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广州玉岩书院9月修缮 正申报全国重点文保单位--亲稳网络舆情监控室

玉岩书院修缮后效果图 Jade rock academy after repair depicted 玉岩书院修缮后效果图 Jade rock academy after repair depicted
  玉岩书院正申报全国重点文保单位 修葺工作9月动工 Jade rock is declared the key national academy WenBao unit repair work on September started construction


Reporters from related departments to understand luogang rose,Located in Yang cheng old eight sights“Laura hillock sweet snow”Of scenic spot jade rocks are being declared the key national academy units of cultural relics protection,Will soon make become a collection of antediluvian gu yun and folk experience in one of the large-scale tourism scenic spot,when,The citizens can appreciate that year“Jade rock ShuSheng”。

  7月24日,本报都市新闻报道了《门楼破落白蚁蛀 玉岩书院待修缮》,内文刊登了读者报料,其称:“大洋网在2011年初曾经报道,萝岗区要对玉岩书院进行维修,直到今天却毫无动静。”

July 24,Our city news reported《Gate house rundown termites decayed jade rock academy to repair》,Nevin published discommodious readers,It says the:“The nets in early 2011 was reported,Rose to jade rock luogang academy for repair,But nothing until today。”


Reports out after street,Cause a great influence on the,Laura district culture department recently introduces to the reporter says,1983 years,Jade rock by guangzhou government announced the academy for the municipal units of cultural relics protection。By the end of 2008,Jade rock with Laura peak temple academy(ZhongYuYan tomb containing、ZhongShi big ancestral hall、ZhongShi six ancestral hall、GaoFeng in general)And the provincial government announced for the provincial level units of cultural relics protection,Is being declared national key units of cultural relics protection。


修缮将在今年9月份动工 Repair will in in September this year started construction


The reporter understands,Laura district government will invest 190 million yuan to jade rock with Laura peak temple academy renovation。Repair work in the middle in has,Will be in in September this year started construction。In the jade rock academy renovation project before,Cultural relics departments of spatial rose has jade rock nearly ten thousand yuan in college,For jade rock supporting facilities academy transformation,Replace the aging of wire、XiangAn、Censer and other facilities,And the academy for temporary support and termites prevention and treatment。Within the academy inscriptions plaque,Also the rubbings,And the collection of stone set)。Last march,Laura district of cultural relics department has entrusted the protection of cultural relics of the unit qualification started the jade rock academy mobile repair work of cultural relics,There is no lack of among them don han yu's“A kite flying fish would jump”plaque,Song zhu xi's“Explose the quarter”Word plaque、Of wen tianxiang psalms,The interference of Shanghai、The king of hengyang TiBian,The four seasons ZhengBanQiao qing bamboo carving、Zhang zhidong's ShiBei and so on。Now in the academy and the wooden tablet has been fixed furniture finish,Arrange the right field unity has kept the collection。


打造成为综合旅游景区 Make become integrated tourist scenic spot


The reporter understands,At present,Jade rock with Laura peak temple academy is declared national key units of cultural relics protection,Laura district is preparing to jade academy and the rock rose fragrant snow to fight a guangzhou famous cultural tourist attractions and brand。According to the design,Scenic area is divided into jade ShuSheng rock、Laura peak morning、Xiangxue found fang、Ancestral hall from、Ancient tomb several regions,Visitors can not only in the surrounding absolutely beautiful scenery tour,Still can feel the rose of folk life。At present,Jade rock academy protection plan has the city cultural relics department、The city planning department for examination and approval to agree,The next step will be submitted to the provincial related department for examination and approval。
