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London Olympic Games which opens 27,。The Olympic Games is not only the players take on the battlefield,The game is high-tech device for furnishings,Also sports equipment of the competition arena。As scale and,London games also will appear on a series of high-tech device and equipment。


发令枪 gun


计时开始由起跑发令脉冲决定 The clock started by launching the pulse decision


London Olympic Games will use the new starting gun。After a shot will occur at the same time three things:Players behind the loudspeakers voice,Ensure that they also start to hear;Happen flash;The timer to send to start pulse。If the second time in two seconds pulled the trigger,That someone jump start。The sound of the gun can use computers to change and download。In some venues,Public radio system would also start back to sound。


起跑器 blocks


通过踏板受力测量起跑反应 Through the pedal force measurement start reaction


In the 1936 games,Runner with a shovel,At the starting line of cinders to dig in with convenient when starting to push,“Have dug a pit level”Be sprint, a part of the competition。London 1948 Olympic athletics first use of blocks,Aims to make players get equal starting conditions。


The 2012 London games,The response time of the runners will be measured by the way after blocks pedal force that,Not by measuring the movement。New blocks are not changing Settings measure the every player-whether male or female players the response time of the players。After starting gun,Players leave the blocks if less than time l / 10 seconds,He is considered as the false start。London Olympic Games of the blocks in central structure than the previous blocks is fine,From 80 mm to 50 mm,To improve the players start posture,Especially female athletes。In addition,The width of the pedal improve,From 120 mm to 160 mm improve,Allows players using different starting position。


精密测量仪 Precision measuring instrument


帮助改进跳远技术 Help to improve the long jump technology


In order to help the Olympic athletes improve match result,Scientists study a series of technology。The California BMW launched velocity measurement technology office plan,Help improve the U.S. track and field athletes grades。BMW's system using stereo vision technology and machine vision algorithm software to capture the long jump of the movement of athletes。


The system of long jump to the game three key parameters for real-time analysis,That is close to the speed of QiTiaoBan players,Vertical take-off speed and takeoff point of view。BMW in about a year time research and development the system。They are working with the U.S. swim team cooperation,Players of the takeoff and turned to track dynamic analysis。


泳池起跳台 Swimming pool QiTiaoTai


踏脚板可自主调整 Pedal adjustment can be independent


London Olympic swimming, one of the most obvious change when the new swimming pool QiTiaoTai。This QiTiaoTai tilting pedal can be adjusted,Allows players leg and knee after with a 90 degree Angle crouching posture of takeoff,Let's get the takeoff of power to achieve maximized。The new QiTiaoTai held in 2009 in Stockholm USES first used swimming World Cup。That is,The world's top swimmer in the 2012 Olympic Games in London has plenty of time before,To adapt to this QiTiaoTai。And the race for use on the same blocks,The swimming new QiTiaoTai also is equipped with a starting before the starting signal detection system。The same,The swimming also use acoustic the device,Let the players also heard that takes off。


成绩显示系统 Results show that the system


灯光显示游泳比赛名次 The light shows the swimming RACES


The Olympic swimming in the pool players and sports fans at the end of the touch boards already familiar again,Touch the board for at the end of the race to be automatic stop each contestant timer。This system in 1967, Manitoba Winnipeg Canada at the pan American sports meeting first used,In the Olympic Games for the first time in 1968,Mexico is the Olympic Games。Since then,Each Olympic use touch board。

  伦敦奥运会游泳比赛采用一种具有革新性的灯光式成绩显示系统,名为“Light Show”。这一系统在泳池末端触摸板附近的起跳台上安装电灯,比赛结束时灯亮起,一个大光点代表第一名,两个中等大小的光点代表第二名,三个小光点代表第三名。这个光系统主要是为现场观众准备的,让他们无需看记分牌就能了解比赛结果,同时也便于了解前三名的差距。

London Olympic swimming used a innovative lighting type results show that the system,called“Light Show”。This system in the swimming pool at the end of the QiTiaoTai near touchpad installed on the electric light,At the end of the race is lit up,A big light represents the first,Two of medium size of light represents the second place,Three little light represents the third place。The optical system is mainly for the audience ready,Let them see scoreboards without could understand the result of the match,Also facilitate understanding of the gap between the top three。


