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这个事情为什么我很支持,Hope to send out today, and to foreign media about such a report,There are three main considerations.A contemporary change of consumption subject,Tourist market and hotel great changes have taken place in the consumer groups.In the second,Business environment has changed to major symbol of technological progress.In the third,The development of hotel industry in the future to cultivate our own national brand,Let China's hotel industry in China service concept to the world famous hotel group to compete.We need a new marketing tool,We need to update the technology,A little bit on said,We are the change of market environment and the consumption main body,Early in the middle of the whole tourism hotel industry in the '80 s is in short supply situation.


      Here we know when jianguo hotel's reform and opening up in 80,In 81 of Hong Kong peninsula group, please give us to do,At that time the most headache thing as a hotel manager is not a marketing problem but don't have a house.I remember the original Chen jianguo hotel general manager,He told me,There are two situation at that time,Foreigners suddenly pull to tianjin or to Beijing to the Great Wall the Forbidden City,Ordinary people is directly into the scenic spot of long-distance travel down,At that time no room.At the time when a 5-star hotel boss than as a director of a bureau chief.This is a phenomenon.There is a impressive,When hiring a waiter queue can row to the land of the three mile,Now young people there are very few,Only to haidilao to line up.


      Over the past 30 years of development,Had the earth-shaking change,Our market main body is mainly national mass,Domestic tourists reached 2.96 billion last year,Inbound tourism is 134 million including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan last year,Can produce real housing demand is sixty million people,A lot of hotels are their own people.People often come to often go done,Picky as much,Just fall in love when boyfriend bought a glad to half a day,Have the children to buy flowers are you happy,Don't like the.Another is competition,Leisure in the past young people went to the hotel,I often say a story,I look at the time[surge]Jiang Shan Wang Zhiwen play movies,I particularly impressive Du Meiyou Jiang Shan play a best friend was married to an Italian,The italians living in hotel,When we look at the hotel,Many girls are into the hotel lobby to wear a new skirt on a business trip to get out again,No place to show.Now we mainly national public,Young people give priority to,We did a survey recently,Under 44 can account for the absolute subject status, in other words account for 60% or more of the consumer,This quantity is big.This part is liberation of thought,More fashion,The international field of vision,See more,More main bet,You see the weibo micro letter what say on weibo have special,This is great changes have taken place.And we are 5 star hotel in the early 80 s when single digits,At most a double digits,Now the national more than six hundred five-star hotel,Four thousands of four-star hotel,Consumer market change,Change suppliers,You don't better consumers who would like to live in your shop?This is a big change.


