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旅行途中游客意外摔伤 Travel tourists hurt accidentally
"When you go well,Come back when it hurt,Was sad,Activist also in trouble."Who lives near the west culture in ms aggrieved.
On February 14,In ms went on a tour bus to haikou,The destination,When to get off,Ms in 13 year old daughter suddenly slipped out from the car on the steps of the,When the pain is very can't walk.When in the hotel,Ankle had swollen up.
Ms to find guides offer went to the hospital to check,They found a community hospital,But the hospital can't shooting,The doctor suggested to the pharmacy to buy yunnan baiyao,Spray in the fall to save worry.
"When the car some wet,Many tourists are so."Ms in said,The botanical garden in the afternoon to the overseas Chinese farm,After you get off tour guide with other tourists to visit,Leave the lady and her daughter in situ.Look at daughter impatient of appearance,In the center of the woman carrying her daughter find tourists,This can be found rented wheelchairs.
Your supper,After her daughter back to the hotel,The woman bought a few bottles of iced water cold compresses the pain to her daughter.The next day in ms find guide want to get to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible,But was told that no hospital. Along the way,Can only be such as to sanya.To sanya is at 8 PM,Ms in a taxi in a nearby hospital,Only to find films need to town hospital.The second day early in the morning,Finished all fractures shows in town hospital,No shift.
After go back to jinan,In the lady took her two daughters to province Chinese medicine inspection."The doctor diagnosed said,Fall was the location of the long bones,Once the recovery is not good need surgery,Two years need to review on a regular basis."Ms in listening,Strengthened to the idea of human rights.
如何赔偿双方产生分歧 How to compensate the two sides split
27,Reporter contacted the travel agency,Officials say,Travel agency on Friday will ms and to communicate,Consultation related issues.
28,In the travel agency office,Reporters saw the relevant person in charge of several of the event.After roughly they retell the events to the reporter,Is the same with Ms. Yu said.One of the travel agency officials said,As a guide to the tail from wagging the dog,Could not have dropped the other was 28 for a tourist visitors,Tour guide is hard to take care of so considerate.
Another head said,Because of the rain that day,The car is wet,Tour guide warned visitors to be careful,As child guardian's parents should shoulder the bulk of the responsibility in this case.Now can't say for certain specific and responsibility share,Need the legal department.
For the happening of the accident,Travel agency said sorry,And says it will not avoid responsibility.After we received the news of ms in the daughter in the hospital,Company send someone to visit,And wants to maximize the take care of it.Due to the differences in communication,The two sides could not agree.At present,Travel agency is working with the parties to communicate/To coordinate.
律师认为旅行社应担责 Lawyers think the travel agency should be accountable
Travel after you come back,In ms associated with travel agency bargaining compensation matters.27th in the morning,In the women were told,Take a commercial insurance claims,Parents as guardians guardianship responsibility,And not too much travel.
For this,Shandong Ma Liwu Cambridge law firm said,According to the[Tort liability law]and[Consumers' rights and interests protection law]The relevant provisions,In this event,Tourists slip injured as a result of wet inside the car,Travel agency personnel did not fulfill the duty security,Cause damage to other people,Shall bear tort liability,Travelers can request the corresponding supplementary liability.
At the same time,Travel demand compensation from the citizens go business,Does not affect the citizens to travel claim for compensation.According to the[Insurance law]Related regulations,Visitors to the infringer request compensation,With the request to pay insurance according to insurance contract to the insurance company,Do not contradict,May also require.

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