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福原爱要当“铁娃娃” 若遇到中国式集训会逃跑--亲稳网络舆情监测室


a,Reporter in the Olympic village come across Japan FuYuanAi table tennis players,She was only 24 years old,It's the third time to attend the Olympic Games。In the chat of time,FuYuanAi a“DongBeiQiang”,Appear very kind。She says,To strive to win a medal for Japan Olympic medal。


输给丁宁没有遗憾 To DingNing no regrets

  在奥运会乒乓球女子单打比赛中,福原爱在1/4决赛输给了中国选手丁宁,最终无缘四强。再次回顾那场比赛,福原爱不由得感慨:“丁宁太强了,我使出了全身力气,可还是输了,我没有遗憾。”在比赛一结束,福原爱的眼泪就流了下来,她表示,自己之所以会哭,是因为“四年一届的奥运会,我的单打比赛就这样结束了,心里实在很难过。 ”

In the Olympic Games women's singles table tennis game,FuYuanAi in the quarter final defeat to China's DingNing,For the final。Review the game again,FuYuanAi couldn't help feeling:“DingNing is too strong,I use the whole body energy,But still lost,I have no regrets。”At the end,FuYuanAi tears will flow down,She says,Reason I will cry,because“Four years a session of the Olympic Games,My singles had come to an end,Heart was very sad。 ”

  其实,在那场比赛中,福原爱是有机会的,首局较量她曾一度以10:6领先握有4个局点,但最终还是丁宁拿下了那一局,对此福原爱心有不甘:“第一局如果赢了,情况就不会是这个样子了。起码,能多打上一会。丁宁逆转取胜第一局,后来就越打越好,彻底放开了。我和她本来就有差距,根本挡不住。 ”

In fact,In that game,FuYuanAi had the chance,First inning bout her once to lead now holds four game point,But eventually DingNing win the game,This FuYuanAi heart has unwilling:“The first inning if won,It won't be this way the。At least,Can play for a while。DingNing reversal to win the first inning,And then to play better,Completely let go of the。I and she had a gap,Fundamental stop。 ”


希望团体能拿奖牌 Hope group can get MEDALS

  谈到本届奥运会上的目标,福原爱坦言,希望可以在团体项目中为日本赢得一枚奖牌!“因为上届我们争铜牌的时候,输给了韩国。到现在想起来那场球,还很难受。现在我们球馆里还有当时输球时候的照片,所以只有奥运拿了奖牌以后,才能忘记在北京打得那场球。 ”福原爱说,每次当自己觉得累了或者是想放松的时候,都会去看一眼照片,想想当时输球的感觉。

When it comes to the games on the target,FuYuanAi said,The hope can in the group project for Japan to win a medal!“Because the last we for the bronze medal,Lost to South Korea。To now like to the ball,Is still very uncomfortable。Now we have lost in the arena was the photo,So I only take the Olympic Games medal later,To forget in Beijing played the ball。 ”FuYuanAi said,Every time when I feel tired or want to relax,Will go to have a look at photos,Think about the feeling of losing at that time。

  如此在意奖牌,福原爱有自己的原因,“对我来说,奖牌是代表感激之情的一种象征。我觉得奖牌就像一个道具,是为了向那些迄今为止一直支持着我的人们做一个汇报。我的房间里甚至整个家中一座奖杯也没摆,一张奖状也没贴。如果在伦敦奥运会上能获奖牌,我想把它交给妈妈,同时我还想带着它回到灾区仙台。 ”

So care about MEDALS,FuYuanAi have their own reasons,“For me,The medal is on behalf of the gratitude of a kind of symbol。I think MEDALS as a prop,In order to to those who so far have been support my people do a report。My room and even whole home one trophy also didn't pendulum,A diploma didn't stick。If in the London Olympic Games won MEDALS can,I want to give it to my mother,I also want to take it back to the disaster area sendai。 ”


娃娃要做铁娃娃 Thing to do iron doll

  福原爱从三四岁的时候就开始打乒乓球,现在她已经24岁,用她自己的话说,已经打了20年的球了,“我绝对算是老将了! ”福原爱说。

FuYuanAi from three or four years old when he began to play table tennis,Now that she has 24 years old,In her own words,Has played 20 years of the ball,“I absolutely is the veteran! ”FuYuanAi said。

