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  伦敦奥运开幕式你怎么看?这是个万花筒,一万个人从中看到的一万个花瓣都是不同的——— 还有人看到的只是似乎杂乱无章不知所云的枝枝蔓蔓。

The London Olympics? What do you think?This is a kaleidoscope,Ten thousand people see ten thousand petals is different--and people see is pumped ManMan zhizhi seems to be without rhyme or reason。


It is“The more national,The more of the world”。It is said that the director Danny Boyle · watching the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony,He thinks his chance。He is very clear if than grand grand、ever-roaring,He is always better than but Beijing,This tendency has peaked in Beijing Olympic Games,I'm afraid less than China, then at the games is not beyond。It also let him know,He must choose another way。

  伦敦奥运会开幕式耗资2800万英镑,约合2.8亿人民币,而北京奥运会开幕式花了8.31亿人民币。单说烟火,北京奥运会开幕式就烧了1800万元,而伦敦奥运会开幕式呢?让我悄悄告诉你,他们才放了合60万人民币的烟花,是北京的1/30。但伦敦奥运会压根就没想跟在北京奥运会后面,他们只是把自己独有的、铭刻着鲜明英国特色的元素捡选、组合、放大,在这个夜晚,秀给了全世界一个“英国表情”——— 你也可以当做是这个曾有过无限辉煌的昔日帝国的一次“集体有意识卖萌”。

London the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games cost 28 million pounds,$280 million RMB,And the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony spent 831 million yuan。But fireworks,The Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony is burned 18 million yuan,But London the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?Let me tell you quietly,They just put $600000 yuan of fireworks,Is 1/30 of Beijing。But London Olympic Games never expected to have to in the Beijing Olympic Games behind,They just put their own unique、Is engraved with elements of the British characteristic distinct sorted、combination、amplification,On this night,Off to the world a“British expression”--you can also as the had infinite brilliant of the former empire once again“Collective conscious come to sell”。

  英国也许是近现代史上落差最大的国家——— 如果中国不提异议的话。百年前的“日不落”大英帝国是人类史上版图最大的国家,在率先完成了工业革命后,他们的国力独霸全球。然而现在,世界领跑者的身份早被美国夺走(当年美国都是英国领土的一部分哪);身在欧洲,英国的话语权也被德、法所瓜分———当然还有前苏联解体后留下的庞然大物俄罗斯。英国人曾经拥有太多,英国人也失去太多。在世界民族之林,他们就像一位没落的贵族一样,仍然保持着绅士风度的姿势站在热闹的舞台边缘,一如他们仍孤傲地独立于申根协议和欧元区外。

Britain may be close to the modern history of the biggest fall countries-the-if China does not mention opposition。Hundreds of years ago“Day does not fall”The British empire in the history is the largest country in the territory,The industrial revolution in finished,Their national strength take over the world。But now,The identity of the leader of the world by the United States as early as claimed(In the United States are part of the British territory which);Body in Europe,Britain's voice was also DE、The law of carve up--and, of course, the former Soviet union left after colossus Russia。The British have too much,The British are also lose too much。Among the nations in the world,They are like a declining aristocracy,Still keep a gentleman standing posture in busy stage edge,As they are independent of the schengen agreement to the public and the euro zone。


The British empire although decline,But British culture in the world culture always occupies an important position。British people know too much history can only sell to show their lonely,Will one thousand years to inheritance、Distinctive characteristics of British cultural enrichment dedicated to the world,Just accord with the UK is very traditional country,But always want to set up modern、Fashion and vibrant country the intention of the new image。


Industrial output from、Output war、Output capital to the output culture,British tried different ways to the world that its own existence。London the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is a field in musical theater always through:We'll see Mr Bean、007 and harry potter,Turn an eye again became the beatles、A rolling stone gathers peace g · Freud,A look back David Beckham、D jeans and redgrave and show up...