In the second,Business environment changes.Technical progress is very, very over the years ahead,Then 4 years before and after I'm in a foreign country,Then do a website feel things,To sound on the Internet is great,At home I do a story on CCTV at a time,In my family my parents are the neighbor shouted to home to see,The child is.Now watching TV I think people is less and less,with[The People's Daily]As well as[Excerpt from]/[News broadcast]CCTV officials don't see no good,The watch soon,As far as I know, in addition to the first edition of the second edition also don't see many officials,To see what?See the web site,Look at the Internet of things.With the development of smart phones,See the sohu news on the net/Tencent news/Netease news/Sina news,As far as I know many leading comrades is not only watch the news also look at weibo,They are heavy diving,I often my leadership said,What you said what.I said I just after midnight on weibo,Because they often focus on me,Although mistrust of intellectuals also look at my things occasionally.Objective speaking to a lot of things on weibo don't say leadership does not respond,Don't know how to respond,In response to fear of causing unnecessary trouble,But look at even higher levels of leadership are watching.Two days before I go to my mother-in-law home,Niece in two or three grade,Stay inside the room to play on QQ,I said what are you doing?Play with my sister.Your sister is beside the house,You don't shout it.Have become accustomed to,Now heard after 90 when the first party convention next to put the mobile phone to drop,Has become a part of daily life.In other words,Significant changes in consumer behavior occurs.Data collection is convenient,In the past reservation through a travel agency,Then through the book via ctrip website/Dragon billion reservation,Now near to shake a shake when all came out,Availability of information simple,At the same time, the manner of expression is very simple,Hui network grow up is very important,In the past[The People's Daily]Send a article thousand judge than judge,Send a voice to the CCTV is difficult unless it active ask you are you happy?My name is who.Besides how can you say what will give you boarding,The impossible.But now since the media age,Anyone can talk,We don't have Twitter but we have no Facebook,Now there are micro letter,I firmly opposed to ma,It is not easy to take advantage of points,Besides, this is a public technology platform don't charge,Is said to have three hundred million users.Expressed in the form of more now,More freedom of expression,I don't happy will speak soon.Every quarter in our college make a satisfaction survey across the country,In many places the leadership said,We this place tourist complaints is not so low ah,Score will not be so low,I explained to them later,Millions now you focus on what is measured is the complain to the tourism bureau,Do you think tourism can pass investigation file invalid complaints effectively,The less.What's more, last time when I open the guild said,Why will fall?One is our service,A too lazy to say with you again,Didn't work with you.I don't know if here have any problem that the country has a complaint phone call?Anyway, I've never used,I don't know how many number,12301.Anyway, I don't go to complain,Encounter problems first looking for my relationship,This is the Chinese habit,I know director to make a phone call with boss to make a phone call,Don't try to eat YaBaKui went away,Young people rarely,Neither tourism complaints don't go right now for you,He send a weibo.I read online reviews,Like public dianping,Like dragon billion/Where to go,We each quarter from these a few core websites over the data in the network platform of data about a radix stemonae and effective,How do you get to look at it say so vast amounts of information?With well know tourists consumption behavior is a the most effective means,With bad very trouble.Of course,还There are社会观念的变化,And institutional changes in the environment,In the past our country tradition society for thousands of years down officer is here,We here you and I are the cups,Officer, on the surface of the table above,Obviously feels eighteen headlight to drop cups to rise again,Can't say absolutely mesher society,最起码比过去平, etc..Beijing taxi drivers said chairman xi by taxi,[Ta kung pao]Apology is false,In the past have been,Dare to rumors.There are at least relatively common,But will there be a day we chat chat like overseas results director zhang, we chat a minister sitting next to me,May also need a period of time,But felt the frontal process faster.Everybody to express some things.This is the changes in the environment.


再一个是我们的竞争在加剧,Competition for new ways out.We used to learn hotel management is service,The service of man by man,China's service to start from the service of China,Too much during,I'd rather flawed sincere don't improve performance,There is this concept.To achieve such an effect of what you need technical support,A few o 'clock to come up,In the past on man-to-man,I attended many activities within the system I have also been received also participate in the reception,A lot of time spent in leading the downstairs to the office a few minutes,Every minute call,Control the elevator to the door,Leading into the elevator to the first left foot step right foot first,More specifically at the corner in winter have led coat about something like this,After the meeting leader had finished speaking,He left a walk minister,Minister go walk the mayor,Behind the forward for someone to fill in again,Perhaps such a pattern.But now is not the same,现在大家越来越平, etc.了,Managers of our hotel on past man-to-man tactics alone?no,Have to rely on technology.Several aspects of reasons for this,The changes of the consumption environment/The changes of technical environment especially in the competitive landscape changes,Let CHM this institutions is not only this one product and other products.I talk about today,I'm not government agencies so seriously,There is no need to,Natural is best.Your wife give you bow to welcome you back,The shoes for you up,I feel no sense,Come up to the parents a lot of how do you come back now,Hurry to eat.Her heart is love you,Is such a situation.Hope don't too seriously,Is a chat together.


这个项目做了一个新的形势下能够推动我们旅游产业发展进步的平台,This platform mainly for official in the past,Research institute is one of China's,I sometimes joke with them,Which day I don't do the dean for an organization to zhang always there when deputy secretary-general,I like to do this body,Society is now open alone is not an officer.Our institute released this things with it together.