  算上伦敦奥运会,这一届是福原爱的第三次奥运之旅了,在上一届北京奥运会的时候,她甚至还是日本代表团的旗手,回忆那段经历,福原爱说,“刚开始我不想当旗手,因为我觉得没有当旗手的资格,我还没到2004年拿过冠军的人的水平,刚开始想推掉。那个旗子也很沉,但是意义更沉。但当时一直在训练,一直也没怎么练挥旗杆。 ”

Count the London Olympic Games,This session is FuYuanAi third Olympic trip,In the Beijing Olympics,She even or the Japanese delegation standard bearer,Memories that experience,FuYuanAi said,“At first I don't want to be a standard bearer,Because I feel to do not have when flagman qualifications,I haven't to 2004 champion the level of people,Just began to want to push off。The flag is also very heavy,But the meaning more heavy。But at that time has been training,Has been also didn't practice wave flag。 ”

  福原爱有一个外号叫做“瓷娃娃”,这主要是因为她的外形甜美,现在她已经不喜欢这个外号了,在她看来“瓷娃娃”是很脆弱的。“在中国我被大家称为‘瓷娃娃’,一开始还不明白这是什么意思。因为在日本不会有人这样叫我。我原来很爱哭,可能大家觉得我一摔在地上就会碎了吧。所以我想,这次奥运会上不要再像个瓷器了,我一定要成为一个用钢铁打造的‘铁娃娃’。 ”

FuYuanAi have a nickname called“Porcelain doll”,This is mainly because her appearance sweet,Now she is not like the nickname the,In her eyes“Porcelain doll”Is very fragile。“In China I was called‘Porcelain doll’,A start still don't understand what does this mean。Because in Japan won't someone calls me that。I used to love to cry,Can you feel me a fell on the ground will be broken it。So I want to,The Olympic Games don't like a the porcelain,I must become a with iron and steel create‘Iron doll’。 ”


受访者说 Respondents said


不喜欢中国式的集训 Don't like the Chinese training

  福原爱在几年之前就来到了中国,接受中国教练的指导,她和很多中国的运动员都很熟悉,但让她选择一个最想挑战的对手时,她却犯了难。“我是没法选择对手的,所以不管遇到谁,能做的只是发挥自己的全部实力。与中国的选手交锋真的能学到很多东西,我总是抱着多少要从对手身上学到点什么东西的心态来参赛。韩国选手也很顽强,从不轻易放弃。感觉就是不做好全力以赴死拼到底的精神准备就会被打败。 ”

In a few years FuYuanAi before they came to China,Accept the guidance of the coach of China,She and many Chinese athletes are familiar with,But let her choose a want to challenge your opponent,She has made a difficult。“I cannot choose the opponent,So no matter who,Can do is to develop to their full strength。And China's players exchange can really learn a lot,I always hold much from his opponent to learn something of point of view to the contest。South Korean player is also very strong,Never give up easily。Feeling is never go all out dead spell the end spirit preparation will be defeated。 ”

  通常情况下,日本乒乓球运动员一年只集训三个月,而在中国却要常年训练,对此福原爱并不羡慕,“如果那样我会逃跑的。 ”

usually,Japan's table tennis athletes training a year only three months,While in China will training all the year round,This FuYuanAi don't envy,“If so I escaped。 ”


人物简介 Character profile


福原爱 FuYuanAi


Japan's table tennis players,From practice table tennis was Japanese media attention and advertisers favor,Grew up in the spotlight。Close relations with China,In Japan and China has a good reputation。


FuYuanAi in childhood began to play to China。Because the digital China coach has brought,And in all over China long time practice,So can speak fluent Chinese,The northeast and so on each place are accent,Deep Chinese audience favorite。Because looks lovely,Not happy easy to cry known as“Porcelain doll”said。


In April 2005


China liaoning club signing benxi steel in Chinese table tennis super league,With a famous table tennis player wang nan and spirited fight side by side。


April 23, 2005


Met the Chinese ambassador wang yi,Write Chinese“China-japan friendship”Accept as a souvenir。


On May 8, 2008


President hu jintao during a visit to Japan,FuYuanAi to President hu jintao emulating the table tennis game skills。


In September of 2008


FuYuanAi was invited to become a famous Chinese table tennis players wang nan marriage when a matron of honour。

  (范宏基 隋海涛)

(FanHongJi SuiHaiTao)
