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探访留守儿童暑假生活 分点爱温暖他们的天空--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  7月29日下午,九江湖口流泗镇红星村户外温度超过40℃。一个11岁的女孩在田间摘绿豆,满脸的汗水。她是流泗镇中心小学的学生,叫骆巧琳,暑假后将读六年级。骆巧琳的母亲在外地打工,她成为一名留守儿童。骆巧琳的生日在7月,正逢暑假。她最大的愿望是母亲能和自己一起过生日,但这个愿望至今还没有实现。 July 29 afternoon,Jiujiang towards the outdoor temperature GongXingCun includes flow of more than 40 ℃。An 11-year-old girl pick green beans in the field,A full face of sweat。She is the center includes flow elementary school students,Call LuoQiaoLin,After the summer vacation will be in grade six。LuoQiaoLin mother away at work,She become a left-behind children。LuoQiaoLin birthday in July,When the summer vacation。Her greatest wish is a mother can join for my birthday,But this desire have yet to achieve。


Summer vacation,When the children in the city were busy attend various types of training,Accompanied by their parents or holiday,For many of the same age for rural left-behind children,The desire of them can only hope is together with their parents。July 29,,The reporter comes to jiujiang hukou flow si town interview,Visiting numerous left-behind children family,Share these children's simple dream。

三个孩子在镜头前流下思念父母的泪水 Three children in front of a camera thoughts of parents shed tears

镜头 lens


说起爸妈黯然泪下 Speaking of parents dim and tears


想抱抱爸爸说好想他 Want to hug dad say to him


10 years old YuXinTong home more humble,In addition to the ground floor tile spread out,Hardly see the other adornment。See ZhouYangZhen vice President,General and fly,To rush toward the like his family the principal bosom。YuXinTong father work in shenzhen,And my mother is ready for specialists to find a job,In communication with reporters,For father misses very directly show。“Dad is very humor,Like to play with me,He and tickling,I always secretly to scratch his back。”Think of the scene with dad scenes,YuXinTong all smiles。


“Now dad is not around,I'm always very lonely。”A 10 year old child use to describe their loneliness,This let reporter is very sad。“Every night,I especially want to dad,He used the time at home,Will urge me to sleep,Now no he urged me to sleep voice,But I don't used to it。”YuXinTong said,call、See photos of the father is the only way he missed his dad。


“Every time I call for dad,He always says he is in the overtime,Very busy。Two days before the call him back to say not suitable for the climate there,Skin long rashes,I want to buy him a medicine,But he didn't want to buy,Because in shenzhen rent for money。Father is relieved I said,As long as I thought he would be a lot better。”say,YuXinTong bright eye was filled with tears,In a while rolling down from the face。“I really want to take the train to see dad,Want to hug he said I really miss him。”


能帮爸爸减轻负担就是在帮妈妈 Can help reduce the burden dad help my mother is in


July 29, afternoon,The outdoor temperature GongXingCun includes flow of more than 40 ℃。An 11-year-old girl pick green beans in the field,A full face of sweat。Her name is LuoQiaoLin,The skin is the sun tanning,But grow delicate,She has a pair of big eyes,Eyelash long,Very beautiful。LuoQiaoLin after the summer vacation will be in grade six。LuoQiaoLin mother away at work,Father in town enterprise work。LuoQiaoLin in GongXingCun home to do farm work any more,You have time to dad to work to help enterprise,Wash clothes、Cooking is the main part of the life LuoQiaoLin summer vacation。


“I seldom and talking to my mom,Because she always go out(work)。Mother call home,Always ask me homework have written,Is there help home work。”LuoQiaoLin said。This summer,LuoQiaoLin and dad、Brother lived together in the town of enterprise working father。Every rose up in the morning,LuoQiaoLin to help father and brother wash clothes,Help father evening rice、cooking。On Saturday to、On Sunday in the village to back home to do some farming。Fields to weed、fertilization、Cut cotton、Accept cottonseed、Kind of vegetables,The farm work LuoQiaoLin can very well。


“Help a home to do so many things,Mother call back,Is there and mother said?”The reporter asked。“I didn't tell my mother,Think it's no restrictions,Can help reduce the burden dad help my mother is in。”In fact,LuoQiaoLin miss mom、Hope my mother often come back such a strong desire,but,She wants to be with the birthday wishes with mother but failed to achieve。


想考上北京的大学,让爷爷过上好的生活 Want to take an examination of Beijing university,Let grandpa to live a good life


ZhouXuan into the house of grandpa,Will have to cross a hung cloth cloth of the great hall,Is again into a modest living room。Of the sitting room full of on wall ZhouXuan testimonials,“Miyoshi students”、“Outstanding young pioneers”These honors almost each semester to the children。Study good、Sensible cleverly is ZhouXuan evaluation to grandpa。


ZhouXuan excellent scores,But very few words。In talking with reporters,Even show a rebel。“I can't understand mother,I also don't want to my dad。”But to speak this sentence after,ZhouXuan tears can't help slide face。ZhouXuan told reporters,As long as she saw the television broadcasts the left-behind children program,Will shed tears。“Because I was a left-behind children,And my situation worse。”


ZhouXuan parents all over the field,She has been with grandpa ZhouXinYou life,This year at the age of 60 grandpa by doing the tailor's low income support the granddaughter live and study。


ZhouXuan told reporters:“I have a dream,College is,Beijing university of,The university can let grandpa to live a good life。”


关爱 love


流泗镇留守儿童题材被拍成音乐电视 Flow si town left-behind children theme was made into a music TV


JiuJiangShi county jiangxi province towards more than 60000 migrant workers,Their children left-behind children is 62%,Only the small town includes flow town has more than 1000 left-behind children,The county also be approved by the ministry of education for the jiangxi province only left-behind children problem to the study。


