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Originated in Britain's nine Olympic projects

  现代射箭 从1673年起,英国约克郡举行的方斯科顿银箭赛延续至今。1972年慕尼黑奥运会,射箭被列为正式项目。

Modern archery since 1673,British Yorkshire at the party, cotton silver arrow "continues today。The 1972 Munich Olympic Games,Archery is listed as official project。

  赛艇 1715年为庆祝英王加冕,赛艇比赛首次举行。1896年雅典奥运会,赛艇被列为正式项目。

Rowing 1715 to celebrate the coronation of king,Rowing race held for the first time。The Athens 1896 Olympic Games,Rowing is listed as official project。

  现代拳击 1719年,英国产生现代拳击历史上的第一位冠军詹姆斯·菲格。1920年安特卫普奥运会,拳击被列为正式项目。

Modern boxing in 1719,British produce modern boxing history the first champion James figg,。1920 Antwerp games,Boxing is listed as official project。

  现代曲棍球 1861年,英国出现了第一个现代曲棍球俱乐部。1908年伦敦奥运会,曲棍球被列为正式项目。

Modern hockey in 1861,United Kingdom in the first hockey club modern。1908 London Olympic Games,Hockey is listed as official project。

  现代足球 1863年,英国成立足球协会,并制订了第一套统一的竞赛规则。1908年伦敦奥运会,足球被列为正式项目。

Modern football in 1863,British football association was established,And make the first set of unified competition rules。1908 London Olympic Games,Football is listed as official project。

  竞走 1867年,英国举行了第一次竞走锦标赛。1908年伦敦奥运会,竞走被列为正式项目。

Race in 1867,Britain held the first race championship。1908 London Olympic Games,Race is listed as official project。

  水球 1869年,英国出现用小旗标定边线和球门的水球比赛。1900年巴黎奥运会,水球被列为正式项目。

Water polo in 1869,In Britain with a small flag fixed line and the goal of water polo game。The Paris games in 1900,Water polo is listed as official project。

  现代羽毛球 1877年,第一本羽毛球比赛规则在英国出版。1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,羽毛球被列为正式项目。

Modern badminton in 1877,The first badminton competition rules published in England。The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games,Badminton is listed as official project。

  乒乓球 1890年,英国人通过改革网球初创乒乓球。1988年汉城奥运会,乒乓球被列为正式项目。

Table tennis in 1890,British people through the reform tennis start-up table tennis。The 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul,Table tennis is listed as official project。


Jacques rogge said:“If the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,is‘Olympic home’words。So the London Olympic Games,Modern sports is to make it back to the birthplace of Britain。”

  国际奥委会主席先生并不是第一个给英国人戴高帽子的人,最近随手翻阅《体育管理理论与实践》,美国学者莉萨·马斯特拉莱西斯在她1998年出版的此书中一再强调,“英国是现代体育和体育产业的出生地”。而英国人也丝毫没有谦虚的意思,他们的宣传词就是,“The modern Olympic Games coming home!(现代奥林匹克运动会回家)”

The international Olympic committee (ioc) Mr. Chairman is not the first to British flatter people,Recently read with《Sports management theory and practice》,American scholars lisa javier terra lacy, she published in 1998 this book emphasized,“English is the modern sports and sports industry's birthplace”。But the British are also no modest means,Their consumer proposed is,“The modern Olympic Games coming home!(The modern Olympic Games to go home)”


In fact,The British are also do not need to obey,“The birth of modern sports,Britain's industrial revolution is marked。”Geoffrey hill written in 1997《British sporting -- the future of postmodernism》The article,There are so description。Finish after the industrial revolution,British society and middle class elite families,Their offspring to the noble school。School teachers,In order to avoid students in trouble during the boarding everywhere,To consumption of their excess energy as the starting point,Set up a lot of physical education curriculum。


In 1828,,British a man named Thomas Arnold educators,One of the first sports as school courses,The development of modern sports played a decisive role。Under his influence,In 1844 in Ireland's capital Dublin university of Dublin,Hold the world's first students track and field。Since then,All kinds of modern sports like mushrooming was born,Most modern Olympic Games can find their source in Britain,Some even including China's“sport”Table tennis and badminton。Thomas Arnold is considered to be the creation of modern sports man,He advocated in sports competitions will cancel the barbaric rough,Strictly abide by the rules,Advocate sports moral。These requirements,Also with the Olympic spirit happen to coincide。


In fact,Give the father of the modern Olympic baron DE coubertin with inspiration,Is also the British。in《Voltaire's coconut -- Europe's British heat》There is a section,That is about a slight coubertin,In the travel around Europe,Find a strong national constitution is at that time the British empire dominate the basis of the world。so,With respect to the angles · Saxon worship,In order to promote the French nation,Coubertin is a prescription:Sports and sports。In Britain the Locke town temperature inside the library,Still keep coubertin in 1890 to local doctors Brooks's letter,The latter as early as in 1850,Is organization of local residents have a modern Olympic Games rudiment of the games。

  体育运动,对于塑造英国人的民族性格起到了重要作用。19世纪后半叶,绝大多数英国人均热衷于体育运动,深受“强健之体魄,开拓之灵魂”影响,这也为英国成为显赫一时的“日不落帝国”打下了坚实的基础。英国人崇尚的“费厄泼赖”(fair play 公平竞争)等现代体育的理念也随后传播到了全世界。

sports,The shaping national character of the English played an important role。The 19th century,The vast majority of British per capita keen on sports,deeply“Strong body of,Exploit the soul of”influence,This also for English become eminent temporary“Days without falling empire”To lay a solid foundation。British people pursue“Fee e spilled on”(Fair play fair competition)And other modern sports concept and then spread to the world。

  现在,现代体育,又回家了。 (记者 何鹏楠)

now,Modern sports,Home again。 (Reporter HePengNan)
