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北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  新京报讯 (记者汤旸 郭超)今日为“五一”假期前的最后一个工作日,北京市交通委表示,今日将是上半年最堵的一个工作日(非雨天情况下),预计午后14时左右城区开始拥堵,中度拥堵持续时间将超过6小时,晚高峰道路交通指数将超过8.5。 新京报讯 (Jiyang Guo Chao reporter soup)For today"The May Day"The last working day before holiday,Beijing municipal committee said,One working day today will be in the first half of the wall(The rainy day),Afternoon at about 14 urban congestion is expected,In the度拥堵持续时间将超过6小时,Peak road traffic index will be more than 8.5.


Municipal traffic management bureau/Public transport team yesterday released first travel warning that at the same time,Subway and bus terminal will also begins to enter the peak passenger flow period from 14.


商场餐饮周边拥堵集中 商场餐饮周边拥堵集In the


根据全市历年交通运行监测数据,"The May Day"Is the peak period of transportation.Road traffic index/Public transportation passenger traffic as well as the freeway traffic flow in and out of Beijing will significantly increase.The last two working days before(On Saturday April 27/28, on Sunday)Any motor vehicle line,First road traffic pressure is expected to significantly higher than the previous stage of working days.


28日expect是上半年最堵的一个工作日(The rainy day),Because some units may adopt measures to work early,Afternoon at about 14 urban congestion is expected,In the度拥堵以上持续时间将超过6小时.Peak road traffic index will be more than 8.5,拥堵主要集In theIn the环路以及商场餐饮周边,Such as north three-ring Ma Dianqiao surrounding/西北四环In the关村地区/Along the CBD region/West erhuanxi xizhimen and other regions.


京通快速路明成交通热点 Beijing tong fast LuMingCheng traffic hot spots


Beijing municipal committee said,expect"The May Day"Highway traffic will reach 1.86 million trains a day holiday(进京and出京),The tomb-sweeping day holiday(Daily average of 1.704 million vehicles)Growth of 8.6%,Up 23.1% from a year earlier.


京藏高速/Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway/Beijing highway,/Six loop/Beijing bearing high speed/Beijing tong expressway/The airport highway traffic is bigger,The highway average daily traffic volume is expected to reach more than 150000 vehicles,节日首天上午各The highwayIn the出京方向与四环/Five rings on the border will appear local congestion phenomenon.


值得注意的是明天上午,Beijing tong expressway from Beijing direction will become traffic hotspots,Due to the tongzhou canal square strawberry music festival in 2013,Daily passenger traffic is expected to reach 20000 people,Beijing tong expressway/Tong yan highway traffic pressure and so on surrounding roads.


昨日,Municipal traffic management bureau/The bus team also issued a public transportation holiday travel tips,Today at 12,Hub dongzhimen long distance passenger traffic will increase rapidly.Small long holiday during,The front door subway station station,Trains pass without a stop.The tiananmen square east station/Tiananmen west station and zoo station will take actions according to the traffic situation current limit/Sealing station measures such as.


高速公路 The highway


京港澳高速、京开高速发布易堵路段绕行方案 Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway/Jingkai expressway release easy blocking roads around solution


京港澳高速6路段“五一”易堵 Jinggang 'ao expressway 6 sections"The May Day"Easy to plug

  新京报讯 (记者汤旸)针对“五一”收费公路小客车免费出行,预计车流量大的京港澳、京开高速昨日发布出行提示、易堵路段和绕行路线。

新京报讯 (Reporter tang jiyang)针for"The May Day"A toll road passenger car travel free of charge,Traffic is expected to Beijing Hong Kong and Macao/Jingkai expressway yesterday travel tips/Easy to plug路段and绕行路线.


需要提醒的是,Free period will be subject to traffic from the highway exit time,所以车辆不要In the入口收费站等待免费时间.也不要In theThe highway路侧应急车道及收费站广场停留集结,Avoid traffic jams.


小客车尽量选择免费专用通道通行,Not credit card direct lift rod has been submitted.Human way of motorised ramp toll station passenger car and other vehicles,Passenger car pass note automatic railing of ups and downs.


