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奥运来临 跟哈利波特游英国(组图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  麻瓜们的假期,正是霍格沃茨魔法学校开学的日子,虽然哈利·波特已经毕业,但电影为我们创造了永不消逝的完美旅程,不用转动赫敏的时空表就可以重温哈利的学生时代。《哈利·波特》系列电影可说的上是纯粹的英国电影,应原著作者罗琳要求,不仅主要演员全部是英国籍,而且全部场景都在英国拍摄。看着屏幕中宏丽神奇的画面我们会赞叹,会神往,但亲身来到英国跟着哈利波特去上学是不是更棒呢。 Muggles holiday,It was at hogwarts school day,Although harry potter have graduated,But the film as we create the perfect journey will never fade,Don't turn the hermione will can review harry space-time table of the student。《Harry potter》Film series to say on is the pure British film,Should the original author jk rowling requirements,Not only the main actors are all UK,And all scene in the British film。Looking at the screen HongLi magical picture we will gasp in admiration,Will be charmed,But personal came to Britain with harry potter to school is better。


1.伦敦Leadenhall市场对角巷,购买魔法学校的生活学习必需品 1. London Leadenhall market diagon alley,Buy magic the life of the school learning necessities


Before the start of the harry potter,Need to go to a place that only wizard to take out a gringotts old gold to buy necessities of life to learn。In the movie the is the mystery of diagon alley is London street Leadenhall market,It is a Victorian London market of the classic representative,The cobblestone roads on foot,The roof is made of glass,From the many unique flavor of the restaurant and prosperous variety of chain stores。

  哈利在这里第一次见识到了魔法世界的丰富和神奇,我们在非周末去也可以进入“破釜酒吧” 里逛逛,但老板会笑着对你摇头这里不供应酒水,因为它原本就是家眼镜店。注意,可千万小心不要误闯了隔壁的翻倒巷,别忘了那是个充满丑恶黑魔法的地方。

Harry here first experience to the magical world rich and magic,We in the weekend to also can enter“The leaky cauldron” Around the,But the boss will smile and tell you the shake head here don't serving drinks,Because it was originally optician's home。note,But be careful not to mistake rushed through the next door of knockturn alley,Don't forget that a full of ugly black magic place。


2.伦敦王十字火车站九又四分之三站台,前往学校 2. The king's cross station in London on platform nine and three quarters,Went to school

  开学这天,大家忙乱地从陋居里出来,来到王十字火车站(King"s Cross),我们可以在第9和第10站之间的墙壁上找到一个“PLATFORM93/4”的牌子,我们要和哈利·波特他们一起从这里乘搭霍格华兹快车。

Opening day,Everyone from the hectic's Curie out,Came to king's cross the railway station(King"S Cross),We can in the ninth and the 10 stand between the walls of the find one“PLATFORM93/4”brand,We want to and harry potter together they ride from here at hogwarts express。


The king's cross station is the most important of the London transport hub of one,Is London subway lines of the fair, more than the station,Is London to the north of England and Scotland the train leaves the station,We know now that there is also the magic world,As long as with eyes closed and shouted at advance to the wall,Open my eyes is another magical place。But a lot of people see that one half is stuck in the wall of the cart was afraid,Do you want to show the courage。


3.格伦菲南高架桥霍格沃茨火车铁路线 3. Glen phillips viaduct hogwarts train south railway line


But not every back can be successful on a platform nine and three quarters of the train,If you and harry again meet wall more than access than magic,Can only open the Mr. Weasley flying car to drive the school。Look down,Finally in glen Philip found in south viaduct hogwarts for the red one,Mood suddenly relaxed。

  这是在夏季5月至10月才能乘坐到的西海岸铁路公司雅各比特(Jacobite)蒸汽火车。这座格伦菲南高架桥(Glenfinnan Viaduct)则是苏格兰高地西部铁路线威廉堡(Fort William)至马莱格段的必经之地。

This is in the summer from may to October to take to the west coast of the railway company Jacob bits(Jacobite)Steam train。The glen Philippines south viaduct(Glenfinnan Viaduct)Is the highland western railway line at fort William(Fort William)To the only place for grid marais reclaimed。


4.Alnwick城堡霍格沃茨魔法学校 4. Alnwick castle hogwarts school


Off the train,In hagrid's lead the people take carriage,And then by the ship can see the hogwarts castle。Hogwarts castle Alnwick is located,Is located in northeast England a quiet Alnwick town,Is northumbria Abram passed from generation to generation the duke of a has a history of 700 years ZuZhai。

  这里规模仅次于伦敦温莎城堡,城堡内部也很奢侈豪华,共有 9个房间面向公众开放,不过冬天的时候这里会关闭,因为霍格沃茨师生们也要回家过圣诞节是吧。

This scale Windsor castle next to London,Inside the castle is also luxury luxurious,A total of 9 room faces is open to the public,But in the winter here would be shut down,Because hogwarts faculty and students also coming home for Christmas. Yeah。


5.牛津大学基督教会学院霍格沃茨大礼堂 5. Oxford University Christian church at hogwarts school auditorium

  在霍格沃茨里我们可以看到宏伟的汤姆塔,典雅的四方院,这一切都取材于牛津大学中最大最有名的基督教会学院(Christ Church College)。基督教会学院的华丽学院大厅就是霍格沃兹的宴会厅,它既是食堂又是礼堂,是魔法学校非常重要的地方。

