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孙杨赛后反击外国媒体 师傅为他两次推迟手术--亲稳舆论引导监测室


SunYang sprang from the water,Sitting on the hull he raised his arm to put a NO. 1 gestures,Fingers in the direction of the,It is the stands parents。SunYang lifted up their voice roars,Like the king kong fists slam the water,Out of his own emotions。And suddenly her face in her hands,crying,To fell into the pool,One side of veteran Wallace LuLi hurriedly come forward to comfort......


Last night,Olympic swimming running night,The water center audience along with China nova sun YangYiQi crazy。In the grand opera in the men's 1500 m freestyle final,Have a gold had SunYang not disappoint,By 14 points and 14 seconds of China's swimming team won the first grade of hardware,Shanghai world championships last year and will create the world record improve the 3 seconds 12。

  抢跳惊魂 孙杨当时脑子一片空白 SunYang panic starting before the starting signal was a blank brains


From beginning to end,SunYang title only breathtaking happen before the start of the game-he starting before the starting signal。


According to the swimming rules,Starting before the starting signal of,Even if only one,Also to be disqualified。The referee noodles have no facial expression to stand there,Let SunYang helpless in the water with both hands。Until SunYang swim to the shore,Then returned to the starting position,The referee or noodles have no facial expression,No any said。


“I was in the air,My mind was a blank,I have already was obtained。”After the game SunYang such a description of his own“Small heart”,“When the audience is noisy,I'm sure heard a referee start out instructions,But I didn't know he next say is a quiet please。But he did not sentenced to foul me。”


After the reporter understanding after the event,Not because SunYang result,The referee to bend to him,But the referee the starting process interference by the audience,Initiative to stop the,So the athlete does not exist starting before the starting signal foul。This let the Chinese audience a false alarm。


SunYang on after the game,Myself again burst into tears and the little episode about,“Starting before the starting signal I got very nervous......Also good game against the pressure,Than very well,So I was excited after the game。”

  没有敌手 只有世界纪录在追他 No enemy only world record in after him


Last night,Olympic swimming running night,The water center audience along with China nova sun YangYiQi crazy。In the grand opera in the men's 1500 m freestyle final,Have a gold had SunYang not disappoint,By 14 points and 14 seconds of China's swimming team won the first grade of hardware,Shanghai world championships last year and will create the world record improve the 3 seconds 12。


This is the most lively aquatic center a day,Not only seat and chairman's set all full,The aisles also were packed no place to stand。stands,SunYang family JiShuaShua to put on red clothes,When the first one in the heats of the SunYang wearing red headset come walk,Site thronged。


Although SunYang said before the game LuLi is his veteran Michael enemy expected,But a step into familiar 1500 m“battlefield”,His only the enemy,Only his。100 meters from the start,SunYang sharply on behalf of the world's leading the red line-it was his record in Shanghai last year,Keith hackett, the broken 10 years to keep the record。

  世界纪录努力而徒劳地追着孙杨,而无论是迈卢利、科克伦,还是韩国人朴泰桓,这些自由泳的顶尖选手则都是奋力地接近着世界纪录。最后的100米,全场观众 不由自主地站立起来为孙杨欢呼——多达一个身位的优势,让新的世界纪录已经不可避免。

World record in vain efforts after SunYang,And whether LuLi Wallace、cercolen,Or PiaoTaiHuan people in South Korea,These freestyle top players were struggling to close the is the world record。The final 100 m,The crowd involuntarily stand up and shout for SunYang-up to a body position advantage,Let the new world record has inevitable。


“This gold MEDALS I very very very to。From 2008 to the present,I have been to this moment and try hard,We pay too much too much!This gold MEDALS for me are so significant!Victory belongs to China!”Mixed interview area,SunYang took three“very”Express his desire,“Americans can do it(Break the world record),Europeans can do it,I want to,The Chinese can also do it。”


The victory for 21 years old sun for China on the only YouYongShi Yang cheng of the man the Olympic double gold king,Asia YouYongShi the only four players took the medal。If again broke the world record is just a proof,So scream + hitting water + tears these rich abut is the the international new star a declaration to the world。

  在刘翔之后,孙杨让世界在泳池中见证了新的“中国速度”。在国际奥委会委员、中国冬奥会冠军杨扬给孙杨戴上金牌后,孙杨身披国旗,不停地向教练、观众和队友们致意 ,“在1500米这个项目上,我觉得还有提升空间,四年后还会有更出色的表现。”无疑, 这名只有21岁的中国小伙子前程远大。

