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奥运第13日:中国1金美国反超 博尔特书写传奇--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网8月10日电 伦敦奥运会结束了第13天的争夺,一共产生了23枚金牌。中国在多个冲金点上表现不够强劲,仅收获1金后被美国反超。美国凭借田径赛场和集体项目上的出色表现,狂揽5金后以39枚金牌反超中国2枚领跑金牌榜。东道主英国继续位列第三,俄罗斯凭借银牌较多超过韩国,位列第四。

Beijing, aug. 10, the London Olympic Games ended 13th day race,Produced a total of 23 gold MEDALS。China in the multiple impact gold point performance is not strong,Only after harvest 1 gold by the United States put。The United States relies on track and field competition and collective project performance,After his season-high five gold and gold medal win 2 pieces of China to lead the world。The host British continue to third ruler in the kingdom,Russia with silver more than South Korea,Ranked fourth。


陈若琳摘中国第200金 跆拳道海峡双姝揽银铜 ChenReLin pick China 200 gold taekwondo strait two girls LAN silver copper


Women's diving single 10 m platform game,ChenReLin landslide success defending,Leading runner-up of 55 points。ChenReLin took personal fourth gold medal at the same time,Also harvest the summer Olympic Games in China of 200 gold MEDALS。Another Chinese player HuYaDan,The first two wheel appear serious mistakes,The last was only 9。ChenReLin two Olympic Games won four gold,Has tied the fu mingxia、Guo two“Diving queen”results。


ChenReLin with so high efficiency performance,Success is not prove himself“A flash in the pan”,“In fact insist on down the power is not only for the gold medal,I would like to prove to the outside world,The Chinese women's platform athletes not only the jump,Wouldn't a flash in the pan。”ChenReLin then said,Four years later, the Rio Olympics, she also want to go to。


Women's taekwondo 57 kilograms in the game,China is not short HouYuZhuo host contestant,Harvest silver。Injured HouYuZhuo has been behind,Although the last round in increasing attack strength,Has no turning back。HouYuZhuo said after the game,Have a good stamina is led to her the the main reason for the failure。


In a bronze medal match,Chinese Taipei player had oak over import Finnish player,For Chinese Taipei win a gold precious bronze medal。In YangShuJun、The yankees lost WeiChen one after another after for MEDALS,Once oak better live up to its promise,For the Chinese Taipei gemblemymnastics team won the games second MEDALS。


任灿灿无缘首金享受过程 王娇卫冕失败泪洒赛场 As for himself the first gold enjoy process king charming defending failure tears in action


Female boxing 51 kilogram level,Produced female boxing in the Olympic Games first gold。All the way into the final as himself,Can't break through British veteran Adams this close,The lost won the silver medal,This is also the Chinese female boxing MEDALS first Olympic medal。


“Although I lost the game,But I did not lose confidence in himself。”Walk down the podium let himself smiling,Said enjoyed the process don't care the results,“I enjoy the process of final,My motto is:Would rather do enjoy process player,Not to do the pursuit of results of the slave。”


Women's freestyle wrestling 72 kilograms of game,Is the king of the battle of the j。But in five consecutive 2-0 victory over after the semi-final,She is not even in“Double play”,The last even a piece of MEDALS didn't get。


Is not out of wrestling venues,The king charming has no tears in the eyes of。“I have some unwilling,After all this four years came up and is not easy,”She cried and said,“I can not accept the result。In the match before,He could still have the hope to seize the MEDALS。”


Women's double kayak 500 meters in the final,Payoff was zhou yu/WuYaNan won the fourth。Men's double rowing in the final 1000 meters,Li qiang/HuangMaoXing only ranked eighth,Chinese canoeing still water medal dream lost。


“闪电”博尔特书写奥运传奇 美巴女排将再演巅峰对决 “lightning”Bolt writing Olympic legend beauty, women's volleyball team will playback peak confrontation


Men's 200 - meter run final a head of a tail,“lightning”Bolt twice FengZui with your fingers,The first is to let the audience be quiet,The second is to the question“Shut up”。Success defending 200 meters champion later,Bolt became an Olympic history the first place the men's 100 m、In the 200 - meter run champion player。


After clinching bronze medal of gold and silver,“lightning”Bolt and“beast”Blake、Will three Jamaican fully in“London bowl”Celebrated in 20 minutes。Washed before the finish line,Locking victory at the club and the peripheral vision of his teammates Blake one eye,Then he index finger seal his mouth,Like let those questions“Shut up”。


Today's“London bowl”Finally ushered in the track and field on the field of the first world record,Kenya's Rudy sand in the men's 800 m final in the Lord,And with 1 minutes and 40 seconds 91 broke the world record keeping。


Men decathlon and triple jump two finals,All is the United States needs to gold and silver。In the triple jump at the man,24 years old Chinese teenager DongBin qualifying to 16 meters 94 achievement promotion。But in the final out of form,The first three jump all step on the line foul,Early exit from the race。


The woman javelin final with monopoly,Eventually the world record holder、The Czech republic's 31, wave tacoma Eva,The runner-up to exceed more than four meters distance,Ranked the project title。23 years old Chinese teenager lu meet the final ranking fifth,No MEDALS。


Women's volleyball team finished the race for the semi-final,Results the Asia are being swept 3-0,Will for the bronze medal。The United States、Brazil four years later again join forces with the Olympic final,In the local time 11 rerun peak confrontation。


As the games to win a big popular,The United States women's volleyball team swept all the way,The semi-final but also ended the trip to South Korea dark horse。The final strength of a significant slowdown in the face of Brazil,The United States is expected to take the first three series title。Brazilian women's volleyball team promotion stop-start journey,The last moment to the identity of the fourth in group into the last。But the quarter-final state back to yong,The semi-final win over opponents Russia。The game against Japan,The first two innings in Brazil are big the score to win,Deciding game restrain Japan 3-0 sweep the rally,Continuation of the defending of hope。


Men's beach volleyball finals,Germany combination brinks/lake mann engage in fierce battle three innings over Brazil combination,For the German won the first Olympic gold medal beach volleyball。


Women and women's water polo also lead the gold medal,The United States is winning the champions。Women's final,The United States 2-1 win over Japan champion,For the last World Cup final defeat to rivals for。Women play in the game,The United States with eight - 5 victory over Spain winning the championship。In the five、Six in the final,China through the overtime victory over Russia,Finally finished fifth。