惯性传感系统 Inertial sensor system


缝入泳衣全程监视游泳细节 The whole sewing swimsuit surveillance swimming details

  瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院运动分析与测量实验室的工程师设计了一款防水装置,名为“Physilog Ⅲ”。这款装置体积小巧,可以拿在手里。它是一个惯性传感系统,装有加速计和陀螺仪,可以缝入全身泳衣的手臂和大腿上的口袋内,测量时间、速度、加速度以及转身蹬泳池壁后的瞬间速度。

Lausanne, Switzerland, the federal institute of technology measuring and analyzing the movement laboratory an engineer designing a cell waterproof device,called“Physilog Ⅲ”。This type of device small size,Can take in hand。It is a inertial sensor system,Equipped with accelerometer and the gyro,The whole body of the swimsuit can sew the arms and legs of the pocket,Measuring time、speed、Acceleration and turned and pedal swimming pool wall moment speed。


This type of device is still in the prototype stage。In the design,It used to reduce useless action,Improve the swimmer's results。In addition,The researchers also developed a special underwater breathing tube,Measurement of the players air speed,Improve their breathing techniques。At present,This kind of device has been used in the freestyle swimming and breast stroke players training。


减少阻力游泳衣 Reduce resistance bathing suit


泳衣、泳帽、泳镜成了一个系统 swimsuit、Swim cap、The goggles became a system


Speedo developed by the company Fastskin3 competition system will be for the swimsuit、Swim cap and the goggles collection in a body。They use of fluid mechanics, improve the performance of the swimsuit,So as to improve the performance of the players。Research shows that the system can body of passive resistance by will be reduced by 16.6%,Oxygen economy increased by 11%,The body active resistance decreased by 5.2%。


Fastskin3 competition system in compliance with international swimming federation design in 2010 of the proposed regulations,That is the area of the body to cover the swimsuit less than previous whole body suit。Speedo company to a new generation of the goggles appearance is improved,Including relative to the position of the eyes lens,Bridge of the nose of the plane design and installation,The side frame of assembly and seal design。The company's new produced less turbulent goggles,Turbulence can affect player grades。Research groups using head scanning studies of different design swim cap,Focused attention on the main players in the hair,Will resistance to lowest。


终点计时 End time


开放水域游泳用上雷达收发机 The open water swim use radar to send and receive machine

  另一个具有创新性的装置是Open Water Gate,专为开放水域游泳比赛设计。在游泳马拉松比赛中,这款装置安装在终点线,触摸板装有垂直的异频雷达收发机天线。此外,比赛路线一带还装有水平的异频雷达收发机天线,用于获取佩戴在选手手腕上的异频雷达收发机的信号。终点线还装有高清晰摄影头,用于在选手几乎同时穿过终点线时确定谁更胜一筹。

Another innovative device is Open Water Gate,Designed for the open water swim game design。Swimming in the marathon,This type of device installed in the finish line,With the vision of vertical touchpad frequency radar antenna to send and receive machine。In addition,The area around the race route with different levels of frequency radar antenna to send and receive machine,Get used to wear the player on the wrist vision of frequency radar signal to send and receive machine。The finish line with high-definition photography head,Used for almost at the same time in the players through the finish line determine who wins out。


延伸阅读 readings


可靠至上 Reliable first


云计算失宠伦敦奥运会 Cloud computing disfavor London Olympic Games


During the Olympic Games,London Internet infrastructure network traffic will reach an astonishing number。In order to ensure that the 2012 Olympic Games in London smoothly,Responsible for the operation of the IT infrastructure company pay more attention to the reliability of the technology,Not sophisticated sex。This also means that cloud computing hot technology such as in London games have not performed space,Can't become a core part of IT infrastructure。


The French company is responsible for the operation of the source-London Olympic Games technology infrastructure IT service provider leader,Its chief integrated officer michelle-the sea lang said in an interview:“We adopted some virtualization technology,But not in cloud technology。We always focused attention on the established mature technology。”


The sea lang points out that:“In 2009 when analysis,We will not prepared to adopt cloud technology。Although it is a very interesting technology,But on the Olympic Games for us was early enough。”


recent,Responsible for the Olympic Games IT system team finished first technical equipment the rehearsal,Officials for drill design a series of possible accident and the practice process of supervision,Responsible for the test technology team capability。Design of their accidents including pulled out the plug of the equipment or someone please sick leave,These are possible in the Olympic Games accident。