另外这个项目我认真读了两遍,Also mention some opinions,The report compared with the previous report has so a few characteristics.The first,The scientific nature.It is very serious to do a the origin of the concept of customer satisfaction/The establishment of the model and its evolution,And comparison of the absolute and relative measurement method,On this basis to build a model have the characteristics of CHM can call CHM such a thing,There is a technical content.Where are we and network cooperation,Analysis of the national tourist satisfaction survey,The analysis is a lot of.Some said I go to the international hotel/Jianguo hotel catering food delicious, I eat satisfied,This is a positive comment.Here is a,International hotel catering is really pit dad!What does it mean the pit dad,The words come out constantly,And using irony of ironic said,Will be some.Some people say that a lot of words,From the same IP address is invalid,How to eliminate?They compare JiangWu technician team of six people for half a year to develop a set of analysis system,Corpus is that we help to do.Science embodies in model is scientific,This model is scientific,The science of measurement and analysis technology,This is done or better.


In the second点,The report representative to do better,客观讲Of course,这里面with技术储备There are关系,If we do a lot of questionnaire by manual operation completely,Don't say money can't bear,Time can't afford to do.We used to do an effective questionnaire,I used to work as a teacher in high school,Paper emphasizes data,A lot to fill in the questionnaire,Fill to slowly fill later can't launch their brothers and sisters,Could you help me I help you to fill in,Is such a situation.I know it is difficult to,Someone talk to you,Someone fill half a day is invalid.This suddenly can solve by technical means,Solve and hui network to do this in the future.So a lot of questionnaire millions of the amount of data processing,I think both in luxury hotels and high-end hotels in China have representative,I hope it can bring more than fourteen thousand star-rated hotels across the country to change,The technical requirements higher,The cost is higher.Whether the sample size or coverage representative of high-end luxury hotel.

  第三点,分析报告发布报告对我们的酒店经营对于我们服务质量的提升是有借鉴和启示意义的。在当前的情况下尽管我们的消费需求在不断高涨,可是如果你服务不好谁愿意去你家住,消费者口味越来越刁了,这个报告告诉我们消费者究竟满意还是不满意,满意在哪里不满意在哪里。这里面在五星级饭店的影响因子当中位置这个因素,交通在位置中间占到51.86%,我们知道这个酒店的管理有一句话,一个好的酒店成功经营的关键是位置,这个位置是什么?是长安街位置好还是在大北窑的位置好。它明显告诉你跟交通有关,可到达性。你那个再好我不方便到达不行,包括我们酒店到中西部地区很多酒店也是这样,是很好的酒店,不能为住这个酒店坐俩小时飞机,我坐个出租车就可以到旁边喝咖啡了,这个要占51.86% 。周边的环境也很重要,占48%。周边环境是什么?我不能够说我坐在这个地方喝咖啡旁边都是乞讨要饭的。我们下时候到别人家串门走亲戚,我印象特别深,你愿意去谁家走亲戚?是穷人家还是富人家?我看可能更多跟自己家庭差不多的。过去我看《红楼梦》最讨厌讲贾宝玉和林黛玉多好,现在想起来就是讲究一个门当户对,不能说没这个道理,过了40岁才有这个想法,以前我没这个想法。现在想想有没有道理?有。你让焦大娶林黛玉,不如让焦大娶一个柴火妞对他一生当中更加幸福,不然肯定很痛苦,林黛玉吟个诗花飞花谢花满天,什么意思?你摘个菊花给我吃。焦大说我辛辛苦苦给你砍柴火回来。没有审美价值,审美不能当饭吃,很痛苦。环境就是讲这个意思,把这种诗意的东西抽象的东西量化了,我就知道我的饭店选址在哪儿,不仅要选完以后二级因子做好,一级因子也做起来了,位置占了21%。过去我们强调服务三星级酒店五星级的服务,拿了这个报告把这个观点颠覆了,服务只占到18.2%在满意度当中,就很能说明问题。四星级酒店里面的权重系数服务占了0.145,一个好的五星级服务和一个酒店它的品质不仅仅是一个因素决定的,一定是综合的。这个就相当于是我们经常说我是小学文凭但有博士的能力,个案也许有,但普遍意义上绝对没有统计学意义。这一点我就感觉到这份报告可以给我们酒店管理者一个非常清晰的指引,你该怎么改善你的服务质量。当然这个报告还有很多行业优点权重系数的确定上,我们找专家打打分,德尔菲法,以前我也晕,以后有一个老师跟我说,一个人说话拍脑袋叫拍脑袋决策不靠谱,一堆人在一块儿一起拍脑袋叫德尔菲法。它没有用这个东西,把整个概念做得非常清晰。在科学人文和当代环境里面体现这么几个特点,我也希望通过这个报告张总能够成为CHM的拳头产品,能够引领或者影响中国饭店业水平提升质量提升重要的工具,客观讲现在排行榜多了,我希望先把它的权威性迫切性做起来,不要盲着商业化,一商业化这个东西就没意思了,跟林总沟通现在淘宝网也弄差评,一旦弄差评把你弄的不好意思或者威胁你。我们做点店不容易,软磨硬缠给我一个好评吧,这样不行,把公信力做没了。希望继续坚持我们的科学性、公信力,希望引领中国酒店行业发展的品牌,希望林总更多的技术支持,我们研究院也会对这个事情继续关注。

