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我省部分“一日游”暗藏陷阱 I save some"A day trip"Hidden trap
Beijing tourists travel to xiamen,Seduced gulangyu. Only 20000 people every day,The results to buy"A day trip"Packages are free sites,Also was taken to shopping and attractions at his own expense
东南网-海峡都市报2月28日讯(记者 朱丽萍)国家旅游局与国家工商行政管理总局前日联合发布了《国内旅游“一日游”合同(示范文本)》,并要求各地结合实际积极推广使用。据了解,新规有取消购物、另行付费项目以及自由活动等三大亮点。昨日,记者调查了解到,近几年我省部分一日游线路仍暗藏购物以及自费陷阱。
Net - strait southeast of metropolis daily news on February 28(The reporter expo-themed)The national tourism administration and the state administration for industry and commerce jointly issued the day before[Domestic tourism"A day trip"The contract(Demonstrative text)],And to actively promote the use according to the reality.We have learned,New rules have to cancel the shopping/Shall be paid project and free activities and so on three big luminescent spot.yesterday,The reporter understands survey,In recent years, our province partial, one-day tour line still hide shopping and trap.
After xiamen relevant departments also announced the tourists travel to xiamen,Be fooled to tea shop shopping,"YeDao"borrow"thanks"Looks like selling rolex brand table etc. Xiamen Tours trap case.
Our province tourism ZhiJianSuo related sources said,After a special tourism departments at all levels in recent years from time to time,In our province"Black car"/"Black guide"Such a problem is not much.
Fuzhou many travel agencies said,Compared with the domestic tourism and outbound tourism,"A day trip"Collect the guest in the,In addition to the regular big travel agency,Small travel agencies and tourists don't sign a contract phenomenon is relatively common.
【案例】一日游被忽悠买套票游免费景点 [case]A day was fool to buy packages to swim free scenic spot
Beijing recently Mr Deng's three people going to fuzhou for the meeting,Due to haven't been to xiamen,Three people are going to one day in advance to visit gulangyu island in xiamen,After three people arrive in xiamen,From xiamen railway station to the ferry terminal.
"On the taxi,The driver told us,Gulangyu island which is now,Only 20000 people every day."Mr Deng said,The taxi driver said because they don't have the gulangyu the tickets ahead of time,Even if the line is not on the island,But buy xiamen government's tourism packages,Don't have to line up on gulangyu island.
Mr Deng's agreed with the taxi driver - are strongly advised to obtain travel packages.Then the taxi driver enthusiastically sent Mr Deng to the hotel,Bought south putuo + + gulangyu island road 98 yuan"A day trip"packages.then,Tour guide to take them to visit the south putuo,The road around the island,They pulled directly went to the tea shopping,Spent more than an hour on the spot.
Mr Deng said,They didn't go around the island road,Then was taken to the gulangyu island,98 - yuan package contains only gulangyu ferry,All the rest of the scenic spot tickets to at his own expense,Tour guide also requires tourists go to see the world famous museum and watch the three legs of the pig chargeable."98 yuan set to play all is free scenic spot,And it was taken to shopping."Mr Deng said,The gulangyu island trip very depressed.

Cambodia's Angkor Wat 4 6 days later leisure trip
RMB4999 4999起
RMB5780 5780起
【捷达旅游】超奢华 普吉4晚6日团队游 - [Jet travel]Super luxury phuket 4 6 night swim team
RMB3480 3480起
【捷达旅游】新加坡马来西亚4晚7日团队游 - [Jet travel]Singapore, Malaysia 4 7 night swim team
RMB4180 4180起
【众信旅游】东南亚金牌泰传奇 泰国6日游 - [The letter to travel]Gold's legendary tour Thailand 6 southeast Asia
RMB4380 4380起
【众信旅游】韩国民俗 釜山安东庆州首尔5日 - [The letter to travel]5, Seoul folk busan Anton gyeongju
RMB6680 6680起
【凤凰国旅】清明狂欢!清曼芭提雅9日大暴走 - [Phoenix CITS]Qingming festival carnival!Qing, pattaya 9 big outbreak
RMB7788 7788起
【途牛旅游网】北京出发 迪拜阿布扎比6日游 - [Way cattle travel network]Beijing in dubai, ABU dhabi. 6
RMB11600 11600起
【众信旅游】丛林猎奇 南非太阳城8日尊享之旅 - [The letter to travel]Jungle in South Africa to see sun city 8, honour enjoy trip
In the hotel"Toothbrush by"
Aroma company search for himself
Women traveling alone must read the bible
Inventory alarming festival
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