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给父母磕头景区免门票? 孝道呼唤不能用利益换取--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  只要在风景区的大门口处给父母磕个头,全家人就可以免门票如此别致“一景”,3月8日出现在驻马店市某风景区,来自《大河报》的这则新闻引起了大家的热议。有人称赞这么做有一种深意,能够让孩子记得尽孝,也有人认为这个创意只是一个徒有形式的创意,晚辈给父母磕头像是“假磕头”、“假感恩”…… As long as the dept. head to her parents in the scenic area of the gate,The whole family can free admission so chic"A sight",Now ZhuMaDianShi March 8, a scenic spot,from[The river to]The news caused a heated debate.They say do this there is a kind of meaning,Can let the children remember was prevented,Also some people think that the idea is just a ACTS have a form of creativity,Junior to kowtow like their parents"False kowtow"/"False gratitude"……

  正方 tetragonal

  让老人看看世界 Let the old man look at the world

  这是何等的孝心 This is how the filial piety


Go to travel,Tickets which is in my heart"pain",And admission is free is almost turned into a luxury thing,Now is just a dept. head to her parents in public,The whole family can admission is free,Such a"Admission is free"measures,In my opinion,It is feasible.Because the average person seldom kowtow to her parents,While this is a kowtow in public,But it also shows the meaning of filial piety to their parents,Just like wash feet to the parents in public,If there is no gratitude in the form of a carrier,Probably many people do not wash feet for their parents the rest of my life.


The first day to the 10th, 2013,Yueyang tower scenic spot"back[Yueyang tower to remember],Get free tickets"Lunar New Year special event.To parents kowtow free admission reflects the filial piety to parents,Recite yueyang tower and remember to free climb stairs,Is a kind of culture.The two all roads lead to Rome,Are using free admission for visitors to realize that the most important thing in life.


Maybe someone will say,This is a publicity stunt,You will have a free admission is free,Why let parents kowtow.In fact,Do have a meaning,Today's young people are very love for their children;While his parents are not too concerned about.Their child's birthday remember well,And celebrate together very grand,But his parents don't even know what day birthday,What is more important,Now how many people are traveling with their parents?


In early March 2009,In guiyang, a planning director Wang Haijiu a culture media company be detected terminally ill,But in the last three months of life,Travel with parents,After understanding,He will make a wish in your mind:Have the ability in the future,Be sure to take the elderly parents bound for the motherland,Let parents see the outside world,Son of your good.Wang Haijiu is a patient,Are able to achieve their set early in big,But many healthy young people simply did not think of to travel with his parents.


Don't say to the parents kowtow free admission is a publicity stunt,I hope that all of the scenic spot to do so,Then there are more old people could enjoy children's filial piety.Let the old man at the last time to see the world,This is how the filial piety.(Wang Junrong)


 只要弘扬正义就值得推广 As long as promoting justice is worth promoting


This activity at one stroke to win more,First of all,38 women's days, won the scenic spot of the love and support.Is not the law in our country scenic spot in 38 women's days"Free to visit",This day tickets to visit is very normal things,A half-holiday festival will also bring people like tide for the scenic spot,bonanza;And the scenic spot can on this day in the form of people simple activities"Free to visit",It is the scenic spot"Filial piety"38 women's day"A heart",It is far better than other not to give the march eighth visit the park free of charge/The scenic spot more progress,How can we not give applause?


The second,For 38 women's days expand the influence,Output the respect the women education.Have to see,In today's festival is more and more entertainment accounted for the mainstream,Activity is more entertainment in public places,Lack of education and festival,Tends to make the festival"A presumptuous guest usurps the host's role".This scenic area carried out in 38 women's day this day"Kowtow to her parents to visit for free"Huimin activities,Apparently laid stress on the connotation of 38 women's days,Holding up the women's status and dignity,Carry forward the old filial piety the old virtues,Have more interest to 38 section,More topics,More education significance.Whether to participate in activities,Or not to participate in the activities,In this activity by education,Society people will also pass the international working women's day in this campaign value positive energy.


Moreover,,To the scenic spot has won great reputation and advertising.Scenic spot this activity huimin surface lost revenue,Actually produced a wave after wave of advertising effect,The support of our people will surely add to the scenic spot,Then feelings surge to the scenic Tours,Will bring more scenic spots/The growing popularity of more potential and type.A small loss in multiple cash,The scenic area marketing planning is not smart?so,Scenic spot for holiday gift for free,Holiday will also give scenic spot"A red envelope",That is the beauty of scenic spot market festival huimin activities.(TongKeZhen)

  反方 anti-side

  孝道的呼唤不能用利益换取 Filial piety's call can't use interests in exchange for it


Reporters saw,When a sister-in-law to buy tickets,Discovered the"A reward card",Hurriedly called the whole family to come over,The two old man with silver hair to assist in a chair and sat down,Nine people bow down to.The eldest sister-in-law is ZhuMaDianShi marketing vice President of a large corporation,Hadn't been wedding when she married,Married to the husband's family have been 24 years,To my father-in-law mother-in-law kowtow, this is the first time.Father-in-law mother-in-law daughter-in-law see nearly 50 kowtow to them,Excited tears dc.


