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奥运魔咒:刘翔数字魔咒 东道主卡梅伦魔咒--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月11日电(金鹏飞) 历史总是惊人地相似和巧合,奥运赛场上亦是如此。各种“魔咒”困扰着奥林匹克,有些带来了无限的趣味,有些却让悲剧无情地循环上演。

Beijing, aug. 11(JinPengFei) History always surprisingly similar and coincidence,The Olympics is also so on。various“spell”Bothering the Olympic,Some brought infinite interest,Some but let tragedy inexorably cycle stage。


“1356”与“1287”:刘翔的“数字魔咒” “1356”and“1287”:Liu xiang's“Digital spell”


On August 7, 2012,People waiting for XiangFei people take off again。Surprise is,Liu xiang is behind the post“1356”。All this as if returned to the Beijing Olympic Games four years ago,Liu xiang will be the leg“1356”Number tear off,Peoples attention off the court still lives in the memory of the lens。


The flying and with 1.3 billion people、56 nationalities to expectations。However tragedy happen again,with“1356”Liu xiang can't cross on the Olympics the first column。The only difference is the liu xiang didn't tear down number,But with the spell general number,Be a wheelchair out the runway。


The winter in 12 years August 7 faint to say,“When liu xiang stood at the starting line,,Let us also feel very different,Today is to use camera recorded him exactly 12 years eight months and seven days,Season best result is 12 seconds 87,Can say he 12 seconds 87 tells the story of 12 years。”


“1356”Haven't go far,Again a“1287”。“1356”、“1287”The two overwhelmed by the number of liu xiang,In the heart of Chinese people will be forever ruin。
