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奥运会开幕式流程确定 3D效果诠释“奇迹之岛”--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网伦敦奥林匹克体育场7月27日电(记者宋方灿 张子扬)伦敦奥运会当地时间27日晚9时正式开幕,记者在提前获取的开幕式秩序册上看到,这场演出主题为“奇迹之岛”(Isles of wonder)。现场的工作人员已经向记者发放了3D眼镜,表示即将上演的是一场3D声光大餐。
London Olympic stadium July 27-(Reporter SongFangCan ZhangZiYang)The London Olympics local time 27 9 p.m. official opening,Reporters in the opening ceremony of the order in advance for the book to see,The theme of the show“Miracle island of”(Isles of wonder)。The staff have issued to reporters 3 D glasses,Said will be put a 3 D sound and light dinner。
In the opening ceremony of the first page order book wrote-don't be afraid:The island is full of noise,Noise and sweet gas,This brings happiness,And will not hurt others。
开幕式的第一个章节是女王(Her Majesty The Queen)。在这个环节,伦敦乃至英国人民欢迎全世界的人们来到2012年伦敦奥运会。
The opening ceremony of the first chapter is the queen(Her Majesty The Queen)。In this section,London and even the British people welcome the people all over the world come to the London 2012 Olympic Games。
第二个章节是“欢迎来到奇迹之岛”。这是一位文艺演出部分,由著名的导演博伊尔执导。随着5,4,3,2,1的倒计时声响,演出大幕正式开启。整场文艺演出分为“绿色与快乐之地”(Green and pleasant land),大混乱(PANDEMONIUM),快乐与荣耀(Happy&glorious),医护人员演出的Second to the right,and straight ontill morning,插曲(Interlude),感谢蒂姆(ThanksTim),与我同住(Abide with me)等环节。其中,插曲部分将夹杂卓别林、“007”詹姆斯 邦德、哈利波特等英国元素,感谢蒂姆部分为向互联网的发明者、英国人蒂姆 伯纳斯-李(TimBerners-Lee)爵士致敬。
The second section is“Welcome to the island of miracle”。This is a part of theatrical performances,By the famous director Boyle directed。With five,4,3,2,1 the countdown of noise,The performance start unfolds。The art performance into“Green and the happy place”(Green and pleasant land),chaos(Pandemonium),Joy and glory(happy&glorious),Medical personnel performance of the Second to the right,And straight ontill morning,episode(Interlude),Thank Tim(ThanksTim),Dwell with me(Abide with me)Links such as。Among them,Episode will be part of the mixed Chaplin、“007”James Bond、British elements such as harry potter,Thank Tim part is the inventor of the to the Internet、The British Tim Bernard, lee(TimBerners-Lee)Salute jazz。
Then there is the parade of athletes from all over the world,According to the English alphabetical order,The birthplace of the Olympic movement Greek routinely existed in the first place,The host of the last British players a game,Accept the crowd cheering。
接下来的环节是有关英国人创造的体育运动的展示,如,英国铁匠麦克米兰发明的第一辆自行车。在“让比赛开始”的环节,国际奥委会主席罗格和伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安 科将分别致辞。在升奥林匹克会旗,奏奥林匹克会歌和运动员宣誓后,演出进入一个新的环节:不灭之光(There is a light that never goes out)。最后,开幕式在“甲壳虫”乐队的灵魂人物、音乐传奇保罗 麦卡特尼的《最后》(the end)歌声中落幕。
The next link is the British people create sports show,if,The invention of the British blacksmith McMillan first bike。in“Let the game started”link,International Olympic committee President Jacques rogge and the London organising committee chairman Sebastian secco will gave speeches。In the Olympic flag rise,The core and the oath of the athletes,Performance into a new link:Don't destroy the light of the(There is a light that never goes out)。finally,Opening ceremony in“The beatles”Is the soul of the band、Music legend Paul McCartney《finally》(The end)Song ended。
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