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拆旧仿古频上演 8历史名城被黄牌警告(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室
recently,The notice of housing and urban-rural development and the state administration of cultural heritage,Liaocheng city in shandong province/Handan city, hebei province/Hubei province draws/Anhui ShouXian/Henan JunXian/Yueyang city of hunan province/Liuzhou city, guangxi zhuang autonomous region/The Dali in yunnan province and other eight cities and counties,Due to lack of protection work,The historical cultural city historical and cultural heritage suffered severe damage/Historic and cultural value is criticized severely affected.
This notice be considered relevant departments lack of protection of historical and cultural city in the first place"A yellow card".
“拆旧仿古”频频上演 "Dismantle old antique"common
In September 2007,Yueyang tower scenic spot test a street near the street.Refurbished expensive gas is very near the street,Magnificent glamorous.however,Yueyang citizens have different feelings."This is a reproduction."Yueyang said a people in the protection of cultural relics,"New near the street is very beautiful,But it did not have the memory of yueyang."
The practice of yueyang city are not alone.Shandong liaocheng is another"Over to"The version of the.Three years ago,Ancient city of liaocheng launched ambitious reconstruction plan.Once the old house all razed to the ground,Roads surrounding the dismantle them one by one,Give way to those new antique wall paint/turrets/Office and the examination yuan.Then the dying of the light,Is the history of the ancient city of liaocheng……
"Dismantle old antique"The drama staged one after another,Piece of historical and cultural blocks in bulldozers roar,let"China's famous historical and cultural city"The signboard in jeopardy.
There are many historical and cultural city in China.Since 1982 the first batch of national historical and cultural cities published up to now,A total of 119 cities have the title.They have used all the capital,There are political and economic center in history,Also has a certain historical events occurred.
In accordance with the regulations,Have at least two historical and cultural blocks of the city to declare national historical and cultural city.Experts say,Present 119 famous historical and cultural city in China,Nearly 20 no historical and cultural blocks,Nearly half of the historical and cultural blocks is unqualified.
商业利益驱动是主因 Commercial interests drive is the main reason
Tongji university ruan yisan, director of the national famous historical and cultural city research center,The led is compiled[Liaocheng city protection and renovation plan].In accordance with the plan,Shall be to the ancient city construction as the original,And keep part of the residents.however,Liaocheng local government just adopted a part of the plan,Large demolition of old,And new antique house."The basic pattern of streets and while it is in,But the inside of the building are all turned off,Just left a‘False pants’."
Ruan yisan said,Many people equate the protection of historical and cultural blocks with development of tourism,In order to develop tourism is the protection of historical and cultural blocks;Tourism development should obtain economic benefits as soon as possible,So protection is to make money,This is stuck in the commercial development of a dead end,Simply not sustainable.
In fact,,In lijiang/pingyao/Wuzhen after the ancient city of ancient town tourism rise,Many places have to succumb,Blindly follow suit."Historical and cultural city"Really is a hallmark of developing tourism,But the problem is out of here.Beijing jiaotong university tourism management professor Wang Yan said:"Enter the tourism development process,Some local governments did not give top priority to the protection of cultural relics,The moderate development becomes excessive,City of culture/The original true/Natural and ecological destruction."
However, tourism development is not enough to explain the purpose of all of them.
Some experts think,Many famous historical and cultural city of historical and cultural blocks a large build/Lack of protection of unhealthy tendencies,Also not scientific achievements appraisal pattern inside and local government.Some of the capital city managers to seek promotion,In office, eager to see/Tangible achievements,The most direct way is to quickly improve the GDP.
"Mainly originated from the old land finance."LiuSu said, vice President of the hunan university school of architecture,"The first principle is the original genuine cultural heritage,This request to ensure continuity of the traditional life.If to do travel/To make business,All the people out of the downtown,The original true big give discount,The continuity of life is no matter."
缺乏相应的退出机制 Lack of corresponding exit mechanism
Over to the liaocheng has become a negative stereotype.In June 2012"Marking national historical and cultural city set up the 30th anniversary of BBS"On the,Live qiu baoxing, a deputy minister of construction"Open true city/Build fake antiques"The behavior of the,Direct call liaocheng,"Pulled down into historical block,Unified built antique buildings,A design drawing/A time to build".
According to a 2008 state council enacted[Historical and cultural city town village protection ordinance],Destructive effects on the historical style and features of the historical and cultural blocks should be investigated for corresponding responsibility.
"But they still lack an exit mechanism."LiuSu said.In recent years,The industry a lot of experts and scholars have been advice shall establish exit mechanism of historical and cultural city,Such as lack of protection may cancel its title,But the proposal has not yet make substantive response.
The issued by the ministry and state administration of cultural heritage in the notice,Only mentioned to rectification of report August 31 this year,Ministry of housing and urban-rural development and the state administration of cultural heritage will be according to the condition of the rectification,Decide whether to ask for instructions of the state council in its list of endangered species list,Also didn't see the specific"quit"or"Removed from"The words.

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