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北京市市长访联合国 联合国凸显“北京元素”--亲稳网络舆情监测室
中新社联合国5月8日电(记者 李洋)当地时间5月8日,北京市市长王安顺率团到访联合国总部,出席多项活动。联合国总部当天全面彰显了“北京元素”,向各国人士呈现中国首都的风土人情与特色文化。
China news agency of the United Nations, May 8 (Reuters)(The reporter li Yang)Local time on May 8,The mayor of Beijing wang anshun delegation visit to the United Nations headquarters,To attend a number of activities.The United Nations headquarters fully demonstrated the same day"Beijing elements",To people all over the world to present the local conditions and customs of the Chinese capital and characteristic culture.
Wang anshun day at United Nations headquarters to attend the international activities of Beijing is of great significance.He attended the first"Beijing tourism exhibition"To carry out the ceremony.The exhibition by the Chinese permanent mission to the United Nations/Beijing municipal people's government of the host,Beijing LvYouWei to undertake.
According to the Beijing LvYouWei,This is the first time Beijing has held at United Nations headquarters tourism campaign,So far in the UN headquarters on behalf of the entrance hall"Only a handful"Local exhibition activities.
The photo for a week,Demonstrate on the world cultural heritage/Beijing modern fashionable amorous feelings and Beijing's traditional attractions, etc,Show as a Beijing tourist city in the overall features of the world,Beijing rich Chinese excellent culture,Intention to expand the international influence in Beijing,ascension"The brand image of Beijing".
Wang anshun to attend the activities of the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations elea, etc guests introduced the famous attractions in Beijing imperial palace, etc,Elea pine stop to look at the pictures,And tell wang anshun himself good impression of Beijing.The multinational's u.n. ambassador, also interested in photo gallery.
Wang anshun and attended the United Nations"Sustainable development and tourism"The roundtable.The conference by the world federation of tourist city/China's permanent mission to the United Nations and the United Nations environment organization together with the healthy tissue,Aimed at promoting tourism cities in the world federation of international influence.
Wang anshun as world tourism city association chairman,To attend round table meeting of multinational's u.n. ambassador, expounds the aspirations of the group,Points out that the association to the prosperity of the tourism market in the world/Promote the communication between people from different countries,Especially in achieving the United Nations development goals in one thousand"Open world fusion"Provide important platform.
The world federation of tourist city is by the nations of the world/Regional tourism city and tourist related agencies voluntarily formed non-profit international nongovernmental organizations (ngos),Was founded in Beijing in September 2012,Permanent headquarters is based in Beijing,Nearly 70 cities and travel agency to apply for global became a formal member,Committed to promoting the mutual exchanges and cooperation between tourism city/Promote the development of world tourism market and tourism culture.
Elea loose speech at the meeting,Spoke highly of the development and changes in Beijing."During a visit to Beijing in a few months ago,Once again I was echoed by the whole city of that kind of energy/dynamic/Confidence and hope,"He said.
Elea pine emphasized at the same time,The world federation of tourism city"Fully reflects the Chinese government in the aspect of the sustainable development of city and tourism to the determination of",He has repeatedly expressed admiration.
With the United Nations world tourism city federation of 8, health and environmental groups in the United Nations headquarters signed a memorandum of cooperation,Establish strategic cooperative partnership,Promoting the cooperation and exchange international tourism city.
Wang anshun also met with u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon on the day.Ban ki-moon also said,The world federation of tourist city, the idea of sustainable development and the UN's idea,Through the tourism cooperation to achieve common development purposes.
Beijing LvYouWei LuYong, director, told reporters,Founded by Beijing tourism cities in the world federation of member states has been spread out over five continents,Has won the United Nations's affirmation and support,Is bound to expand tourism market in Beijing and China international voice.(After the)

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