In the third点,Analysis report of our hotel management for the quality of our service is there a reference and enlightenment.In the current situation although we are in rising consumer demand,But if your service is bad who is willing to go to you live,Consumer tastes more diao,This report tells us whether consumers satisfied or unsatisfied,Where is the happy discontent to where.In this five-star hotel in the location of the impact factor of the factors,The traffic in the middle of the position accounted for 51.86%,There's a phrase we know that the hotel management,A good hotel management is the key to success,What is this place?Is the chang 'an avenue location or position in the big north kiln is good.It tell you about traffic significantly,Can reach sexual.The again good I don't convenient for you to can't,Including our hotel to many hotels in the Midwest,Is a good hotel,Can't to live the hotel two hours flight,I will take a cab to the next to the coffee,This will account for 51.86% .The surrounding environment is also very important,Accounted for 48%.What is the surroundings?I can't say I sit next to the place to drink coffee are begging begging.Our next time to other people's house visiting relatives,I was particularly impressed,Who would you like to go to relatives?Is poor or rich?I think may be more similar to their family.In the past, I see[A dream of red mansions]Hate the most good of jia baoyu and Lin daiyu,Now think of is a suitable,Can't say no this truth,Over 40 have this idea,I don't have the idea before.Now think of any reason?There are.You let coke big marry Lin daiyu,Let coke big marry a firewood girl for his life more happy,Otherwise, must be very painful,Lin daiyu sing a poem flowers fly Xie Hua all over the sky,What do you mean?You pick a chrysanthemum give me to eat.Coke said I worked so hard to give you cutting wood fire back.No aesthetic value,Beauty will buy no beef,A lot of pain.Environment is telling this meaning,The poetic contents abstract things quantification,I know where is my hotel location,Not only have to choose after the secondary factor,The primary factor to make up as well,Accounted for 21%.In the past we stressed service three-star hotel, a five-star service,The view subverts took the report,Services account for only 18.2% of satisfaction,Is very telling.Four-star hotel inside the weight coefficient of service accounts for 0.145,A good five-star service and a quality hotel, it is not a factor,Must be integrated.This is quite so we often say I am a primary school diploma but has the ability to Dr,Case may be,But common sense absolutely no statistical significance.This I can feel the report to our hotel manager is a very clear guidance,How do you improve your service quality.Of course,这个报告还There are很多行业优点权重系数的确定上,We are looking for experts scoring,Delphi method,Before I also dizzy,There is a teacher told me that in the future,A person speak taps head called head and decision-making,A bunch of people together with head called Delphi method.It doesn't work on this item,The whole concept of doing is very clear.In science and humanities and the contemporary environment so few embody characteristics,I also hope that through this report can always become a CHM fist products,To lead or influence Chinese hotel industry level quality improvement tools,Objectively speaking list now,I would like to put it in the first authoritative urgency to do it,Don't blind to the commercial,A commercial it is boring,Now, taobao also get bad review to communicate with s,Once you get bad review make you embarrassed or threaten you.We is not easy to do some shop,RuanMoYingChan give me a high praise,So can't,Do the credibility.Hope to continue to adhere to our scientific nature/credibility,Hope to lead the development of Chinese hotel industry brand,Wish s more technical support,Our institute will continue to pay attention on this matter.
