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女举刘春红主动隐退奥运阵容 伤病是致命一击--亲稳舆论引导监测室


“我觉得奥运会是一件很大的事情,出去以后代表的是国家,代表着国家的荣誉,我自己出去却拿不了冠军,浪费一次机会不说,别人也少了一次机会……所以我觉得说我是什么样就是什么样,我就坦然接受吧,不会说我要抢这个去干什么。 ”——刘春红 “I think the Olympic Games is a big thing,After go out is representative of countries,Represents the country's honor,I could not get out on his own the championship,Waste an opportunity not to say,Others less and less a chance...So I think what I said is what kind of,I will accept it,Won't say I want to rob the what to do。 ”-LiuChunGong


London at the battle,The two women's 69 kg category Olympic champions LiuChunGong choose active exit the London games squad,Why is“active”?LiuChunGong with a“Guilty about”Had taken gently,so,In early June,LiuChunGong finally had made up his mind,Take off weightlifting take,To the whole body scar body a the opportunity to have a rest。recently,Facing this newspaper and tencent joint interview by the sports,The LiuChunGong open heart。

  退出是与伤病有直接的关系。 10余年大强度的极限训练给刘春红身体留下无尽的伤痛,从肩到肘,从腰到膝盖。这些曾经被她用意志力强压下来的伤痛最终在伦敦奥运会前给了她“致命一击”——无奈退出伦敦奥运阵容的选拔——2012年4月初全国举重锦标赛暨伦敦奥运选拔赛女子69公斤级比赛开始前,刘春红在热身中意外受伤无法参加比赛,不得不选择退赛。刘春红在夺得两届奥运会、三届世锦赛、三届全运会的金牌后,她有过百万的奖金进账了,她有能力为家里人做些事情了,譬如装修老旧的房子,譬如给哥哥买房……刘春红的家庭因为她在举重事业上的飞黄腾达而迅速发生着改变,唯有朴实的性格没变。2001年全国锦标赛期间,刚为山东队夺得金牌的刘春红换上牛仔裤嚼着口香糖准备去给队友加油,结果马文辉见到她就说了一句:“你走吧,我不带你了。”并将她撵下车。提及此事,马文辉语重心长地说,那是为了教会她做人,不能因为一点儿小小的成功就沾沾自喜。今年刘春红已经27岁了,在农村早已孩满地儿了,她说,随缘!至今她还没有男朋友,教练马文辉也很着急,他建议她找个知根知底的。而她暂时还没有清晰的思路。“这次我们去美国的同学中,有五个结婚了,她们说去美国的任务就是给我们找对象,我希望我的孩子是混血儿,但是要找个老外还真不太好找。 ”她笑着说道。(肖苑玫)

Exit is and injuries are directly related。 10 years of big strength training LiuChunGong body left to limit the pain of endless,From the shoulder to the elbow,From the waist to knee。These had been with her will crush down the pain of the Olympic Games in London before finally to her“Deadly strike”-but the London games out of the team selection-the beginning of April 2012 the national weightlifting championship and London's Olympic trials 69 kg category before the match,LiuChunGong in in the warm-up accidental injury, can't take part in the game,Have to choose out of the race。LiuChunGong after winning two th Olympic Games、Three world championships、Three th national games after the gold medal,She has had a bundle of bonuses,She has the ability to do something for the family,Such as decoration old house,For example to brother to buy a house...LiuChunGong family because she in weightlifting career of conception and swift changes,Only simple character didn't change。In 2001, during the national championship,Just for the LiuChunGong shandong won gold change jeans chewed chewing gum ready to cheer for his teammates,The results MaWenHui saw her he said 1:“You go,I don't take you。”And her out of his car。Mentioned it,MaWenHui to longly say,That is for the church to be her,Not because a little small success is complacency。This year LiuChunGong has 27 years old,In the countryside had child full room,She said,According to situation!Since she still don't have a boyfriend,The coach MaWenHui also worried,He suggested that she should find a know too much。And she has not yet clear ideas。“This time we go to the United States of classmate,There are five married,They said to go to America's mission is to give us seek object,I hope my child is a half-blood,But to find a foreigner is not too good looking。 ”She said, with a smile。(XiaoYuanMei)
