hotel/Paris/Prague/Sydney/Mexico/Miami/Cairo/Amman, the four seasons hotel/Madrid palace westin hotel/Easter island Hotel La Posada DE Mike Rapu/The Dead Sea Kempinski Hotel Ishtar/Aurora borealis Glass house in Finland Kakslauttanen Glass Igloo,Enjoy the most distinctive Michelin meals or equivalent level,Such as dubai sailing hotel restaurant dinners/A Michelin three-star chef dinner in Paris/Finland Nordic cuisine/Australian music candle light dinner/Sydney three chef hat French dinner, etc,Guaranteed for 80 days travel luxurious feeling.
Ctrip CEO Mr. Fan said,"Good malls there must be several top luxury shops in the town,A large swan swim from ctrip is the big luxury goods stores in the mall,And travel around the world products is a large swan swim from the town shop treasure."
It is worth noting that the ctrip launched products around the world since 2010,Has so far failed to mainland travel companies to launch similar products,In the rapid replication,Highly similar in the travel industry is rare.The personage inside course of study says,Successful operation of high-end travel product needs to have six big capacity at the same time:1/Strong brand influence/2/High-end circuit design ability. 3/Scarce resources purchasing ability. 4/Complicated visa trip planning and the ability to send signed 5/Acquisition of high-end customers to 6/After the line along the bank of China service ability.In the domestic market,At the same time meet the above conditions of tourism enterprises is rare.
We have learned,On March 18, snapping up successful 10 guests will take more than six months of time to deal with 12 visa,On February 5, 2014 departure from Hong Kong,Beginning 80 days to travel around the world trip.
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