  输出文化、在世界面前卖萌是要有积淀、有自信、有底气敢于自我调侃的。英国虽然没落了,但英国的文化是有底气的。听听人家的国歌:《天佑女王》,上帝都是人家亲戚,有这自信还有神马搞不定的?让国家元首和007一起背伞包跳直升机?这在某些国家是想都不敢想的事情——— 这就是差别。在奥运会开幕式上让性手枪(SexPistols)乐队当众演唱曾被禁的以羞辱女王而著称的吐槽版《天佑女王》,此时皇室尊位上伊丽莎白女王垂威正坐,这在有的国家早就被请去小黑屋喝茶了——— 这真是差别。有的国家诞生万维网创始者蒂姆·伯纳斯·李,有的国家则推出“功夫网”(GFW)掌门人方滨兴,一出场就可以把蒂姆拍死——— 这更是差别。只有根深蒂固的文化优越感才能让英国展现出这样一种幽默感,在瞬息万变的世界中保持一份风度和从容。

Output culture、In front of the world come to sell is to have a accumulation、confident、Have bottom spirit dare to self the ridicule。Although the UK decline,But Britain's culture is a bottom spirit。Listen to a somebody else of the national anthem:《Fortune favors the queen》,God is somebody else's relatives,Have the confidence and god make uncertain of the horse?Let the head of state and 007 back together pod jump helicopters?This in some countries is to want to all dare not to think things-this is different。In the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games for the sex pistols(SexPistols)The band singing in public have banned to shame the queen and the spitting is famous for its slot version《Fortune favors the queen》,At this time the royal honour on a queen Elizabeth's vertical is sitting,This in some countries have long been please go to the little black tea house--that's the difference。Some countries was born the world wide web founder Tim berners-lee,Some countries are introduced“Kung fu nets”(GFW)Chief executive FangBin xing,Starts can shoot dead- -this Tim is different。Only the deep-rooted culture superiority to make Britain showed such a sense of humor,In a fast-changing world keep a gentle and quiet。


What we call a“Culture industry”In the UK it is specifically named“Creative industry”,Average annual production value of nearly $60 billion,Accounting for about 8% of GDP,More than any a kind of traditional manufacturing output value of creation。But in China the number is much?I will tell you,2011 years of the latest number was only 3%。Creative industry is one of the most dynamic British economy part,Scale and financial industry quite,Britain is one of six strategic economic industry,Look from the industry,building、Visual performance art、Software games and the fastest growing electronic publishing;Music industry is one of the pillars of the British culture industry,Place in the world after the United States,Its export earnings and even greater than steel exports。


China is the world's most long rich history and culture of one of the country,The cultural industry in China than any other country in the world of the rich historical and cultural resources,But in the modern society,China to offer to the world culture symbol but very few,This is also“incomparable”'s opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on scale、History to win back one regret。China is in the modern culture industry lag behind,The origin is the institutional。From the planned economy s,Culture industry、Cultural activities will be incorporated into the national administrative system and career system,So art creators identity became a“Literary and art workers”。Zhang xian2 liang4 of this phenomenon had enormously:“From the top to the bottom of the all culture activities,All became the central and local government activities,All of the country's cultural activity has become a government behavior。”


Loss of creativity,Is a state and national most worth deplore things,And creativity of the left blank,Is all“strongholds”Filled by。That today,We will show the world output“madeinchina”Made in China,But difficult to output China brand,The more difficult to output creative、appeal、Impressive Chinese culture symbols。

  如果有生之年,可以在中国再次上演一次奥运会开幕式,我所期待的不是排山倒海的场景、不是美轮美奂的造型、不是悠久历史的再现,而是一个属于现代中国文化气质的展现,打造一批属于现代中国文化代表、并在世界上有影响力的符号——— 中国的复兴,也将离不开一场深刻颠覆的“文艺复兴”。到那时,也许我们会看到这个世界上人口最多的国家如何在全球数十亿双目光注视下游刃有余地吐槽调侃,公然卖萌。(王智新)

If life,In China, a time out the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games,I expect not mountains of scene、Not beautiful ornate modelling、Not a long history of reproduction,But a modern China belongs to the cultural temperament show,Make a batch of belong to contemporary Chinese culture representative、And influential in the world--the revival of the Chinese symbols,Will also cannot leave a deep subversive“Renaissance”。then,Perhaps we will see the world's most populous country in the world to billions of double eyes navigates the room for ridicule spit slot,Openly selling come。(WangZhiXin)
