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日本柔道女队员松本薰叩开金牌门 首相发贺电--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月30日电 综合外电消息,日本代表团终于叩开“金牌大门”。在30日举行的伦敦奥运会柔道女子57公斤级决赛中,夺冠大热的日本选手松本薰开赛17秒便实现一个一本,直接完败罗马尼亚选手卡普里奥柳。这不仅是日本代表团在本次奥运会上所获的首枚金牌,更是在日本在该项目(涵盖56公斤级时期)的金牌的“零的突破”。日本首相野田佳彦也特意发去贺电,在后方声援日本代表团。

Beijing July 30, comprehensive news dispatches from foreign news agencies,The Japanese delegation got finally“Gold gate”。In the 30 at the London Olympic Games women's judo 57 kilograms in the final,Hotly fancied Japanese player Matsumoto cured kasai 17 seconds will achieve a a book,Finish directly with Romania player karp Rio willow。This is not only the Japanese delegation in this Olympic Games won the first gold medal,But also in Japan in the project(Covers 56 kg category period)Gold medal of the“Zero breakthrough”。Japan's prime minister wild tian jia and especially "sent a congratulatory message,In the rear support the Japanese delegation。


Wild tian jia "in the letter wrote:“Carring unflaggingly.and can、Get the gold medal,Congratulations on your。In the game you fully show the daily exercise results,heart、technology、Physical fitness is very great。”At the same time to prime minister in the Japanese delegation in the letter of congratulations wrote,“In the traditional Japanese judo project won the gold medal,Certainly will will improve overall morale。Please you believe in yourself,Try to play it!”


His post-match media interviews,Matsumoto cured said:“At the moment of victory,I suddenly realized that,I actually is the champion。At the same time I also thought of has been fighting with the judo 48 kg level and 52 kg category teammates。”


Matsumoto cured referring to the day before in Japanese judo“Cup with”start。Though Japan trip field goal is scored woman all seven project gold MEDALS,But in the two level of both hands。Participate in judo 48 kg stage game blessing friends see son even took six grand slam championship,Now are in a good position,But no MEDALS,Suffered to National People's Congress。Good friends see son himself all feel without rhyme or reason:“I'll regret life”。


And the Beijing Olympic Games 52 kg category bronze medalist village beauty is“Big heat will die”typical。Two-time world champion、Originally there is“GuLiang second son”Said the village beauty in the first round and go back home,Really make people didn't think。


Matsumoto cured for the Japanese delegation can achieves the first gold,She is very excited,Media said:“Can be‘The first gold’,I am very glad。”In the game has been serious she,May be nervous,Standing at the highest podium has been tinkering with bouquet。But in heard after Japan,Matsumoto cured finally show the expression of joy。
