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菲尔普斯风流成性女友不断 新恋上17岁女菲鱼--亲稳网络舆情监控室
The London Olympic Games for Michael Phelps speaking,There are many joys and sorrows of life。Man 4 by 200 meters freestyle relay,Michael Phelps of the United States led the easily bemoaning the gold medal,And this gold medal special significance lies in,It helps Michael Phelps won his 19th pieces of Olympic MEDALS,Become the Olympic 116 years obtain medal most athletes。but,In his most important in the final 200 - meter butterfly,Michael Phelps was the runner-up behind。The left hand is record,Right hand is lost silver。This feeling let Michael Phelps became the most sentimental Olympics founder history。
菲鱼时代创造辉煌 Fe fish age to create brilliant
From 2004 to 2012,No one doubts that this is belongs to the era of Michael Phelps。Hand 15 gold MEDALS,He is a rare swimming prodigy。At the 2004 Olympics in Athens,Michael Phelps first show the Olympics is to be known to the world,He hit a won six gold MEDALS and 2 bronze MEDALS。In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,He record arbitrary 8 gold MEDALS shocked the world。To the London Olympic Games,Although continuous in the 400 - meter individual medley and 200 - meter butterfly single as well as the man 4 by 100 meters freestyle project defending failure,But such failure doesn't affect Phelps continue to belong to his age。because,In leading the team USA won 4 by 200 meters freestyle relay after gold medal,He has rewritten the Olympic history of 116 years。
Michael Phelps create miracle cause sports every field of ace respect and admiration。The international Olympic committee (ioc) President Jacques rogge said:“Michael Phelps created the Olympic history,Get 19 MEDALS,I want to his unique achievements show my salute。”Brazil pele is in their own personal web pages on Michael Phelps expressed respect:“He broke the Russian athletes Lydia Nina record,What he has done things reflected the great spirit of sports,Congratulated him on his winning the 19 pieces of Olympic MEDALS,A true champion。”In addition,NBA Dallas mavericks star,Last year the finals MVP dirk nowitzki praised the performance of the Philippines fish:“Michael Phelps won 15 gold MEDALS,This is crazy,Living legend。”
And for Michael Phelps speaking,19 MEDALS must not his Olympic Games end point。The London Olympic Games haven't sold one individual gold medal he,The next participating in the 200 m individual medley and 100 - meter butterfly gold medal wars,The top a will again face the teammate ROM chet challenge,After a is actually fe fish relative strength of weak project。Can recreate the wind of the king,New MEDALS will be no record again rewritten,Michael Phelps last Olympic trip is still worth looking forward to。
风流成性难逃悲情? Romantic disposition not escape the tragedy?
Michael Phelps is“myth”The architects of,But at the same time also is the tragedy of male leading role。Media analysis,Michael Phelps in the London Olympic Games in the 200 - meter butterfly failure performance,Is he love the consequences of integrity。Since 2008,And fe fish spread gossip beauty let a person dazzling。The famous large including first girlfriend,pit“butterfly”Amanda beard。Beard put pit is the stunner,1.75 meters devil figure、Sexy face,She and Michael Phelps to hug photos on the Internet from crazy,For this period of untreated,Michael Phelps did not admit nor deny。
And after the scandal of beard put nothing,Lily's way, become Michael Phelps's second rumoured gf。The British T stage model for this period of gossip once become Europe's most scenery of woman。Lily was born in 1987 in photography family,Height 1.78 meters,Vital statistics 81、64、89。So hot figure and Michael Phelps seems to be to match absolutely,However, this period of gossip in the Philippines fish didn't get admitted before the forgotten by the people。
In 2011 Shanghai world championships,Michael Phelps side finally have the can“See the light”girlfriend。She is miss California in 2010 nicole Johnson。It is reported,This relationship after the Olympic Games began in Beijing。Although Michael Phelps never on the outside confirm this relationship,But in Shanghai during swimming championships,Nicole and Michael Phelps moms to join Shanghai watching。Nicole shape although not as good as the Philippines fish before the two have an affair with his girlfriend,But also is outstanding talent and appearance。She is reading university with miss California beauty runners-up。But this period lasted three years feelings in London before the Olympics is over。
Although there is no keep nearby of beauty,But the Philippines fish will not so lonely。Came to London after,He seems to has a new goal。It is reported,Michael Phelps like has“Female version of Michael Phelps”Said the American teenager franklin。From the state of Colorado“Hope star”Or a 17 year old high school students。Michael Phelps came to London after active support to the reporter,He had to franklin“courts”:“Many a time have I tell her,Do you have anything、Need any help, just ask me,Send me message or phone can,I am always willing to help。But she hasn't contacted me。Anyway, I have been very active the。”
There are Suggestions that,Private life indiscretions Phelps is not in London to write brilliancy reason。this,Another American general luo chet give fe fish's largest understanding,ROM. Chet said:“A lot of people say that Michael Phelps is human,In fact he and everybody are the same。One failure cannot deny a person。”And fe fish is on the outside of voice ignored,As early as in before the Olympic Games,He will reveal to the outside the London Olympic Games after the determination to retire。perhaps,It to Michael Phelps,The gold medal was floating clouds,He is the most capital enjoy the Olympic Games man。
本报记者 黄越滔
Our reporter HuangYueTao
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