After in liu xiang,SunYang let the world in the pool in the new witness“China's rate”。In the international Olympic committee、China's Olympic winter games champions to wear gold medal SunYang Yang,SunYang flags and,Keep to the coach、The audience greeted and his team-mates ,“In the 1500 meters and the project,I think you have to rise,After four years will have more outstanding performance。”undoubtedly, This name is only 21 Chinese guy future。

  霸气十足 Dye-in-the-wood show

  孙杨赛后反击外国媒体 凭啥用有色眼镜看中国 SunYang after the game against foreign media by use of colored glasses look at China


In the game of the SunYang who died,In the press conference also ambition is dye-in-the-wood。


These days of swimming competitions,The rise of China saw by overseas media speculation,Not only the media keep questioned China doping,Almost every time a Chinese athletes to participate in the press conference,Also will have a similar problem。


Last night's 1500 m freestyle news conference,And foreign journalists GuJi heavy give,Asked to the outside world he've China swimming question whether can become his power,Faced with a provocation,SunYang confidently said:“1500 meters are my strengths,No one can shake my position。China's progress and doping now swimming is irrelevant,By his hard training。”He also directed at foreign media with tinted glasses look at China,“For instance the United States,Franklin in the 200 m swim up and our butterfly as fast,She also can't born so fast,Is also trained。When she swam out 2 minutes and 4 seconds 06 good result,If the harvest is not encourage and applause,She is what attitude?Not because she is American,That has a kind of superiority。I think the Chinese are now than americans poor,No better than any country poor,China's swimming as well。”

  对于自己取得的好成绩,孙杨动情地表示:“一天24小时,我除了睡觉外,其他时间都在训练。今年去澳洲训练时,那边是冬天,早上下雪时非常冷,我经常感觉自己非常不舒服,但还是坚持下来。像早上四点半起来时,那真是无比痛苦,特别是在高强度训练后的一天,而且接下来又是一个高强度……我觉得不光我不容易,我的团队也不容易, 教练父母都是四点半起床。”

For you have got good result,SunYang passionately said:“24 hours a day,I but sleep outside,Other time in training。This year to Australia when training,There is winter,Morning when the snow is very cold,I often feel very uncomfortable,But still persevered。Like the morning get up at 4:30,It was very painful,Especially in high strength training day,And the next is a high strength......I think not only I don't easy,My team would not be easy, Coach parents are at 4:30 get up。”

  恩师情深 Teacher love

  为爱徒,朱志根两次推迟手术 Had kinder words for,ZhuZhiGen two delay surgery


When his brother Yang game when the children,ZhuZhiGen silently came to China in the square,Different is,His hand ice,Apply his chin。According to ZhuZhiGen revealed,Because nodules and became larger serious swelling,Now have a meal all not line,Therefore one will go from London immediately lymphoma surgery。


“A sugar、A pack of salty biscuit、A bottle of JiuXinWan”,Look very strong ZhuZhiGen,Work packages for the total this a few things。Once getting hungry,Not promptly added,His hands nerves are had no control。For often sudden angina,JiuXinWan is ZhuZhiGen help pill。After got lymphoma,He has twice refused to surgery,In order to successfully on the highest SunYang let the podium。


In order to let SunYang grades better,The two years ZhuZhiGen many times with the disciples to Australia,Training from the“King of the freestyle”Hackett's Dennis。“First language,Zhu guidance and Dennis can't communicate,Therefore more than 50 years old he began to learn English。I go to Australia last year,He has spoken English and sign language and Dennis dialogue。”Province, director of the center CaoHong swimming management told reporters。

  在澳大利亚,丹尼斯的训练方式也让朱志根大开眼界,“过去我们队员每天都是10公里,但丹尼斯讲究的是实效,时间短但强度高。”曹宏告诉记者,虽然朱志根已经是浙江的功勋教练,但他还是虚心地向外国同行请教,“对于他这样的著名教练,改变自己多年的训练理念很痛苦,但他还是毫不犹豫地去做了。”(殷小平 黄启元 刁勇 陈婧)

In Australia,Dennis training way also let ZhuZhiGen big open horizon,“In the past we have players every day is 10 kilometers,But Dennis cultured is the effect,Time is short but high strength。”CaoHong told reporters,Although ZhuZhiGen is zhejiang exploits coach,But he still learn with foreign counterparts to consult,“For such famous coach,Change their years of training concept is very painful,But he had no hesitation in to do......。”(YanXiaoPing HuangQiYuan DiaoYong ChenJing)
