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四川绝大部分景区不受地震影响 五一节可放心玩--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  今日,四川省旅游局召开“全省旅游安全和服务保障工作会议”,除雅安市以外的20个市(州)和县(市、区)政府有关领导及旅游局主要负责人参加了本次会议。 today,Sichuan provincial tourism administration"The provincial tourism security and service security work meeting",Besides yaan city of 20(state)And county(The city/area)Relevant government leadership and tourism bureau chief attended the meeting.


"4, 20"Forth a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred,Ya 'an area a total of 39 group, 830 people,By the unit organization travel/Road trips/Rural tourism, group of 8990 people,A total of 9820 people.As of April 23, at 15:00,All visitors have safety evacuation,There is no casualties,Sichuan tourism staff there is no casualties.


Leading group office of provincial tourism industry development/Tourism bureau Hao Kangli said at the meeting,In spite of"4, 20"Forth a magnitude 7.0 earthquake has brought negative effect to sichuan tourism market,But the earthquake disaster area damage range is very small,Only 3 4 a,A 3 a,2 2 a scenic spot,Temporarily closed to visitors,Accounting for 2.33% of the 253 a-class scenic spot in the province,In the most parts of the scenic spots and reception facilities in good condition,The normal reception of tourists,The provincial tourism overall safety/Can swim the fundamentals have not changed;In the non-seismic areas accelerate the development of tourism industry expectations has not changed.


Sichuan province has started[Sichuan tourism market boost action plan],Boost confidence/Consolidate the market.Tourism management departments at all levels will be combined with the actual,In the domestic and inbound tourism market to carry out targeted promotional marketing.The recent,Will integrate in sichuan province/The city(state)/county(The city/area)And tourism promotion for the tourism resources of the enterprise,Tourism marketing linkage mechanism is established,Jointly launched a new batch of subject line products,Joint promotion.

  为刺激旅游者入川旅游的消费意愿,四川省将运用“组合拳”, 陆续开展感恩营销、节庆活动营销、网络营销等活动。旅游相关要素企业多位一体,联合推出价格优惠政策,构建旅游营销的整体价格优势。同时充分利用多种形式的媒体,多角度高效能放大宣传效应。

Sichuan tourism to stimulate tourists' willingness to spend,Sichuan province will use"combination", Launch marketing of Thanksgiving/Event marketing/The network marketing and other activities.Tourism related elements of enterprise more than one,Introduced the price preferential policies,Build the tourism marketing as a whole price advantage.At the same time make full use of various forms of media,Highly efficient amplification propaganda effect from multiple perspectives.


In terms of clear main tourist market,Our province will follow soon"To ensure that the province/Focus on the surrounding;In strengthening/Promote overseas"The way of thinking,Focusing on domestic tourism market,Strong overseas tourism market.The domestic market in the traditional main group is the focus of publicity and marketing;Inbound tourism market in addition to a tourism marketing alliance strengthen direct city and the depth of the inbound tourists mainly publicity and marketing.On the other hand,Secri also innovation will promote the tourism new lines and products eye to attract tourists.

  “五一”小长假前,四川省各级政府和相关部门将再次加强对交通集散地、旅游住宿设施、旅游景区、大型游览游乐设施、旅游餐饮场所等游客密集场所的安全检查,及时排除安全隐患,严防群死群伤等恶性事件发生。高速公路免费政策将促使“五一”小长假期间我省旅游骨干公路和新开通高速公路车流量将再次出现高峰。为此,四川省将进一步完善道路沿线的安全监测、维护、抢修及防护设施、交通标牌等,确保旅游线路安全畅通。(记者 袁玥 )

"The May Day"Small long vacation before,Sichuan province at all levels of government and related departments to strengthen the transportation hubs... Again/Tourist accommodation facilities/Tourism scenic spots/Large sightseeing amusement facilities/Populated places catering places such as tourist security checks,Promptly eliminate safety hidden trouble,Fight group die group of injury such as malignant events happened.The highway will encourage free policy"The May Day"Small long holiday during our province tourism backbone roads and highway traffic will appear again the new peak.To do this,The province will further improve safety monitoring along the road/maintenance/Repair and protection facilities/Traffic signs, etc.,To ensure a smooth flow of traffic tourist route.(The reporter Yuan Yue )


The author:Yuan Yue

四川绝大部分景区不受地震影响 五一节可放心玩

四川绝大部分景区不受地震影响 五一节可放心玩

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四川绝大部分景区不受地震影响 五一节可放心玩


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