In July the town center elementary school includes flow,The classroom without LangLangDe ShuSheng,Open the playground with the students present the earth seems to run the lively。This is a all 1500 children in the town center elementary school,She and other school is different,Nearly 70% of the students are left-behind children。


“Father ah dad,Mother ah mom,I want to take you back and in front of the house,About private,Sing nursery rhymes。Mom and dad,Do you say。Father ah dad,Mother ah mom,How I want in the fields and you race,Many think you sent me to the school every day,Mom and dad,Because I was a little。”This is the town center elementary school includes flow with JiuJiangShi musician association cooperation of the first shooting a reflection of left-behind children living music TV《Because I was a little》lyrics。This song was handed over to participate in the central television channel the national children's children's songs the grand prix。《Because I was a little》Had taken out of the material,Including scene、Main characters from the town center elementary school includes flow。


And earlier in the year 2008,The town center elementary school includes flow wrote、homing、The play、The first part JiuJiangShi record himself by the countryside elementary school campus drama《Those dolls》,In the national caused a stir effect。


老师:留守儿童更需要关爱 The teacher:Left-behind children need more love


《Because I was a little》、《Those dolls》creation,Flow the town center elementary school includes the vice principal ZhouYangZhen all involvement in the process。July 29,,ZhouYangZhen, told reporters,Through the art form,Called on working outside of their parents、Calls for social attention to these left-behind children is the original intention of creation。“The children of parents emotional really miss let us so concerned,Those tears picture,Need not deliberately sensational,As long as asked:How long haven't seen mom and dad?The child's tears will flow from my eyes,It is to endure also cannot help but tears,Want to cover up also could not conceal emotion。”


Because of the special nature of the school,The school of the teachers need to pay more than normal school teacher efforts and care。《Because I was a little》Has become the center of the primary school includes flow“popular”songs,And in the left-behind children began to change。“The children also very good men。”ZhouYangZhen told reporters,“The school every year all have children was named JiuJiangShi left-behind children strive constantly for self-improvement star,Let us have more power for the children pay,In fact they need more love。”


“知心姐姐信箱”架起沟通桥梁 “Close sister mailbox”Up communication bridge


In the center of a variety of flow elementary school buildings,The reporter saw an iron box quietly on the walls,Top write“Close sister mailbox”。“Left-behind children,The teacher from psychological to guide,Is really care。Because miss parents,Some children will appear alone even since closed,And the intimate sister mailbox,The teacher know about the child's voice,Encounter problems opening up in time、solve,Is an important channel of communication with your children。”ZhouYangZhen said,“Close sister”Mailbox can receive the children every day letter,Was stuffed full,Content that reflects the life、learning、Miss parents, many problems,The teacher will be on every letter in reply carefully。weekly,The school will deploy a meeting,Request the teacher in charge and classroom teachers often drop left-behind children,And they have a heart-to-heart talk,Prompt understanding their life difficult,Solve their thoughts a knot in one's heart,Let them feel the thick love,Better healthy growth。


“Close sister,A few days ago dad called he was ill,I was sad,Because I never really felt dad so pain and sufferings。I miss my dad,My tears kept the flow。”


“In a morning,My dear mother go out for work,My tears finally can't help out。mother,You know,At that time I really want to say to you,mother,I love you。But this sentence I always say……”Reporters looked through a few of them at will to children“Close sister”letter,The letter is a record of any child to the love of parents and thick thoughts。


愿望 desire


扩大学校电子阅览室 Expand the school the electronic reading room


ZhouYangZhen vice President told reporters,School children is nearly seventy percent of left-behind children,Some of the children have an amazing talent and talent。“They sing、Will write lyrics、Will read、Will art,Some will also take their micro movie,They all have their own dreams。But unfortunately their talent can't get professional development and training,Display can be hard to get。”Participate in writing music songs、Campus short play,ZhouYangZhen also is wants to let more people know about these left-behind children of the status quo,With the action to them to love。


however,School children in supporting these also meet the pain。“Read more books,Let the child more contacts the knowledge outside the books,Scattered left-behind children is too miss my family attention is very good way。But the school library collection is not much,Want to build a electronic reading room,But the school only 10 computer,The school so many students,10 weeks to let each child watching an ebook。”ZhouYangZhen is very difficult。


记者手记 Journal reporters


分一点点爱给他们 Points a little love for them


The surveyed three children are all very excellent,They think of working outside of their parents,Will can't help shedding tears。Their emotions is lonely,Some even show fragile。According to ZhouYangZhen vice President introduced,School children because some staying feelings、Sentiments of the lack,The results appear landslide,Even psychological unbalance。“Through activities can change their weaknesses,But they need more psychological counseling。”ZhouYangZhen called for more social personage to love left-behind children,To pay attention to the group。

  你可曾见过一双看不见未来的茫然眼眸,在他的窗外没有童年的梦,也没有彩虹。留守儿童也有梦想,让我们用自己的行动,分一点点梦给他们,分一点点爱给他们,让惊慌的泪水不再滑落在他们的脸庞。用我们的行动,让留守孩子的童年也一样精彩!(大江网-信息日报 者李征、实习生王超、熊珍珍文)

Have you ever seen a pair of see the future of vacant eyes,In his childhood dream no outside the window,Also no rainbow。Left-behind children also have a dream,Let us use their own action,Points a little dream to them,Points a little love for them,Let the tears of the panic in their face down no longer。With our action,Let the left-behind children childhood too wonderful!(Dajiang nets-the information daily li zheng、Interns wang chao、XiongZhenZhen wen)
