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滕海滨因伤告别奥运 体操男团将帮他把国旗升起--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Because BeiShang serious,Gymnastics TengHaiBin star had to withdraw from the London Olympics。yesterday,He said in micro bo,Lost his injuries,Only can face and accept。

  左小臂缠着厚厚的绷带,一周前意外受伤的滕海滨依然坚持参加了25日的奥运会体操赛前训练。整个过程中面容平静的滕海滨,在结束训练后面对镜头时,突然涌出眼泪。他哽咽着说:“我已经努力了。 ”那个时候,中国体操队还未确定用后备队员郭伟阳顶替他参赛,但训练中滕海滨的伤臂明显无法支撑身体。等待了8年的奥运会正在离他远去。

Left forearm tie up thick bandages,The injured a week ago TengHaiBin still persist in 25 games gymnastics of pre-season training。The whole process of TengHaiBin face calm,In the end after training cameras,Suddenly gushed out tears。He said with a lump:“I have tried。 ”At that time,Chinese gymnastics team has been set GuoWeiYang replace him with backup players compete,But TengHaiBin injury in training arm clearly cannot support the body。Waiting for the eight years of the Olympic Games is far from him。


Two hours later,Manager HuangYuBin FaWei bo confirm TengHaiBin out of the race。When GuoWeiYang from Northern Ireland's training camp to come in London,TengHaiBin are struggling to remove gymnastics take the national emblem。Back to the Olympic village,TengHaiBin updated the team at the Olympic Games since the still micro bo,“To the eight years of the Olympic dream by three days so broken,There is really no thought is such a cruel results;I lost to the injury,I can only reluctantly to face and accept”。

  滕海滨的退赛引起了很大反响,人们鼓励他坚强。“谢谢大家的支持和鼓励,谢谢兄弟们的安慰,谢谢领导的信任。 ”滕海滨说,“我已尽力,大家放心,我会坚强的,我会为兄弟们加油!为中国体操队加油!愿中国队好运!我会跟你们站在一起,与你们同战斗! ”

The TengHaiBin out of the race has caused a great response,People encouraged him to be strong。“Thank you for your support and encouragement,Thanks for the comfort of the brothers,Thanks for leadership of the trust。 ”TengHaiBin said,“I have tried to,Everyone trust,I'll strong,I will cheer for the brothers!For Chinese gymnastics team come on!Good luck to China!I'll talk to you to stand together,With you in battle! ”


替代  郭伟阳填补辽宁体操空白 alternative  GuoWeiYang fill liaoning gymnastics blank


TengHaiBin injured out of the Olympic Games,Take his GuoWeiYang the back。GuoWeiYang the from yunnan players last year by the exchange introduced to liaoning,He also will represent the national battle in liaoning next year。


GuoWeiYang 24 years old this year,The peak of the career is in motion。In the domestic,His fame not Chen yibing、TengHaiBin old players, etc,But his comprehensive strength is not that bad:Even the national gymnastics championships take three men's all-around champion。Chinese legion team at the London Olympics in the list,GuoWeiYang identity just substitute,But he is the team's first substitute。As the project in Northern Ireland in contrast to TengHaiBin training hurt arm,Not to stick to,GuoWeiYang finally able to cut。

  辽军出征伦敦奥运会的运动员中,郭伟阳最后时刻搭上末班车,他成为近些年辽军里第一位参加奥运会男子体操比赛的选手。他在云南的家人告诉记者:“瞧好吧,他至少能拿到一枚铜牌! ”

Liao army team at the London's Olympic athletes,GuoWeiYang last moments on a bus,He became the liao army in recent years in the first to take part in the Olympic Games men's gymnastics game player。He in yunnan family told reporters:“Look well,He can at least get a bronze MEDALS! ”


兄弟 我们会帮他把国旗升起 We will help his brother the national flag rise


The TengHaiBin injured out of the race let whole gymnastics boys immersed in sadness atmosphere,Captain Chen yibing and“Parallel bars king”冯喆 appear most excited。