In hogwarts we can see fine Tom tower,The four corners of the elegant courtyard,All this based on Oxford University in the name of the largest and most Christian college(Christ Church College)。Christian church college at hogwarts is luxuriant college hall of the banquet hall,It is not only the dining room is the auditorium,Is a very important place magic school。


Harry and his friends every day in here,Discuss the problem、planning,The new students in here to wear the sorting hat to select a suitable institute,The headmaster dumbledore to here to announce significant events,Halloween、Year-end party and other important day also elaborate dress up,There were also done for harry to lose your head of the examination room,Of course the most beautiful or become the triwizard tournament、Christmas party held venues。


But the magic world is magic is dangerous,Can't without authorization in college a cross,Be careful with designated route,Or you may want to seminary converted into a small hall of the hogwarts the infirmary spend a period of time。


6.牛津大学波德林图书馆霍格沃茨图书馆 6. Oxford University library contained wave at hogwarts library


To do so much homework parchment,And there is also a learning the partner hermione,How can less got libraries。This is the largest school library contained wave library(Bodleian),Known as the Oxford University's classic culture symbols,More than 9 million copies of books in the library。


In the library to look for the book,You can imagine,Five Kings、40 Nobel Prize winners、25 British prime minister and famous writers may have been in your position on the stand。Here is also the harry transfiguration、potions、The classroom of the history of magic。Whether do you also want here to learn how to the damned malfoy into the skunk,To find a book or the prince's old books。


7.格洛斯特大教堂霍格沃茨神奇的拱形走廊 7. Case Ross super-large church hogwarts magical vaulted corridor

  差点没头的尼克,哭泣的桃金娘,恶作剧的皮皮鬼……在霍格沃茨神奇的走廊上经常有各种让我们麻瓜奇怪的,嗯,事物。这个让哈利和罗恩他们状况频生,而又经常流连的霍格沃茨拱型回廊,所在地是建于681年气氛肃穆庄严的格洛斯特大教堂(Gloucester Cathedral)。

Nearly headless Nick,Myrtle,Gag peeves……In hogwarts magical corridor there are often all kinds of let's muggle strange,well,things。This let harry and RON they born in frequency,And often linger hogwarts arched corridors,Built in 681, is located the atmosphere of the solemn silence, Ross super-large church(Gloucester Cathedral)。


Ross's super church located close to the wales British town gloucestershire,It is a just a couple of hours in a circle around to town,Take two hours from London train can arrive。But according to legend,Really have buried in a gloucestershire graveyard dead monks,Often lurking in the basement of the old church,Courage enough you will go。


8.苏格兰高地魁地奇比赛 8. The highland quidditch match


How can not go to the big good friends hagrid's forest cabin to look at it?An emergency in the night with a secretly to cloak to look for him。Hut in the beauty of the choking on the highland,Through the green grass slope,The back is thick and dangerous deep Lin。To see the forest was in the terrible after spider,We finally had to in“The triwizard tournament”Deep in the forest,Here is the beautiful scenery of the nevis canyon and magnificent branch river valleys,Bubbling streams,Slope steep,The valley of heather,Both sides have a towering peaks,The river is flowing between mountain waterfalls。


Rugged ups and downs、Magnificent grandeur of the Scottish highlands are suitable for the magic world held together wizards enthusiasm quidditch match,try,Maybe we have become good seeker's talent。


9.杜伦大教堂猫头鹰小屋和魔法教室 9. Thrun's cathedral hut and the owl magic

  魔法师们总有与霍格沃茨以外世界联系的信使,它们是忠诚可爱的猫头鹰,哈利在冰雪覆盖的静谧方形庭院里将他机灵的白色海瑟薇放飞,而这座宏伟的庭院就是杜伦大教堂(Durham Cathedral),是英国最具代表性的诺曼罗马式结构建筑。

Mage are always have with the outside world of hogwarts contact messenger,They are loyal lovely owl,Harry in the quiet of ice and snow square in the garden will he smart white hathaway let go,And the magnificent courtyard is thrun cathedral(Durham Cathedral),Britain is the most representative Norman Romanesque structure building。


Mrs. McGonagall is also in the cathedral points the synagogues,Teach the students how to hogwarts the animal into tall,But also to from magic do be careful,Don't forget to RON was here in the unfortunate her spell,Keep vomit a nose nose nose insect insect insect……


10.利维斯登制片厂 10. The AD jarvis studios


《Harry potter》Film series in Britain is many different places produced finish,Point to many unimaginable,But the main production in London about 20 miles northwest of jarvis, the ring(Leavesden)studios。Follow harry potter in hogwarts school,In order to more specific feeling there study life,Maybe we should go this year have been in spring opening to the harry potter movie studios to see see,Attractions covers more excellent scene in the movie,There are many“The hogwarts magic school”Props of the model,Everyone in here to experience the wizarding world of harry。


In addition,We can also follow harry to wales west fresh water golden beaches up exploration on holiday,There is bill、Lotus their shells cabin;In the lake district can windermere looking for harry riding a hippogriff owners are required in the air of trace;Can go to London zoo article find python chat,See yourself whether too“parselmouth”……You can believe that,This is not dreaming。
