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易建联将延续男篮旗手传统 赛程合适全队兴奋--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Excellent athletes too much,Who will be the flag-bearer of Chinese sports delegation?Since 1984 China to return to the Olympic Games since the big family,Every four years,The topic will be people a hot debate。The selection of standard bearer is???????scores、What other factors shape or?London Olympic Games,This round of talk about finally have the answer。25 days morning local time,Sports, the deputy director of DuanShiJie confirmation,By yi as the flag-bearer of Chinese sports delegation。So far,China men's basketball team continues the tradition of flag-bearer contract。


因为赛程合适,所以成为旗手 Because race right,So be flag-bearer

  25日的升旗仪式现场,最受关注的无疑就是易建联。整个升旗仪式的过程中,不时有记者见缝插针,混进队伍当中,将话筒和录音笔递到易建联面前。这个时候,易建联显然是不会接受采访的,但在升旗仪式结束后,他没有再回避。在被问到旗手问题时,易建联最初还笑而不答,但在众多记者的反复追问下,他终于承认,自己确实收到了通知。其后,体育总局副局长、代表团副团长段世杰也透露说:“旗手基本确定,男篮易建联将在开幕式担任旗手。 ”

25 the flag-raising ceremony,The biggest concern is undoubtedly yi。The whole process of the flag-raising ceremony,And sometimes reporters TDD,Infiltrates squad,The microphone and LuYinBi handed to before yi。This time,Yi jianlian is obviously not an interview,But in the end the flag raising ceremony,He didn't have to withdraw。Asked about problems flag-bearer,Yi also XiaoErBuDa first,But in many reporters pressed by repeatedly,He finally admitted that,His did receive notice。after,The deputy director of sports、The delegation also revealed that DuanShiJie vice leader said:“Flag-bearer basic sure,Men's basketball team at the opening ceremony yi will as flagman。 ”

  尘埃落定,但为什么是易建联,而不是刘翔或林丹?有关人士称,二人都是由于赛程的原因,放弃了竞争旗手的机会。相比之下,参加集体项目的易建联,在这方面不存在太多困难。 29日,中国男篮将迎来首场比赛,开幕式结束后,易建联还有一天的时间休息和调整。

Dust settles,But why is the yi,Instead of liu xiang or Lin Dan?Officials say,Two people are due to the cause of the race,Give up the opportunity to carry the competition。compared,To participate in collective project of yi,In this respect not there are too many difficulties。 29,China men's basketball team will have the first game,After the opening ceremony,Yi have one day of rest and adjust。


6人8届,男篮延续28年传统 6 8 th,Men's basketball team continue traditional 28 years


Early last month in,Reports emanating from it,Yi will serve as the London Olympic Games the flag-bearer of Chinese sports delegation。just,At that time did not get the state general administration of sports and yi I response。Today announced the answer,And to have little surprise。After all,The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games flag-bearer candidate,For it is a traditional Chinese men's basketball team。

  回看历史,从1984年开始至今,28年时间里,每一届的旗手都是由中国男篮队员担任。 1984年,新中国奥运代表团首次出现在奥运会的赛场上,在这次具有历史意义的奥运会上,王立彬被选为旗手。 1988年是中锋宋涛,1992年是宋力刚,1996年和2000年是刘玉栋,2004年和2008年奥运会,中国奥运代表团的旗手是姚明。对于有着奥运会开幕式旗手传统的中国男篮而言,能再度肩负起这项重任,全队上下都非常兴奋。(隋海涛 范宏基)

Back to see history,Since 1984,28 years,Each session is the flag-bearer of by China men's basketball team players as。 1984 years,New China Olympic delegation at the Olympic Games for the first time on the pitch,In this historic Olympic Games,WangLiBin was selected by the bearer。 1988 is the SongTao center,1992 is the SongLiGang,In 1996 and 2000 is LiuYuDong,2004 years and the Olympic Games in 2008,China's Olympic delegation is the flag-bearer of yao Ming。With the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games for the Chinese men's basketball team in traditional flag-bearer,Can once again take on the burden,The whole team and everyone was very excited。(SuiHaiTao FanHongJi)


历届中国旗手 Successive Chinese flag-bearer

  1984年洛杉矶 王立彬

The Los Angeles WangLiBin

  1988年汉城 宋涛

The 1988 Seoul SongTao

  1992年巴塞罗那 宋力刚

In 1992 SongLiGang Barcelona

  1996年亚特兰大 刘玉栋

In 1996 LiuYuDong Atlanta

  2000年悉尼 刘玉栋

LiuYuDong in Sydney in 2000

  2004年雅典 姚明

The 2004 Athens yao Ming

  2008年北京 姚明

2008 Beijing yao Ming

  2012年伦敦 易建联

London 2012 yi




   伦敦奥运会部分代表团旗手 London Olympic Games some delegates flagman

  英国      霍伊(自行车)

British      Khodorkovsky Iraq(bicycle)

  西班牙    保罗·加索尔(篮球)

Spain    Pau gasol(basketball)

  南非      赛门亚(田径)

South Africa      Simon and(Track and field)

  意大利    韦渣利(击剑)

Italy    Wei slag and(fencing)

  俄罗斯    莎拉波娃(网球)

Russia    Maria sharapova(tennis)

  中国      易建联(篮球)

China      yi(basketball)

  新加坡    冯天薇(乒乓球)

Singapore    FengTianWei(Table tennis)

  日本      吉田沙保里(摔跤)

Japan      Yoshida, the sand in the(wrestling)

  马来西亚  潘德莉拉(跳水)

Malaysia  PanDeLi pull(diving)