  “一个梦想的背后承载了多少痛苦,当我看着海滨在为梦想尽了自己所有的努力后,那种无助、那种痛,我无法形容。我理解,完完全全理解!采访我时,我掉下了眼泪。不是软弱,是敬重、是感动、是敬佩、是惋惜,海滨是好样的! ”队长陈一冰昨天早上发微博说。

“A dream behind how much pain of bearing,When I look at the seashore on dream for all do their efforts,That kind of helpless、That kind of pain,I can't describe。I understand,Completely understand!Interview when I,I dropped down to tears。Is not weakness,Is respected、Is moved、Admire is、Is sorry,Beach are good! ”Captain Chen yibing yesterday in the morning FaWei bo said。

  比陈一冰情绪更激动的是小将冯喆,一回到房间他就埋在枕头里痛哭,“不行了,还是无法平静,躲被窝里使劲哭呢,幸好室友能理解我!但谁又能理解海滨的那种波折的痛苦啊! ”看到滕海滨在微博上表示了对于奥运的不舍和无奈时,冯喆表示:“我们会帮他把国旗升起来的! ”

Chen yibing showed more excited than emotions is 冯喆 teenager,A return to room he is buried in the pillow and wept bitterly,“not,Or can't be calm,Hide under hard cry,Fortunately, roommate can understand me!But who can understand the kind of the turns in the pain in the butt! ”See TengHaiBin in micro blog expressed for the Olympic shed and frustration,冯喆 said:“We will help him to flag rise! ”


坎坷  雅典奥运后沉默6年 bumpy  The Athens Olympic Games after the silence in 6 years


The 2004 Athens Olympic Games,Is known as“Chinese men's gymnastics next leader”In the TengHaiBin NanTuan appear in the final major mistakes,China then encounter Waterloo。


After the Athens team has experienced a series of unrest,Whole six years,TengHaiBin didn't get a chance to play the international competition。But whether three consecutive world or lost the election for the Beijing Olympic Games,He also didn't cry。


2010 world,Need to reinstate the almighty players China TengHaiBin,He and his team-mates NanTuan won the championship。


Since then the Asian games、2011 world,He proved himself,In the second spring sports career。however,The fate of a fatal blow in London,This time,Even the ordeal TengHaiBin also difficult to maintain consistent again gentle smile,He cried。


对手  日本军团反应平淡 opponents  The Japanese army reacted calmly


TengHaiBin exit for China's biggest rivals for Japan,Is a good news,But Japan boasts react to light。

  日本男队主教练立花泰很平淡地表示:“我当天训练时才知道滕海滨受伤和退赛的消息。不过无论谁受伤、谁退出,日本队要专注的是自己的比赛。中国队不是日本队唯一的对手。 ”立花泰认为,美国男队最近表现抢眼,也是很强的竞争对手。日本队的领军人物、“全能王”内村航平表示:“我不会去想中国队如何,只会专注于自己的表现。 ”

The coach's flowers made Japan said very light:“I don't know the training TengHaiBin injured and dropped out of the news。But no matter who were injured、Who quit,Japan is to concentrate on our own game。China is not the only rival Japan。 ”Made spend Thai think,The recent performance of the eye,Is also very strong rivals。Japan's leaders、“King almighty”Navigation within village flat said:“I don't think the brigade in China,Will only focus on their performance。 ”

  “坚持了八年的奥运梦想就差三天就这么破碎了,确实没有想到会是这样一个残酷的结果;我败给了伤病,我只能无奈地去面对和接受”。 “谢谢大家的支持和鼓励,谢谢兄弟们的安慰,谢谢领导的信任。”“我已尽力,大家放心,我会坚强的,我会为兄弟们加油!为中国体操队加油!愿中国队好运!我会跟你们站在一起,与你们同战斗! ”——滕海滨

“To the eight years of the Olympic dream by three days so broken,There is really no thought is such a cruel results;I lost to the injury,I can only reluctantly to face and accept”。 “Thank you for your support and encouragement,Thanks for the comfort of the brothers,Thanks for leadership of the trust。”“I have tried to,Everyone trust,I'll strong,I will cheer for the brothers!For Chinese gymnastics team come on!Good luck to China!I'll talk to you to stand together,With you in battle! ”-TengHaiBin