公路 highway


明起去潭柘寺告别盘山公路 Ming to involved farewell scenic mountain roads


新建National highway 108明日上午通车,Only 25 minutes from the Beijing west railway station to the involved

  新京报讯 (记者汤旸)据北京市交通委昨日消息,经过5年施工,108国道一期(南村至石门营段)改建工程已竣工,预计4月29日上午正式通车。届时,市民驾车前往潭柘寺将告别老的盘山公路,而从北京西站至潭柘寺只需要25分钟。

新京报讯 (Reporter tang jiyang)According to Beijing municipal committee yesterday,After five years of construction,National highway 108(South village camp to shimen)The redevelopment of the project has been finished,Is expected to officially opened to traffic on April 29 morning.When the,People drive to involved will bid farewell to the old winding mountain road,From Beijing west railway station to involved only need to 25 minutes.


此前,From downtown to involved to go old national road 108,This is a scenic mountain roads,For level 3 road technology level,A narrow road,Slope steep,And camber is more.The new 108 national road after opened,Will become the main line,The original scenic mountain roads to subordinate line.


门头沟highway分局副局长何维彬介绍,By measuring,All the way from Beijing west railway station to the west,Walk lotus stone road to a new state highway 108 to the involved,It only need to 25 minutes.目前108国道二期正In the进行前期工作,Will be received well all the way from south village.


何维彬提醒,New state highway 108 first phase will be opened tomorrow,Due to we should design speed of 60 km per hour,Since the citizens need to control the speed of the car driving.In addition,The road is only allowed to vehicles,骑自行车的市民and远足者还是应走盘山highway的老线.


【新108国道】 [The new 108 national highway]


全程双向4座隧道 The entire bidirectional four tunnels


建成通车后,The new 108 national road will become the main line,The original scenic mountain roads to subordinate line.Route which involved to some well-know town(Into Beijing),Starting point for the mentougou district south village,The finish for mentougou district small garden.The engineering design for two-way four-lane roads,The road widening,并安装安全护栏and指路标志.Monolithic roadbed 23 meters wide/Separate 11.25 meters wide of the subgrade,Design speed of 60 km per hour,The 6.8 km route.


该工程2007年10月开工,Over five years.4 all the two-way mutual tunnel,Length of 3069 meters.Among them,Involved more than 2740 meters long tunnel.


客运 passenger


“五一”客运量将达7540万人次 "The May Day"Passenger traffic will reach 75.4 million person-time


公交集团重点增加各公园景点等地运力配备 Bus group increased focus on all the park attractions, equipped with capacity

  新京报讯 (记者汤旸)今年“五一”节小长假期间,预计全市(公共汽电车、轨道交通、省际客运、出租汽车)客运量预计达7540万人次左右,比去年同期增加6.5%。其中,公交集团预计三天客运总量将达到3750万人次,日均客流量将达1250万人次,日均配车1.7万部,发车车次达到14.3万次。

新京报讯 (Reporter tang jiyang)This year"The May Day"Day small long vacation period,Expect the whole city(Public trolley/Rail transit/Inter-provincial passenger transport/A rental car)Passenger traffic is expected to reach about 75.4 million people,Compared with the same period last year increased by 6.5%.Among them,Bus group is expected to reach 37.5 million passenger travel three days,Average daily passenger volume will reach 12.5 million person-time,Average daily with 17000 units,Departure trains up to 143000 times.


据预测,This year"The May Day"Small long holiday during,City tour/Swim into Beijing and the surrounding city suburbs mini-vacations will become a hot holiday travel.针for各旅游景点/May appear in the key areas of passenger flow peak,Bus group key added to each park attractions in the downtown/各商业In the心区/郊区旅游景点and火车站周边的运力配备.At the same time,Increase tourism hot spots in the city equipped with capacity.


郊区旅游热点区域的运力也将增加.By DeShengMen 877 road tourism special line to the badaling Great Wall,In the原有配车的基础上,Add 110 units with car,To take"Full or start"The scheduling of measures,Shorten the waiting time of the passengers.


铁路 The railway


北京站暂停售站台票 Beijing station suspended sale platform ticket

  新京报讯 (记者刘春瑞)为保证节日期间旅客乘降秩序,自2013年4月27日18:00至4月29日24:00,北京站暂停发售站台票。需要接送站的老幼病残孕等重点旅客,可以找工作人员联系。

新京报讯 (The reporter LiuChunRui)In order to ensure the passengers during the festival by descending order,Since April 27, 2013, 18:00 to 24:00 on April 29,Beijing station suspended sale platform ticket.Need to pick up stand sick and pregnant and focus on passengers,Can find a staff to contact.

  作者:汤旸 郭超 刘春瑞

作者:Tang jiyang Guo Chao LiuChunRui

北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时

北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时

丽江6日半自助游 最高每单减800元

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北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时


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北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时


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北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时



北京今日将成上半年最堵日 预计拥堵超6小时


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