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孙杨:我不想当一哥 刘翔林丹永远是我的榜样--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  孙杨在奥运会上的超级成功让人们不得不一次又一次地面对同一个问题,他会不会成为体坛新一代的“一哥”。于是,在昨天的发布会上,类似这样的问题一遍又一遍地被提出,孙杨也一遍又一遍地强调,“我不想当‘一哥’,我只想做我自己,我就是我,我的人生不用别人来定义。 ”

In the Olympic Games SunYang super successful let people have to again and again to face the same problem,He will not become a new generation of sports“A brother”。so,In yesterday's conference,Questions like these again and again was put forward,SunYang also emphasized over and over,“I don't want to be‘A brother’,I just want to be myself,I am who I am,My life need not others to define。 ”

  孙杨觉得,自己刚刚在一届奥运会上取得了成功,现在就称之为一哥还为时过早。“我只不过才开始我的辉煌,像刘翔、林丹这样的队员,他们早就在很多次比赛中证明过自己,现在依旧保持着非常好的状态,所以我还不敢奢谈‘一哥’。 ”虽然不打算做中国体坛的“一哥”,但孙杨已经准备向世界泳坛的“一哥”菲尔普斯学习了,“在我们这里说起伟大的队员,我的第一反应就是菲尔普斯,他也是我最崇拜的队员,虽然我肯定达不到菲尔普斯这样的高度,获得那么多的金牌,但我依旧希望自己能够像菲尔普斯那样,向自己的极限去挑战。”而对于自己的近期目标,明天就要回国的孙杨坦言,自己已经做好了迎接各种各样活动的准备,但在这些活动之余,他也想能够和自己的家人一起去度假,享受难得的悠闲。

SunYang think,He has just had in one Olympic Games a success,Now we call it a elder brother also too early。“I only started my brilliant,Like liu xiang、Lin such players,They would have in many times in the game that yourself,Now is still maintained a very good state,So I don't talk much‘A brother’。 ”Although not going to do the Chinese sports“A brother”,But SunYang have ready to the world of the pit“A brother”Michael Phelps to study,“In our here speak of great players,My first reaction was Michael Phelps,He is also my favorite players,Although I'm sure I can not reach Michael Phelps such height,Won so many gold MEDALS,But I still hope oneself can like Michael Phelps so,To his limit to challenge。”And for his goal in the near future,Tomorrow I will be returned SunYang said,He has prepared for various activities of the preparation,But in these activities more than the,He also want to be able to and his family goes on vacation together,Enjoy a leisurely and carefree。

  嘴上说自己不打算做什么“一哥”,但孙杨的行为举止已然拥有了“大哥”的风范。当在场的外国媒体再一次提出兴奋剂的问题时,孙杨发表了一段铿锵有力的讲话,让在场的许多中国记者不禁为他鼓掌叫好,“我要告诉大家的是,我们所有的成绩都是靠着自己的刻苦训练拼来的。不光是我们,每一个获得金牌的运动员都是这么一点点练出来的。昨天获得仰泳冠军的富兰克林,她怎么能够用仰泳游出蝶泳的成绩呢?如果她获得了这样伟大的成就之后,我们不去鼓励和祝贺,而是同样去质疑她的话,她心里又该怎么想?不能说,她是美国人就有一种天然的优势。我觉得,现在的中国,无论是游泳还是其他方面都不比美国差! ” (滕达)

Say you do not intend to do“A brother”,But SunYang behavior has had“Eldest brother”demeanor。When the foreign media once again put forward stimulant problem,SunYang published a sonorous powerful speech,Let the presence of many Chinese journalists can't help for his applaud,“I want to tell everybody is,All our achievements are on their own training hard to spell。Is not only our,Each of the gold medal athletes are so a little out of practice。Yesterday for the backstroke champion franklin,How she can use the backstroke the butterfly grades?If she get such great achievements after,We don't go to encourage and congratulations,But also to question her words,Her mind and how to think?Can't say,She is an American people will have a natural advantage。I think,China now,Whether swimming or other than the United States is poor! ” (Teng of)
