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3分球成美国男篮杀手锏 奥运夺冠历程堪称伟大--亲稳舆论引导监测室
From 2000 years of Sydney Olympic Games start,I haven't seen any one host the world competition city like London this to the United States basketball filled with worship and respect。London like fans from beginning to end“Kiss up to”As support for the U.S. men's national team,No wonder the European people always think Britain and Europe is difficult to communicate between the gap。
According to the past experience,claims“Dream team”The us men's basketball team in any outside the United States city were hiss of the object,Sydney so、Athens so、Turkey so,Even the United States by the cultural infiltration serious Japan and China,In 2006 world championship and 2008 Beijing Olympics,Most fans are expressed the United States basketball hegemony opposition。
In fact,In 2000“Dream team”For the first time by Lithuania and Sydney fans before the double challenges,“Dream team”Existence have made the world basketball into the dead end,In the world any a strength and confidence counter dream team。This also makes the United States basketball in the world series to get,Even run amok,Carter in the Sydney Olympic Games to the French center jarvis, ride a button is the best embodiment of the psychological。
For American basketball authority challenge from Lithuanian pick-and-roll attack and Sydney booed began in,This makes people see the tactical charm and the victory of the dawn。
The next Indianapolis、Athens and Japan,People suddenly found,Americans not only still arrogance,Still can't defend screen and roll,And unable to break through,And you're not scoring,And basically there is no tactics,All engaged in the basketball movement should have psychological quality and basic technology,Americans seem to all do not have。
This time,Beat the United States not only as a possibility,And become a kind of fashion。
In 2006 Japan world championship semi-final,Greece beat the game,Is the“Follow the fashion”At the work,The game is filled with the aesthetic feeling of tactics,Will the body conditions on the basketball movement influence down to the minimum。
Of course,If americans to give up the pursuit of this victory,And continue to them in the past few years even more badly style,So the world basketball and stalled。
American basketball for the new exploration from 2006 K to the coach,Six years,They at least to basketball movement to make the following several contribution,one,Attack broken zone,The second,Defensive prevention in screen and roll,thirdly,Will the team spirit ritualized and apotheosis。
obviously,If not the past six years the accumulation of the first three great contribution,The Olympic Games in London in the final against Spain is not strong。
London Olympic final,The Spain by all kinds of defense,Have made the door defensive tactics become into perfection,I think,Even dream team can break this defense,But this one dream team did。They can pass through the quick pull defenders,Can also use the simplest three-pointer tactics,Three-pointer is no longer represents a team of one's speciality,But the initiative to kill your opponent morale conventional weapons。
The final third of the fourth quarter,Durant in a stalemate has sent three 3-pointers,To help the team achieve win。If Beijing Olympic Games,Is kobe Bryant had a brainwave 3 saved the words,So to London,The United States has at least durant、Kobe Bryant、Anthony three extremely stable three locations。
The United States once is one of the world's most teams can't shoot,And in the London Olympic Games,They shot nearly 60% from the two points of the ball,3-point percentage close to 45%,Are far ahead。
Coach K in the United States defense are carried out in the lower level to improve the practice of mobile ability,They can even to defend screen and roll,Abandoned the traditional center,Will 3 players top to 5th position。
final,The United States the most effective a squad,Is Paul、Kobe Bryant、James、Durant and Anthony,This team in NBA,Not even a number four players。
The United States in the London Olympic Games and not much suspense title of the process,In the world of basketball is another contribution,You can think they improve the understanding for basketball,You can also think they make basketball back to the pass、shooting、Flexibility of natural,They finished the international basketball the way for international basketball to conquer。
In this sense,The americans were really on the basketball world hero。(TanJie)
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