24 years didn't give in-laws upon once head,Once knelt down under,But in front of just the ticket,She was bowed her head.It seems a little funny,But it is chilling.In-laws for 24 years,There is no credit for GuLao,Don't worth a scenic spot ticket?


The Chinese nation is publicizing filial piety heavy and nation,Through the ages,Many privilege baiban (story,Confucius attaches great importance to baiban (,Baiban (is considered to be/The root of the scholar,Respect for parents"Filial piety"Respect brother yue"and".Confucian thought,"Filial piety"Is the root of all virtue,The source of enlightenment.[Xiao, begins the first chapter]Will load:Confucius said:"His filial piety,This also of DE,By living also teach."Filial piety old should also have a wider field of vision,"Expand and man's old love."Filial piety their parents love,"Little filial piety";Is filial piety the parents love,"Filial piety".Filial piety is the common obligation of the whole society,Shared responsibility."Promote CiXiao culture,Gratitude all parent."This is the foundation of the kernel of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.


"Filial piety"Are heartfelt emotion,Is the outpouring of love,She can't be money corrosion,Can't be blinded by illusion."Filial piety"Can't be particular about returns,But she has really paid off,Her reward is heritage from one generation to another.Only you do not wish for any return to filial piety the old man,Your children and grandchildren can also filial piety you.China has entered the aging society,Filial piety is very important,but,Filial piety's call can't use interests in exchange for it,Ke head,Next kneel,Not equal to the value of a ticket.If you do,Filial piety is gone bad,Such a"Filial piety"Can only say that false piety treasures outside its defeat garrulous among them.The filial piety,Don't let it be!(Hu Zimin)


太过刻意与做作无法令人高看 Too deliberate and artificial way to help


As a for-profit business area,To attract tourists,Ascension popularity and hype,A trick or,No not?,But if it is like being evicted the scenic spot,Specially in 38 women's day this day,Big hung"A reward card",The terms,Decorate venues,As long as kowtow grateful to her parents,And also tour scenic spot tickets can be avoided if one by one to live up to its promise(As of 6 PM,A total of 97 home/More than 450 junior to the elders kowtow,Get free admission)if,Scenic Settings"What to watch"or"The selling point"There is a,Kowtow visitors also enjoy free treatment,But convince people of the scenic spot of kowtowing to the parents filial or in public,The arrangement of the express gratitude,But because of too deliberately/Too affectation,Even its utilitarianism is too naked,so,Still can't help,More can't admired or widely copied/To promote.


Reason is obvious,Has opened a attractive conditions,Planning to kowtow in public,Whether it's to parents filial,What still express gratitude, and so on,It is voluntary,sincere,From the heart,And should not be with your thoughts.The scenic spot is plain code marks a price started almost the whole of kowtowing tour scenic spot tickets in exchange for free in public practice,Not to let people take their selfishness to cater to the scenic area planning to earn money,Publicity stunt??Such a change was prevented(Express gratitude, or)Don't think into a proverb,I'm afraid is difficult.(Li Gan Lin)


三言两语 In a few words


Activity is alternative,But it is very warm.


South, are available


Using kowtow activity of type restoring ancient ways for women's day gift,interesting.


Feng Yun


Reproduce once children filial piety to parents, and education!


Hu Jiapei


No matter to yourself,Or to your parents,This is a respect filial piety the old education!


To such as


The starting point is good,Want to wake up people by such a move"Filial piety"tao,Can be demonstrated in front of the hollowing out of filial piety,Must be a fake filial piety,Too hypocritical.




they"Filial piety"Rather than their parents"tickets".


Zhang Ke


This is the resurrection feudal ethical code,To kneel down to stand up to the Chinese people.


Wang Dawei


Festival activities in promoting social justice/Vital qi/Positive energy theme,Make people happy/To participate in health,Is the national promotion.


Song Jiali


Despite the fact that some people entertainment type kowtow,Some people is revered kowtow,Some people is gratitude kowtow,Some people are taking free tickets to kowtow,But still want to produce many telekinesis,Is that enough.
