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Tomorrow morning,London will hold its third Olympic Games in history。however,This world only three times the city to host the Olympic Games not because of the arrival of the Olympic Games and appear too excited。In the opening day before,Chengdu shangbao reporter visit London city core area,Still can't strong feelings of the fire,Just in the Olympic park in Stratford,They flocked to see。

  冷 cold

  抱怨 警察称没时间陪家人 Complain that the police says no time with family


These days the temperature rise suddenly London,The highest temperature at noon yesterday to 31 degrees Celsius。Westminster is the core of the London area,Big Ben、Westminster、The river Thames, and other famous scenic spots here,But in addition to see the Olympic motto“Incentive generation”banners,Don't see any traces of the games。


“The Olympic Games to make us more busy,In addition there seems to be no let me happy thing。”37 years old, the police with golden brown beard cher,His forehead is full of sweat,He see the reporter hung London Olympic Games interview brand,Some helplessly complain a few words。He said,London Olympic Games with a lot of London life didn't too many relations,“The only change is I have no more time to stay at home,Usually the only five days class,But because the Olympic Games to six days class,To work twelve hours a day。”Cher area of work, is not fixed,But 12 hours of work must be full load,“Today you see me in Westminster,Tomorrow I may go to bond street,Do you know there are too many people around here,Always will be very busy。”


Not long ago,The British media constantly bus driver industries in the news of the strike,Cher, told reporters,The police did not strike,Rose in wages,But this instead is a kind of annoyance,“Now every week I can get more money,But I can't with my family,My two children,A four-year-old,A two years old,I hope to have more time and they stay together。”tomorrow,2012 London Olympic Games will unveil,But the desire of the cher, like an ordinary londoners,They won't go to the Olympic Games at the scene,“Ticket expensive,I won't go to the Olympics。”


Chengdu shangbao reporter discovery,Although the Olympic Games begin more occupy the newspaper pages,But London people seem to keep the distance with the Olympic Games,“I know that the Olympic Games will be opened on Friday,But it will not change my life。”Jim, said this,With the British consistent set of calm and distance。

  冷遇 部分火车不停靠奥林匹克公园 So part of the train will not call at the Olympic park


“This is not cricket。”This is the British people like to use the proverb,Show that the British in the rules、Fair value,They despise any do not follow the rules、Against sports moral behavior。The British in order、The rules also reflect in the Olympic Games the respect of the service。The Olympic Games opening tomorrow,The Olympic park in Stratford station will be the most busy on the site,But even if is such,Britons are not so special for the Olympic Games“exception”,Anglia said the railway company:“Because the weather was too hot,Part of the train will not the Olympic park docked。”

  除了乘坐central line地铁,大部分从伦敦市区前往斯特拉特福德观看奥运会的人都会选择在利物浦车站换乘铁路。运营这里的Anglia公司的新闻发言人为此道歉,但坚称至少有9趟从诺维奇到斯特拉特福德的车将不停靠奥林匹克公园,“我们的电缆还是1950年的,承载如此大负荷的客流需要升级,如果温度超过30摄氏度,那么火车无法像平常那样的速度运行。”为了尽量将列车晚点的麻烦降至最低,Anglia公司做出了这样的决定。

In addition to Central Line on the subway,Most of the city from London to Stratford to watch the Olympic Games will choose in Liverpool transfer railway station。Operation of the company's news here Anglia spokesman apologize for this,But insists that at least nine trip from Norwich to Stratford car will not stopped the Olympic park,“Our cable, or in 1950,Carrying such big load of the passenger flow need to upgrade,If the temperature more than 30 degrees Celsius,So the train can't like ordinary that speed operation。”Will the train in order to try the trouble to lowest,Anglia company made this decision。


On Monday the company in early actually the first Olympic test run appeared fault。The day after the end of the rehearsal,Line up close to a personnel to give half an hour to enter Stratford station,Because it was so crowded!tomorrow,In addition to the opening ceremony of the large staff,And the mass audience swarms into Stratford,London's subway still appear so“coldly”??

  热 hot

  热闹 游客开心购物拍照 Busy shopping happy tourists take photos


At present, only the northeast of London Olympic area, can feel the Olympic opening tomorrow the strong atmosphere,Here with west London show that life completely different spectacle。Chengdu shangbao reporter on the train arrived in Stratford,Is 9 a.m. local time。Train a stationary,The person in the car compartment full half down。Almost all people's direction is consistent with the--the Olympic park。The Olympic park out of the special monarch“Tourist area”streamed,Visitors scrambling to take out the camera,And behind the glaring at the home of the library“London bowl”photo。The local time tonight,The Olympic flame will be lit in here。

  人潮不断涌入,让奥林匹克公园新开的巨型shopping mall 韦斯特菲尔德生意兴隆,人满为患。偌大的商场,到了午饭时间,各家餐厅几乎找不到空位。“人越来越多,我都不敢想象开幕当天会是什么景象。”麦当劳的工作人员一边不停歇地忙碌着,一边回答记者的提问。

The people keep coming,Let the Olympic park to a new giant shopping mall west phil's business,overcrowded。So large stores,Lunch time,His restaurant found little room。“People more and more,I can't imagine what it would be on the opening scene。”McDonald's staff side nonstop busy,Side answer reporters' questions。

  紧张 安保升级荷枪实弹 Tense armed security upgrade


In the distance the Olympic Games and the day was unveiled,The Olympic park in the region and have the security before very different。yesterday,When a reporter out of the Olympic park in Stratford the station,Very easy to see two armed police patrol in,On the way to the Olympic park in,Sometimes such equipment is see police police police police police。They told reporters,Here some days have patrol,But dispensed bullets or recent events,“You know,Protecting the safety is my work”。

  在奥林匹克公园核心区域,成都商报记者发现,执勤的已经不是警察,而是军人!安检区已经全部交由身穿迷彩装的军人负责。每条安检通道,都配有十几位执勤军人。如此安保密度,让人颇有“大战临近”的紧张感。不过,执勤的军人看上去很威严,对负责的业务似乎并不明确,见到记者胸前的“非注册记者证”,几位执勤的大兵还为能否让我进入核心区展开了讨论,其中一位特别打电话请示了上级。只是最后的结论令人哭笑不得———“对不起, 请换一个安检通道,那边的工作人员比较专业”。(盖源源)

In the Olympic park core area,Chengdu shangbao reporter discovery,On is not the police,But soldiers!AnJianOu already all dressed in camouflage outfit by soldiers of the responsible。Each security screeners,Are all equipped with dozens of soldiers on duty。So security density,Let people quite have the“War near”nervousness。but,On soldiers look very dignified,Responsible for business seems to be to is not clear,See the reporter in the chest“Registered handles the”,Several on private also for could let me enter the core zone are discussed,One of the special call the superior for instructions。Just the final conclusion annoying--“I'm sorry, Please change a security check passage,There is the professional staff”。(Cover keeps)
