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台湾游将“限购” 游客或多掏钱--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  限制团队购物次数、提高住宿标准、剥离一些收费项目……台湾有关部门日前出台相关旅游规范并定于4月试行。省内台湾游组团旅行社工作人员表示, 出台新标准的主要目的是约束和提高大陆客游览台湾的品质,对主打品质台湾游的旅行社来说影响不大,但如果严格执行新规“砍掉”一些购物点,将会相应提高旅 行社的成本,最终提高台湾游线路的价格。

Limit the team number of shopping/Improve accommodation standards/Stripping some fees……Taiwan authorities recently issued concerning tourism specification and is scheduled for April on a trial basis.In the province of Taiwan tour group travel agency officials said, The main purpose of the new standard is constraints, and improve the quality of the mainlanders to visit Taiwan,The main quality swim the impact is not big for travel agencies in Taiwan,But if strictly enforce new rules"Cut off"Some shopping,Will increase the cost of the travel agency,Finally raise the price of Taiwan tour routes.

  新政出台 确保台湾游品质 The New Deal introduced to ensure that the Taiwan tour quality

  据了解,新标准包括每天行程不得超过12小时,接待车辆每天行驶里程不得超过250公里(容许误差10公里以内),须提供租车契约,载明车资, 接待车辆应装设GPS行车记录仪;每人每天午、晚餐合计应达新台币500元以上,或全程半数以上在认定地点用午餐或晚餐;住宿全程总夜数须三分之一以上为 星级旅馆;购物应全程在未指定购物商店进行,但可安排自由购物,或购物商店总数不得超过全程总夜数,其中属珠宝等高单价商店只能安排1次,如为环岛行程, 可在花东再加1次,每一购物商店停留时间以50分钟为限;行程安排上应为区域旅游、主题旅游,或最近3年被台湾旅行业评选为金质旅游的行程之一。

We have learned,The new standards include schedule shall not be more than 12 hours a day,Reception vehicle mileage is not more than 250 kilometers a day(Allowable error is within 10 km),Shall provide rental contract,Set forth the fare, Reception vehicle GPS vehicle traveling data recorder should be installed;Per person per day noon/Dinner together should be more than nt $500,More than half or full in that place for lunch or dinner;Accommodation should be more than a third of total nights all the star class hotel;Shopping should be in not specified all the shopping stores,But can arrange free shopping,Or amount shall not exceed the total number of nights all the shopping store,Which belong to jewelry such as unit price stores can only arrange 1 time,Such as island trip, In the east plus one,Every time spent shopping store is limited to 50 minutes;Travel arrangements should be on the regional tourism/Theme tourism,Or in the recent 3 years is one of Taiwan's travel industry selection for gold tourism trip.

  “新规出台主要是为了保证大陆游客台湾游质量,挤压一些违规操作的旅行社生存空间。 ”据环球国旅出境部负责人葛慧介绍,目前合肥市场上的台湾游线路基本符合这个标准,还没有出现过类似外地强制游客购物或者降低服务标准的恶性事件。

"New rules introduced mainly in order to ensure the quality of mainland visitors to Taiwan tour,Squeeze some irregularities living space of travel agency. "As one of the universal, CST ChuJingBu GeHui is introduced,Currently in hefei on Taiwan tour line basic conform to this standard,There is no similar foreign tourists shopping compulsory malignant events or lowering the standard of service.

  成本增加 将推高线路报价 Increased costs will push up the line quotation

  安徽中青旅市场总监张广辉表示,目前台湾游线路以传统的环岛八日游为主打产品,配合一些主题游线路,价格从3800元/位到12000元/位不 等,相比2009年刚推出台湾游的8800元/位,价格层次更加明显,线路选择也相对丰富,深度游、主题游报价比普通的行程报价高出30%。

Cyts Tours in anhui market director zhang guang hui said,Now Taiwan tour lines to give priority to dozen of products 8 traditional island tour,Cooperate with some tour routes,Price from RMB 3800 to RMB 3800 / person/who did not,Compared with 2009 have just introduced to Taiwan travel 8800 yuan/person,Price level is more obvious,Line selection is relatively rich,Depth tour/Theme Tours offer than normal schedule by 30%.

  “如果后期严格执行新规,务必会提高旅行社的成本,这部分费用可能会转嫁到消费者身上。 ”据了解,这几年台湾游热度不减,仅2012年全省赴台湾游客就有3.2万人次,相比2011年不到3万人增加10%左右。张广辉表示,随着台湾游市场化 的程度不断提高,传统线路已不能满足游客的需求,旅行社也在积极做出一些调整,开发一些新的主题线路,有实力的旅行社有望继续扩大台湾游市场份额。

"If late strictly enforce new rules,Be sure to will increase the cost of the travel agency,This part of costs may be passed on to consumers. "We have learned,In recent years Taiwan swims heat,Province tourist to Taiwan in 2012 alone 32000 people,Fewer than 30000 people compared with 2011 increased about 10%.Zhang guang hui said,As Taiwan's swim marketization degree enhances unceasingly,Traditional lines can't meet the needs of tourists,Travel agencies are also positive to make some adjustments,Develop some new subject lines,With the travel agency is expected to continue to expand tourism market share in Taiwan.

台湾游将“限购” 游客或多掏钱

台湾游将“限购” 游客或多掏钱


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